Ao. b10~~ '71S~e THE STAKE OF T1.XAS,V In Co;a~iseioners Court, ' V Mqy Tarn; A. D. 1920. C CUN1'Y uF KERR .O lveeday, l,tay 11, 1920. PADFERS ASS OWED FOR QUARTER, INCLUDIDG MuNTiLS ~' mAY, JUTdE and AII"i.Y, 1920. It is ordered that the pauper allownaae granted J. c. Trapp, Mrs. U. C. Trapp and t'lr's. Bessie Colbath be dieaontinued. nut it is further ordered that the sum of ~4U00 per month Por may, rune and July, 1920, be allowed sash of the following named paupers, via: Mre. D. Rains, mra. Jao. St oray,:MSe. and Misa Gilman and r. B. Clement, and the Clerk ie hereby ordered to issue Youohera Por the amount of ~6~00 out of the Advalorem Fund to eaoh of said taupera, allowed, on the drat day of each Monby or any date thereafter., and the Clerk is further ordered to reoord an order in the Minutes of said Court th ar eof. go, 611, THE STATE OF TEKAS,4 4 coulaTY of xiacn.O In CommiaSlonera Court, May Tarm, A. D. 1920. iedneaday,) May 12th, 1920. IN MATTERS OF ACCOUNTS ALLUwEO AGAINST KERR COUNTY. gocounts against the County presented to the Court for payment, were allowed as shown in Min~.tae of Acoounts, Yoluma b, pages 51, 62 and b3, which is made a part of this order for further partioulars. go. b12. THE STATE OF TEKAS.Q In Commissioners Court, Q May Term, A. D. 1920. COUNTY OF KERa.4 May 12th, 1920, Wednesday. ADYANCE;dEGTT TO ASSESSOR UN 1920 C04~02ISSIONS. 'Phe Clerk of this Court is hereby ordered to issue Youoher for X360.00 on Ad Ysloram Fund and Souoher for X150.00 on Road and Bridge Fund, eaoh in favor of N. G. Yetereon, County Asae;raor, as an advancement on Commissions for the year, 1920• 516. TBE STATE uL' TEXA9,4 In Commissioners Court, Q May Term, A• D. 1920. COUNTY OY BERR.Q Wednesday,. May 12th, 1920. BART PAX.[EIaT_.OY DROUQRT RELI$F..INDEBTEDgEaS,AGAINST KHi2R COUNTY• It ie ordered by the Court that the Clerk shall draw a Youoher in favor of the 1'reaaurar on Kerr County Drought Relief B'und, sufi"ioient to pay off and satisfy $1200.00 part of the Drought R~lieP 3k:debtedness still Qv: ix-,;, i:;.Kerr County to the Stote^bŁTebss. go• 516, Ti3E STA'E OF TEKAS,4 In Commissioners Court, 0 May Torm, A. D. 1920. COUTFTY OP KBFtR.4 Wednesday, May 12, 1920, gJTIOE TO DRUUGTPP RELIEF DELITdQUET1T5. it 1s ordered by the Court that the Clerk shall notify all Drought Raliei ' Delinquents to immediately settle their S1ead~AOOUnts due the Drought Relief Fund of Kerr County with the 'Pas Collo9por or to appoar before the proper authority and make arrangements for the payment of their eaoount, in event they are unable to meat same at present. The ~1at dL D. R• Dellnquenta ordered notified by the Court is as follows: ~--- .~. ..J; Thos. James :131.00, L. A• Leinweber "yp'120.00, W. &. s"urr ~117.7b, Chao. Araner, ~94.UU, I. G. 1'hediord X68.00, Dan .Y• Raes ~60.u0, J. S. Corm ~pb2.26;diley•Clark X42.00; J. G. Gannon X36.60, W. H• glotxole x+30.02; G. S. Marquis x23.96, Geo. MoElroy y17.06, m~td peter 8otge (B~l);~3b•03- ---------------------- ,' s