y to 3 THB STATE OF TxxAS,i In Commis6lonerat Court, ( Special Jane Term, A. D.'1920. No. bE4. COIINTY OF Y,ERR.( Tuesday, June 15th, 1920. ORDER PAYING OFF, DISCHARGING AIID CANCELLING IlALASiCr^. ?i~9D B027D INDEBTED27ESS AGAI2dST ORIGII(AL ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1 02 LT•,RR COUNTY, Teaas. It is ordered by the Court that the County Treas~,Lrer of Kerr County pay cif the N34,500.00 Bonds outstanding against Original Road District 2do. 1 of Y.err County, with aesrued interest, same to be paid in amounts due to eech of the respective owners and holders of said bands. The said 'ponds to be held by the County Treasurer sad the several ~ounta to be held by the respective payees to await the approval or non-approval of the Attorney General of Teaas of the record in the Bond Issue Tor new Road District No. 1 of P.ezr County. If said record should be approved by the Attorney General then said ;Spuds to be cancelled by the County Treasurer and said payaenta to be Yinal and full payments for said bonds, and if not approved than said bonds to be returned to the respective ormers and said pay- moats to be returned to the County Treasurer of Kerr County. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 i'he re being no further Business to some before the Court, the Yoregoing I?inutes on pages 462 and 468, having First been read in open Court, are herebg Approved, this the 15th day of June, A, D. 1920, Attest: ~ ..~~ - -moo Clerk. ~~1~~ Coun y midge. -*•rs^*rsswssc TH8 STATE C8 TE2A9,1O COUNTY 0! Ki~R.I BE IT RE6iEtdHERED, ThaS on this, the 9tH day of Angd3~.1920, there was began and holden a Hegular Term of the Commiaeionera' Court of Karr County, Tessa, at the Court Hones thereof in the town of Kerrville, Teaas: OFFICERS PRESENT: Hon. Lee Walleoe, charled Real, M. K. Hood, Hugo Wiedenfeld, C. A. Rodgers, J. T. 1Qoore, Sher County Judge, Commissioner of Preoinat No. 1, Cau®ieaioner of Precinct No. 2, Commissioner of Preoinat No. 3, Commissioner of Preoinot No. 4, SYf and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk. The Court having been regularly opened and the following proceedings were had, to-wit: TH8 STATE :E TEZAS,O In Commisaionere' Court, Aerr County, Tessa. as Regular August Term, A• D. 1920. $o. 625. COUNTY OP KLRR.C August 9th, A. D. 1920, IR MATTER9 OF CLA IIvFS AGAINST KERR COiRPTY. Claims allowed, ea shown in Book 6, pages 56 et. seq. of the Minutes of Accounts ellowed of Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tessa. THE 9TAT8 CN' TEZA9, In Commission ere' Court, Kerr County, Tease. Ho. 6E6, Regular August Term, A. D. 19E0. COIINTY ~OF KE3R.1 Anguat 9th, A. D. 1920. IN MATTERS OF TAKING IIP TWO C. H. & J. BONB3 WITH ACCRUED 1.19TEREST. It is ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer aholl pay off and discharge two (E) Court Apnea and Jail Repair Bonds game being for 500,00 each, together with scorned interest to date of such peymant.