~~ of the 9t. Paul IIarine & Nire inauranoe Company to insure the Court House oP Kerr County, in the sum of X12,000.00 against loss by Yire. And it appearing to the Court that hie proposition and polioy is a reasonable one, and that said Court House should be re-inanred •gainat loss by tire, it is here ordered, adjudged and deoreed by the Court that the Court House of xerr County, Tezae, shall be insured is the amount of $12,000.00 Par five years, in the St. pant ;,urine r~ Nire tnaurance CompaxL7, and it is Pnrther ordered that the premium on said polioy amounting to X424.80 shall be paid out of the advalorem frond to r. ~a. Peterson, Agent far the above Company, and the Clerk shall issue vouoher therefor. Bo. 476} 1 In Commieeionera' Court; Kerr County, Tease. -THS 3TATS OF TSXA3'r` " 9peaial Term. 1920. G, COUttTY.Cg KERA.1 Tanupry.lOth, 192Q. On this the lOthlday of January, A. D. 1920, at a Speo Ll Meeting of the Commissioners' Court oY Kerr County, Tease, an order was passed authorizing Lee wallaoe, as County Judge of said County to borrow X36,000.00 tram the Chae. 9ohreinsr Bank Yor the purpose oY extinguishing a bond debt Yor like amount which is eziating against the territory in Kerr County formerly known and designated ae Road Diatriot Ho. 1. And the County Judge Se hereby authorised to ezeoute a note in the name of Kerr County Yor Bald amount bearing interest at the rate of 4-1~8 per oent, payable aia months attar date. Said amount to be repaid to the Chao. Sohreinar Bank out oP the first money realised tram the sale of Bonds, not yet approved, against the present Road Diatriot Ho, 1. And the County Judge le hereby instruobed to pay over said amount to the County Treasurer oY Kerr County, taking reoeipt there Yor and tiling same in this Court, and the County Treasurer ds hereby inatruoted to pleas said amount to the oradit of the oinking fund of original Road Dietriot Ho. 1, oY Kerr County, Texas, Yor the purpose oP eztingulah- ing said Bond indebtedness. THE STATE OF TESA3.I In Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Teaas. 0 COUHTY OF KERR.O 3peoial January Session, A. D. 1920. The Court now, on this the 10th day oY January, 1920, ordered that this 3peoial Session shall stand adjourned until pedneaday, January 21st, 1920, at 10 O'olook A. B1. Yor the purpose of traneaoting Yurther business. THE BTATS ~' TSEA9,l In Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tezae. COtIDTTY 0@' KB'RR.f 3peoial Sesefon, January 21st, 1920. pursuant to an adjournment taken on Jaxmary 10th, 1920, the Court re-oonvensd •t the Court House in the town of Kerrville, Kerr County, Tease, on this the 21st day at January, 1920, with the Yollowing quorum present, to-wit: gon. Lee wallaoe, County Judge. Arthur Real, Commieaioner Preainot Ho. 1. M. K. Hood,. Commieaioner Preoinet Ro. 2. Hugo 1-iedenYeld, Commieeionar Preoinot Ho. 3. 7heT. Poore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, Clerk. Tha Court having been regularly re-opened and the following proaesdings wer• ~ had, to-wit: THS 9TATS Cd' TE8A3,~ Ho. 4R8. COUSTY ~' KSHR.~ On this the 21st day of January, A. D. 1920, the Commissioners' Court of gerr CodIIty; Thee, being ooxtseated in a 3peoial 9eeaion at the Court House of said County. in Kerrville, Tszae, a quorum being present, to-wit: Ron. Dae Wallaoe, County Jndgs. Arthur Rsal, Commissioner of Preoinot go. 1, `'o M. K. Hood, Commissioner of Pr eolnot Ho. 2. Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commissioner of Preoinot Ho. 3, And passed the following order, to~wit: On this day Dams oa to be heard the petition o4 Gua. 8hlsre, Sr _, and over Fifty other per- sona who are resident property tax payers sad qualiPisd voters of Commieeionere' Preoinot yo. 3, of Kerr County, Tezae, being a politipal eubdivlaion oY said County and deeoribsd t; by metes and bounds ae Follows: Beginning at'tb.e N. 8. oorner o3 Preoinot Ho. 1, is Kerr and Gillespie County line; Theme South Weat and South East with lino oY Preoinot Mo. 1 to H. W. oorner of Preoinot So. 2, on Survey No. 1423; Thenoe S• E. in due~oouree to H. E. oorner oP Survey Ho. 33. Gso. Z. Howard, with line No. 2; Theme South Wset and SaeL with the Eaet line oY Preoinot Ho. 2, to its S• E. oorner in line oY Kerr and Bandera Counties; Thenos S• E. with a-id County lino to the 3. E• ooxnsr oY Kerr County; Thenoe II. with E. w line of Kerr County to its t~. 8- oorner; Ths nos Wsst with said Zerr and Gillsep ie line to the plane oP beginning. To be oreated into a Road Dietriot oY Ksrr County, Tezaa, and that bonds be ieeued by said Road Dietriot oY Kerr Bounty, Texas, in the anm oY Twelve Thousand ($12000.00 Dollars, bearing interest to be Yized by the Commissioners' Court not to szoeed Yive and one half per aentum per annum and maturing twenty years Pram the date o! the deeuanoo oY said bonds, For the purpose of Dom truoting, maintaining sad operating maoadamiaod, graveled and payed roads and turnpikes or in aid thereof. Ind it appearing to the Court that said petition de signed by more than Y1 Pty of the resident property taz paying •atsre of the abov and Foregoing Beset ib ed tssr it Dry of Kerr County, Texas, and that the amovat of the bonds to - bs ieeued will not sensed one-Yourth oY the aaeesaed valuation of the real yroperty situated in eaia above deeoribsd territory of Kerr Gounty, Tezae• Zt da therefore Dam idored and ordered by the Oourt, that the above and fore- going deearibed territory oY Kerr County, Tesae, be and the same 1s hereby oreated into a 8oad Dletriot to ba known qnd designated ae Hoad Dietriot E1o. 3, of Ksrr County, Tezas. And St is Yurths; ordered by the Court that an eleotloa be held in the said wbove deeoribsd Road Dietriot 80. 3, oY Ksrs County, Tssas, on the 24th day of February, A. D. 1y20, whioh ie not leas than thirty days nor more than 60 days Pram the date of this order, to determine whether or not bonds of said Road Dietriot Ho. 3, oP Kerr County, Texas, shall be ieeued in the amount of Twelve Thousand ($12,000.00) Dollars, bearing interest at a rats not to ezooed Five and ons-ha1P per oentum par annum and maturing, serially or otherwlas as may be fixed by the Cammissionere' Court, and whether a taz shall be levied upon the property oY eald Hoad Dietriot go. 3, of Kerr County, Taxaa, aubjsat to tasatdon, Par the purpose oY paying the interest on said bonds and to provide a sinking Fund for the radsmptlon oY said bonds at maturity. tiotioe oY acid elootion shall be given over the signature oY the County Judge by publioation, in some newspaper published in Karr County, Tezra, or in said goad Diatriat IIo. 3, (1Y there bs a newspaper published in said Hoad Die triat LTO. 3), and also Dy poet ing four notioes, ono at the Court Rouse door and one nt three other publlo plaoee in said 8oad Dietriot Ba• 3, Yor Pour oonasautive weeks prior to the day Pia~ed For said elootion. Zt de furtheF Crde;ed by the Court that said ,eleatioa shall be held at the voting plaoee 1n said xoad liietriattro. 3,,a~ eb.all beheld by the regulareffioera oY ~z5 eleetioa and..the~~maYtner of holding said elsation and of making return thereoY, shall be aontrollsd by the general laws of this State, relating to elsotiona. All persona who are property tea payers and who nre qualified eleotora residing within said Road District Ao. 3, of Kerr County, Tszna, shall be nllowed to vote at said eleotion and all voters desiring to support the proposition to issue bonds shall have writ- ten^on their ballots the words ^F or the iseuanoe oP ~12,J00.00 of Road Bonds and for the levy of Lhe neoeeeary tea in support thereof^, and all those opposed thereto shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "Against the issuance of $12,000.00 Road Bon and against the levy of the neoeseary tea in support thereoY". Said bonds to be issued for the purpose of oonatruoting, maintaining and operating macadamised, graveled or paved roads and turnpikes or in aid thereof. A Dopy of this order signed by the County Budge of the County aforesaid shall a ae a prtper notice of said eleotion, and the County dud ge is air sot ad to oause said notioe to be published in n newspaper in Ksrr County, or in said Road Distriot No. 3. (if there be one publlshed in said Road Distriot IIo. 31, for Pour oonseoutive weeks nest preceding said eleotion and oause a not ice th er eoY to be posted at the Court House doer and one at three other pnblio plaoea in said Road Distriot No. 3, of said County for four Dona ecutive weeks prior to the date oP said eleotion• Ro. 479, O In Matter of Claims and ~ooounta filed In Commissioners' Court oY Kerr County, Tessa. 0 against Kerr County. In Speo ial 9eeaion, Jarinary 21eL, 1920. ~ The Court after having cons id area the aaoount of Jay flray against Kerr County in the amount of X22.90, allowed s ocount and it ie hereby ordered that the Clerk issue vouoher therefor, reference isrherebq made to MSnut ea of Acoaunta allowed, Book 5, page 4b, which is made a part of this order. Thera being no further business to Dome before the Court at this session the Court adJourned, and the foregoing minutes from page 626 to 429, were read in open oourL, nnd~ Pound true and oorreot and hereby approved by the Court, thin the 21st day of January, A• D• 1920. Atteet;~~~~o..v--~i-Q Clerk. ~~i~°m~-- County Judge. --L 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TE3A3,` C OURTY OF K]SBR.~ BE IT 88MEMBERED, that on this the 9th day of February, A. D. 1920, there was begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commieaionera' Court of Ksrr County, Tezaa, at the Court House thereof in the town of Kerrville, Tease: OFFIC Ei2S PRES ia,c: gon. Lee Wallace, County Judge, Arthur Heal, Co:nmiasioner oP Yreoiuot 160. 1; LI. K. Hood, Com:aissionor of Preoinat 160. 2; H˘go Wied'enfeld, Commissioner oP Preoinot No. 3; and Chas. A. Rodgers, Commisslonar of Yrealnot No. 4• J. i. IDfoore,'SheriPf and Jno. R. Leavell Clerk• the Court having been regularly opened ant the Pollowi ng proo eedings ~,vare had, to-wit Kerr bounty: P1o,480, Appointmmlt of Sheep Inspectv'r. February 9hh,1920, Henry Sehwethe7.m, is hereby appointed sheep inspector of Y,err County,Texas, Por a period of one gear, at a salary of X300.00 per annum. Said year begAnhing Feby 1st ,1920 and ending Febrdary lat,1921. KERR CO6TNTY: Eo.481, Allowing Claim a. Feb wary 9th, 1920. Acaonnts and claims against Kerr County allowed see minutes of Aoconnts oY Kerr Conntq Hook ~ pkge'b"~i3 e4:req.