~~5~ ae. 470; ~ o Q In Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tease. 4 Speoial November Term, 1919. Nov. 19, 1919. 0 In matters oP the eapendlture oP Bond Money and 15~ t4a money by the Board of H. D. ~2 Speoial Road Commissionera. It ie ordered, addRdged .aAd deoraed by the Court that all bond money and all f1P- teen per cent tea money ba expended by the Board appointed by the Commissioners' Court, towit: Jim vlallace, :aalnor ~humard and Osoar Nowlin; provided there are no legal obatruo- tions thereto. No, 471, Q In matters oP Apportlonment of X240.00 0 In Commissioners' Court oP Kerr County, Tessa. G of R. & B. #4, to be applied to an ea- In Special Session, November 19th, 1919. 0 feting $900.00 debt of said Precinot. It ie ordered, adjudged and deoraed by the Court that said apportionment oP X240. OO,~R. & B~. ~4 oP November 11th, 1919, by this Court made, be and the same is hereby credited to a debt of $900.00 ezisting against an id R. & B. ~4. THERE BEING NO FURTHER HU5INH59 TO COME BEFORE T1iE COURT AT THIS TIRE, the fore- going planter Prom page 421 to 425, inclusive, were read in open Court, and found aorreot, and are hereby approved by the Court, this the 19th day oP November, A. D. 1919. Attest: ./ ~~^ a„c..a~.u.al~County Clerk. ~oun~y u ge. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEXAS,O COUNTY OF KERR.Q BE IT REMEMBaRED, that on this the 27th day oY. Deoember, 1919, there was begun and holden a Speoial Term oP the Commissioners' Court oP Kerr County, Texas, nt the Court House ther eoi in the town oP Kerrville, Tessa:-- OFFICERS PRESENT: gon. Lae Rallaoe, County Judge, ld. K_ Hood, Commissioner oP Pr eoim t ao. 2, Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commissioner oY Preoinet No. 3, Chas. A• Rodgers, Commissioner of Preoinat No. 4. J. T. Moore, 3her1PP and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk. The Court havdng been regularly ppened, the Poll owing prooaedinga wero had, to-wit: ao. 473. 0 In Commdeeionere' Court of Kerr County, Tezae. 0 CLANS AND ACC OIINT9 AGAINST KERR COUNTY. In Speoiall Seasioa, December Efith, 1919. Q parious oleima and aooonnte oame beYore the oourt to be oonaidsred, and it ie hereby ordered by the Court that said claims are allowed and shall be paid out oP their reapeotive Punda marked on said claims, reParenoe ie here made to the Minutes oY Accounts Allowed in Book b, page 43, which is made n part oP these minutes. IIo, 473. d In Matters oP Canvassing returns and In Commieaionere' Court oP Kerr County, Tessa. 0 declaring results of Sp ea. R. B. ffisotie In Special Seeeion, Deoember 27th, 1919. Q held in R.Y.#3, oP Kerr Co. Deo.E3,1919, Por $12,000.00 Road Bonds. On this day the Commissioner's Court being conveyed in Speoial Seaeion, canvassed the returns oP the Speoial Road Bond Eleetion held in R. D. iE3, of Ksrr Couaty, Deoember E3, 1919, Par ;1E,000.00 $oad Honde, finfling the result of b4 votee oast "for the ie~3eac~e <. of X15,000.00 o' xat~$,~londs sad forytrhe 171'§ of ohs ~eoeei(~r tiis:ln relbnoit"~tsar:el~ ~i~`4 33 votes oast "Againpt theipaupnae of ,12,000.00 Road Bondp andagainait.thq levy.a;.flu ," neoe`dfuey tas in puppoFt tbers0i,"!!~n'a total of g7 votes oast at said slegtlpn. ~'u7,1 tabul;- `+ " tion'oY acid canvass appears in Election Return Beoord, Vol. 2, page 1g, which is ends a part oY those minutpp. ASD WHiBIC•S. it appearing to the court that said election fallsd to carry, and that atwo-thlyda mt~ority Sa necessary, therefore the court hereby declares that said tesue was defeated ap evidenced by tho aanvaee oY paid returns. Thsrs bsinR no fur#her bualness to acme before the Court at this session the 6oust ad3ourned, and the Ygregoing minutes from page 4E6 to 4E6, were read in open Qourt, a~ Yonnd true and aorrsot and are hereby approved by the Court, this the E9th day of December, A. D. 1919. ATT$4T: . R. ~~-=' •' County ClerY. o_~~ ~~~ ~ County Judge. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE ON TEiAS,I 0 COUNTY OF KsRa.P B& IT RE1LF.6[BS12ED that on this the 10th day of January, A. L. 18E0, there was begun and holden a 9peoial Term of the Commieaionare' Court ad Kerr County, Te:;p, at the Court House tharooY Sn the town oY Kerrville. Texas: OFPIOERS PRE98NT:-- Hon. Les Wallace, County Judge, Arthur 8ea1, Gommieaionsz Precinct Eo. 1, DL. K. Hood, Commipaloney P;eaina# No.. $, Hugo WiedenYald, Commlaeionsi Pxeolaot go. 3, Ohae. a• aodgere, Commiaeiones B=aoinot IIa. 6. J. T• Yoore. ShsriYY and Jao. H. Lsavell, pours#y Clark. THE COURT HAVIHB BEEN REGULARLY OPSNED AND THB FCdLOWIH6 P$OO~D1NbS W>1~C8 H.-D, TC-WIT:';e go. 496, 0 In flatter of CLimq and Accounts 0 Ia Commissioners' court of Kerr County, Tesse. ; filed agaizyt KerY County. IA Speaial Seaeion, January 10th, 18E0. Q Claims against Kerr Oounty after being examined by the Court were allowed sad ordered paid by the L`lerk, as whown by reference to cuinutae of Aaoounte allowed, Book b, page 44, which is made a part of these minutes. No. 476, ~ In matters oY Necessity oY Appointment 24 Gaunieeioaera' Court, Kerr County, Tezae. Q cis Justine of the Peace in and for J. of 0 In Special Session, January 10th, 18E0. - P. Preoinet No, E, Kerr County, Taxae. ;r r: '~; On Lhie day cams on to be considered the necessity of a Jnatioe o3 the Pesos ,~, 1n and for Justine of Ysaoe Preainot Ho. 2 of Kerr County, Tessq, a@d it appearing to the ' `s~~ Court that Jame6 Crotty is qualif4id to fill said appointmpnt, therq.Yare. it Sa hereby ordered, ad~udgod and decreed by the Court that said Jamep Crotty iq appointed Justios of ` the Pesos in and for pnetioe'e Precinct No. 2 of Kszr Connty,'Teaas, that paid appointment ,~' shall take sffept ae soon ae said James Crotty has quallYled himpsl~ anal takpanLhe oath { .' required by law. :• `x^`` '-----------^- ao. 496, In QoWmieaionere' Court, Kerr County. Tessa. 0 1 In Special Session, Jams#z'~ 10th, 19E0. Q CGl th,1a dey on #Q be ooapidsrpd ~~'_ ,p T In mgttsre aY He-insuring Court nouea in the amount of $1E.000.00 against Loae by 81rs. ikon of"#~+' 48en#