THE STATE OF TExAS,I Iii Cammiaeioners Court, Kerr County, Tezaa. Ho. 527 O Regular August Termt •. D. 1920. •~~*, COUNTY OF Eqs./ August 9th, 1920. CAN7ASSIffi0 RETtJ$HS ~ SPffiCIAL %LECTION RELD It7 SCHOOL DXSCT. #8. Yorr County.. Dn this day cams oa to be considered the returns oY an eleotion held on the Filth day of July, 1920, in Comgloa School Diatriot No. 9 oY this County upon the gneation of determining whether or sot a tax of and at the rate of twenty (20) cents onths onq hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in said district aha11 be 7e vied and annually oollsot• ed Yor local malntananoe purposes for said school. ' And it appearing that said eleotion wsa in all respeate legally held and that said returns were duly and legally made and that there oaaL at said eleotion 13 •otea, oY which number there were oast: For the annual levy and aolleotion of a tax of EO aenta on sash $100.00 valuation oY property, 9 votes Against the annual levy and oclleotion oY a tax oY 2Q cents on ,. each X100.00 valuation of property, 4 votes And it appearing to the scurf Yrom said returns that a majority of the qualified property tax paying voters of said district, voting at said eleotion, voted in Yavor oY the levy of said tax end the anneal aolleotion thereoY, the aougt does hereby dsalart the said tea to have carried Sn ea id district and the proposition oY the levy and oolleotion of said 20p annual tax on each X100. valuation of taxable property in said dietriat adapted and that same is duly anthorisad and to levy and have said tax aolleoted annually. THE STATE OF TEY/5,0 In Cammiesionore Court, Kerr County, Tezaa. Ho. b28. dd ': _ OOUNTY OF K8RR.1 Rogµ].:ptr $eaekgn;,u--~--1Rgmgt Tsrm,. Aagust 9'Eh, 18$0. Tha order of the Cpmmissionsre' Court made and en{arid on tLe 11th day of Yay, A. D. 1920, for the isananse aY Sixty Tiva 1'houaand Doll aka ($68,000.Op) Bonds Yor Eoad Diatriot ffio. Two (2) of Kerr County, Texas, and which order is rsoordeQ in 701. G, pages 444 to 480, of the t[inutea oY said Court, is hereby in all things rescinded axd rspoaled. ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF ROAD 80NBS CF 8. D. ffio. 2 of KERB COUffiTY, TSLAS. TNS STATE 08 TEZAS.D 000ffiTY QF EEa8.1 (h this the 9th day of Augaot, A. D. 1920, the Oouaty Commissioners Court convened in regular session at the regular mooting place ;hersoY 1n the Oourthonea at Kerrv111e, Tszaa, all members of the Court, to-wit: Hon. Leo wallaoe, Goar}.ty Jndga, Chas. Real, Commiaeioner fY Precinct ffip. i, S. K. $ood, Commissioner eY Praolnot ffio. E, Hugs Eiedenfeld, Commissioner oY 8rea;inot Bo, 8: ,, Chas. /. $odgera, Commissioner oY Yrepiaot ffiq.-4, being present and passed the following order: FNEREAS, oa the 16th day oY potober 1919, there was presented to this court a petit: signed by the requisite number of qualified resident property tax paying votesd oY goad Dlatriat No. E, of Korr Chanty, Taxae, praying that an eleotion be ordgred to determine whether or not the bonds of said Eoad Diatriot No. 2, of Karr Qounty, Te]ca9, shall De issued in the amouxi; oY gisty 83ve yhousand 066,000.00) dollars bearing Y1YO and one half par Dent (8~'fil rate of°lntisreat, Yor the pnrpose oY:oonetruoRing, malatainiag and operating macadamized, graveled or paved roads sad turnpikes, or in aid t$ereoY,-~ithin.snd for said Road Ddetrlat ffiQ. E, of Derr County end the l®vy of a taz upcA Wxe,prc~srty in sgld p ~ ~, ... t a~' Via. ~ ~~ Cl_ a,' .