Total ~b6601.19 LEB WALLACE ~;:~/±" ~ County Judge i~,... , t.`r.:. AaTHUR REAL Commissioner Preoinet No.l. 1A. K. HOOD Commissioner Preoinet No.E. ". HU60 WIEDERFELD Commissionsr Preoinct No.3 CHAS. RODGER:i Commieeloner Preoinot Ho.4. SWORN TO 1ND SUBSCHIEF~ BEFORE LE, this the 26th day oP Feby.#. D. 1920 . CLBRK COUaTY COLRT,KERR COUaTY,TEXS~. 311sd.Pos 8eacrd FeL«86th, 1920.4t, aeoor4ed RptitS,28th, 1920 at lE o'olook Y. 0-0-0-0-0-U-0 There being no further business beYore the Court, tho foregoing minutes from pegs ~°1 to 436 inclusive having 'been read in open court are hereby approvod~ this April 26th,1920. Attest:~r ~ y o Clerk. ---~ oun y ga. .17-u~uar#~~'f~1i'~~'~ She State oP Texas, ) 1 Oovnty oP Kerr. ) BE IT RE-tiMBERL'D,That on this thA Srd :day' oS~.tApril, 1920, there was begun and holden a Hesular term oP the Oommiesioners' Oourt oP Kerr Oounty,Taxae, at the Oourt Sense thereof in the town oP Kerrville, Texas: OFFICERS PRESENT: Hon. Lea Wallace, County Judge, Arthur Real, Qoucnisaionor- oP Preoinot No.l, M. K. Hood, tlommissionor oP Precinot No.2, Hugo 1YiedanPeld, OoIDmisaionor oP Preoinot No.3, Ohas.A.Rodgers. Cas®iesioner oY Preoinet No.4, J.T.Yoore, SheriPP and' Jno.H.Leavell, Oounty Clerk. Tha Oourt havi::g been regularly opened and the Poll owing proceedings wore had, t o-wit : - No.494, Kerr County. Olaims eElowed, sae Book 5 page 60 minutes eP kocounta ;~;' oP Oommisaionere Oourt. ^ IIo.496, Sarr Oounty. Approvals oP Road Commissioners oP R.D.Np.A. Bonds. The Bonds oP Oscar NovfSin, J.R.l7allace and Malnor Sahomard, were presented .. yo $~ Court on this date and were approved and ordered recorded in OPPiaial Bond Records 4P Kerr County,Texae. ': r~. Ro.497, Kerr County. April 3rd,1920. Resignation oP Arthur Real as County Commissioner ,o oP Preoinet No.l, oY Kerr County, i'exas, was haard and nccepted, and Chas.Real, appointed `+"' ~; to Pill the unexpired term oP sald Arth..r Real, who shall give bond ae regnirod by law. i .. .r X0.498, Karr ESounty. Approval oY Bond oP Ohas.Real. April 3rd,1920. ,a~, The Baude oY 9has. Real, ea tlonnty Cos®isaioner oP Preoinct No.l, and ~ 710ad pomrgiasionor oP Preciuot No.l, of Karr County, Texas, were esamined and approved on ~' ~'t+his ~1`'La: sand. 881d~flha a.:Weni ..~.-~: e~c ~. b.:.+n~.3.,.. +~,- ,,..+,.... _......,_~ ,.~ ._~ ,. ~ - . ~~