~3/ 6 ~ ~ THB STATE (1@' TE3AS.i In Cominiseicners' Court, Kerr County, Tease. ddCATY OP' KE!?R.C February Term, d. D. 1920. February 14th, 1920. The order heretofore entered by this Court allowing 1.00 for eaoh ivoli Soalp and 50 Dente for eaoh Wild Cat Saalp, is hereby rescinded and the C1erY of this Court is inetruoted to refuse to aaoept ax4y more Soalps for aotion oP this Court, and the Court Prom and after the date oP this order will refuse to pay any more bounty on said Wolf~and Cat Soalps. There being no further business to Dome before the Court at this term, and the foregoing minutes from page 429 to page 431, were read in open court and found oorreot and are hereby approved, this the 14th day ai Februffiry, A• ll. 1920. Attest County Clerk. ~~2e~ -~ _ County Judge 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEXAS,d 0 COUNTY OF KE4iR.~ BE IT REMEhIDERED, that on thin the 26th day oP February, A. D. 19'10, there was begun and holden a Speaisl Term of the Commissioners' Court oP Kerr County, Teaes, at the Court House thereof in the town oP Kerrville, Tease: . ~~ OFFICERS PRESNNT: Hon. Lee Wallace, County Judge, Arthur Real, Commissioner of Preoinot No. 1. ~.K. Hnofl,--, Commissioner of Prtloihot No. 2, Hugo WiedenPeld, Commissioner oP Preoinot Ido. 3, Chao. g. Rodgara, Commissioner of Preoinot No. 4. J. T. Moore, SheriPP and Jno. R. Leavell, County Cler k. The Court having been regularly opened and the following prodeedings were had, to-wit: THE STATE OF TE%AS,O In Commissioners' Court, f;err County, T®aas. No. 489. COUI7TY OF KERR.b Speoiel February Session, Feb. 26, A. D. 1920. Tha quarterly rap or to of A. B. Williamson, County Tr easurar, E. H. Turner, Justice of the Pease, Preoinot No. 1, J. 'I'. Moore, SheriPP and John R. Leavell, Clerk of the County and Die tr iotCourta, were examined and appr ovad, and the County Tresaurer's report ordered spread upon the minutes. THE STATE OF TEKAS.~ In Commisaionera' Court, Karr County, Teaes. Q N0. 492. -0 OUNTY OF KERR.O Special February Session, Feb. 26, d. D. 1920. Tha Clerk oP this Court is inetruoted to notify all parties that have not paid the balance due and owing Yor Wheat and Oata purchased through and from Kerr County under the Drought Relief Aot, to Dell and make some arrangements as to the payment thereof. THE STATE CF 'I'NX69.0 In Commiasionera' Court, Kerr County, Teaas. iNo. 493. C OIIITTY QF KERR .O Speoiel February Session, Feb. 2fi, A. L. 1920. It is ordered by the Court that the sum oP 1000.00 --~-pleoed to the oredit oP Road Dietriot Fund No. 1 oP Kerr County, Teaes, as a dep OS it in Good Faith by the „~. First National Bank of Saint Louis, Missouri, for the purohase oP "100,000.00 of Road Bonds of said Road Diatriet No. 1 of Kerr County, Texas, be and tl:e same should be reihnded to said bank and the Clerk of this Court is inetruoted to draw vouoher in favor of said Bank on Road District Fend No, 1 of Kerr County, Texas, and deliver same to said Bank or to its duly authorised xepaseentgtivtl.