~2~ sleotioa and..thr~manner of holding acid eleotion and of making return thereof, shall bs oontrolled by the general laws of this State, relating to elsotione. All persona who are property tea pavers and who are qualified eleotora residing 1\ within Bald Road Dietriet No. 3, of Kerr County. Tezas, shall be allowed to vote at said eleotion and all voters desiring to support the proposition to issue bonds shall have wtit- ten on t~ h~eir~ballots the words "For the issuance of i12,J00.00 of Road Bonds and for the levy of the neoeeeary tea in support thereof^, and all those opposed thereto shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "Against the issuanoe of 12,000.00 Rand Hon and against the levy of the neoeseary tae in support thereof". Said bonds to be issued for the purpose of oonstruoting, maintalaing and operating maoadamiaed, graveled or paved roads and turnpikes or in aid thereof. A Dopy of this order signed by the County Judge of the County aforesaid shall as a prsrper notioe of Bald eleotion, and the County dud ge is dir eoted to Douse said notlce to be published in a newspaper in Kerr County, or in said Road Dietriet No. 3, (if there be one published in said Road DSetriot 80. 31, for four oonseoutive weeks nest preoed ing said eleotion and Donee a notioe thereof to be posted at the Court House doer and one at three other pnblio please in en id Road Dietriot No. 3, of said County for four oonsecutive weeks prior to the date oP said eleotion• No. 479, O In Matter of Claims and looounts filed In Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tesae. p against Ksrr County. In 9peoial 9eeaion, January 21st, 1920. ~ Tha Court after having eons id ered the aoaount of Jay Aray against Kerr County in the amount of $22.90, allowed a ~' ocount and St is hereby ordered that the Clerk issue vouoher therefor, reference is~;fhereby made to MSmit es of Accounts allowed, Hook 5, page 45, which Se made a part of this order. There being no 4urther bueinesa to Dome before the Court at this session the Court adjourned, and the foregoing minutes from page 626 to 429, were read in open oourt, and found true and oorreot and hereby approved by the Court, this the 21st day of January, A• D• 1920. /~ Attest• R '~ - n o Clerk. ~-" - ~~"-_.u County Budge. •.~ •~e -- - - ~ 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEEAS,1 COUNTY OF KE'Sii. opt BE 1T RBDgdEEBdBERED, that on this the 9th day of February, A. D. 1920, there was begun and holden a 8egular Tarm of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tease, at the Court Houee thereof in the town of Kerrville, Tsaae: OFFICERS PRFS L•'~~r: gon. Les Wallace, County Judge, Srthur Beal, Commissioner of Preoiuot 1Po. 1; 1S. K. Hood, Commisaionor of Precinct No. 2; Hago Wied~enfeld, Commis'sionar of Preainot No. 3; and Cheat A. Rodgers, Commies ither of Pr eoinot No. 4• J. i. blo ore,'Sher iff and Jno. R. Leavell Clerk• the Court having been regularly opened and- the following nrooeedings ware had, to-w~S: Kerr ~`ounty; ido,480. Appointmmmt of Sheep Inspector. February 9Lh,1920. Henry Sehwethelm, is hereby appointed sheep inspector of F:err Connty,Texas, for a period oY one year, at a salary of X300.00 per armum. Said year beginning Feby 1st ,1920 and ending r'ebruary lat,1921. BERR COUNTY: No.481, Allowing Claim a. Feb wary 9th, 1920. AcCOnnts andolaicie against Kerr County allowed see minutes of Aoconnts +:.. oY Kerr County eti,