ADV: R&B: CH &J: SP80c JRF: J.F: eR@: RD~1: EI1~~: RD~a: sH: PoL:.s ~'6 ~ bands sold ender Judgman'Y: -- -- - -- -- --- -- --- --- -- -- --- -- -^ Delinquents former years: -- -- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- --- -- -- ' TJTALS. 3-20.4D 82.¢,0 16..44,8 ---. 5.46 11.~Q1 ---215.67 9.84 .34 --- 17.50 It is further ordered by the Court that J. T. -4o or a, Tas Colleotor in and for Karr County, Tesas, be oradited with the following items: DISTRICT 3CHJOLS: ~2: ~3: ~4: ~5: ~8: #I0: X12: #14: ~16: X17: X18: $19: i~20: ~21:~ Delinquents, 1919. .75"12.10 1.37 2.50- -- 1.44 2.66 -- -- -- 2.81 5.50 3.q0 1 " Insolvents, 1.9b -- -- .50--~ -- -- 1.07 .80 -- .Sb .66 .60 -- Errors in Assessments. -- 6.00 •40 6 12-~ -- --. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Collaotad by Comptroller: -- -- -- -~ -/ -- 2.88 -- -- -- -- 9.60 -- -- Dalinquant former years: -- ~ ~ . _, ~ _ TOTADS, 2.70 18.10 1.77 9.12-- -- 4.32 3.73 •80 -- .26 12.96 6.10 8.10 It is further ordered by the Court that J. T. alo or a, Tax Collect or in and for Karr County ba oharged with the following items: ADP: ,RBcB: C'IZ:J: S::eo: J.ii.F, JUkY: AHR; RD~1: 12D~2: RD~3: S.H: P01.1.5: Red amptious: 179.62 122.46 24.{1 -- 8.16 k6.33. -- 62.96 9.89 .16 -- --- lnt Brest & Penalty $g~.34~- 39.77 7.96-- ~5.3a ~ -- 17.97 1.64 .06' -- --- Supplemental; _ _ __ !-- -- -- _ _ .- -- -- 99.00 TOTALS, 237 -96. 16`2.25 32,47-- 10„81 21.63 -- 80.93 11,03 .21 -- 99.00 It ie further ordered by the Court that J. T. Poore, Tax uollaotor for Karr County, Taxae, be oharged with the following items: --- DISTRICT SCHJOLS: ~2: #3: $4: ~6: ~B: #10: X12; X14: #16: X17: X18: g19: #L0: p21: Supplemental: --- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- -- ~-- Redeemad: 14.b8 -- 27.14 1.25 -- --- .EO -- -- .70 ~ -- --- -- 1.50 Interest and renalty: 3.59 4_27' _24_ .24 _ _ .11 ~ ~ .22 Tl7TALS, 18.17 -- 31.41 1.49 -- -- .44 -- -- .81 --- --- --- 1.72 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 T7:7;P,.E BEI17G IIO FURTFI:R BU:i1NEJ5 T~~ COP,iE BEFORE TID: COURT, THE FOREGOIPdG 1SINUTES FR01d PAGE 937 to 462, insluaive, HAYING AEEid READ IS1 OPETd CURT ARE HEREBY APPROVED, this the 14t(h~ ~day02 IGay, A. D. 1920. Attest: ~/~.~p.- ~, .. moo Clerk. ~, ~y~~°'~- ~- ~ oun~Jn ®. o-o-o_o-o-G-o-o-o Thr. STAi'E OF TE8A5,~ HE IT RFa1II~:IBERED THAT:----- COUIPiY OF EI~2R.1 On this the 16th day oP June, A. D. 1920, the County Cpmmisaionere Court eonvensd in Spesial Session at the regular meeting pleas the root in the Courthouse at Eel-rville, Tsxsa, with the Sollowing ofiisers present, to-wit: Hon. Lee Hallase, County Judge, Chas. Heal, Commissioner of Presinst No. 1, Hugo Niedeniold, Commissioner of Preeinst No. 2, Chas. A. Rodgers, Commissioner of Presinst No. 4, J. T. 12obre, SherliP and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, by deputy VY. A. Loshte, I, The Court having been regularly opened and the Poll owing proseedings were had, towit In Commissioners' Court of Fern County, Teaea, ~ IN NATi'ERS OF CLAIISS ALLO?7ED. No.°b23, Spesial Juns Term, A, ll. 1920. Claims and Acsonnta against gerr County, Tuesday, June 15th, 1920, _ i were allowed by the Covrt sa shown by reterenss to liinutoa of $awo~its Allowed, Yohe So, b, on page 65, to whisk reference ie V Wig, for all Pu~FO896. -,,. " " '.. 0-0-o_o-n_n