THE STATE OF TE8A3,4 731 Commissioners Court, Karr County, Teaaa. Ho. 527 A Regalar August Tarm, A• D. 1920. "~..+.t';y ~ COUNTY OF KERR.G Luguat 9th, 19E0. CANPASSiNG RETU891S-OF SPECIAL ELECTION RELD IiJ SCHOOL DISCI. #8, Kerr County. Oa this day Dame op to be oonsidered the returns of an eleotion held on the E4th day of Tiny, 1920, in Common Sohool Diatriot No. 9 of thin County upon the question of determining whether or not a tax offend at the rate of twenty (20) Dente an the onq hundred dollars valuation of ;actable property in said diatriot shall ba levied and annually oolloot~ e8 for looal malntenanoe purposes for said eohool. ' And 1t appearing that ea id eleotion was in ell reapeots legally held and that said returns were duly and legally made and that there Dent at said eleotion 13 votes, of whloh number there were oast: For the animal levy and colleotion of a tax of 20 Dents on Dash $100.00 valuation of property, 9 votes Against the anneal levy and oollootion of a taz of 20 Dante on eaoh $100.00 valuation of property, 4 votes And it appearing to the oourt from said returns that a majority of the qualified property taz paying voters of ea id district, voting at said eleotion, vote8 in Paver of the levy of said taz and the annual aolleotion thereof, the oourt does hereby deolara the ea id tax to have oarried in avid diatrlot and the proposition of the levy and oallaotion of ea id 206 annual tax on each $100. valuation of tazable property In said dietriot adopted and that same is duly authorised and to levy and have said tax oollsated annually. -'-•--- THE STATE qF TEYAS,@ In Cammieaionera Oourt, Kerr County, Tezaa. Ho. 528, dd COUHTY OF KERR.b 8ogui;fr Sees#qn;.----Apggat Tarm, August 9th, 19E0. The order of the Commieaionara' Court made and sn~artd qn the 11th day of Yay, A• D. 19E0, for the Seananee of Sixty Fiva.Thouaand Dolla~e :($66,000.00) BonHe for Raad Diatriot No. Two (2) of Kssr 6onnty, Rezas, and whioh order is reoorde4 in Yol. G, pages 444 to 460, 6f ahe:Yinutea of said Court, is hereby in all things reaoinded and repealed. ORDER AUTHORIZING TH$ ISSUANCE OF RQAD $ONDS C8 R. D. Eo. 2 of KER$ COUNTY, TEiAS. THE STATE OF TEZAS.O COCNTY OF KEHR.I (h this the 9th day of Angaet, A. A• 1920, the County Commissioners Court oonvened in regular saeaion at the regular meeting plage thereof in the Courthones at Kerrville, Tszea, all members of the Court, to-wit: Hon. Lao ^ellaae, Cduaty Judge, Chas. Rawl, Commissioner of Preoinot Nq. 1, BS. K. $ood, Commieaioner of Preoinot No. E, Hugo wle4enfeld, Commissioner of Ereo-Snot No. 3.. Chas. •. $odgera, Commisedoner of Praeinet N©. 4. being pr eaent sad passed the following order: w$EAEAS, oa the lbth day of October 1919, there wan pro@anted to this oourt a petit aignad by the requisite number of qualified resident property tax paying voters of $oad Diatriot No. E, of Herr Cbwity, Texas, praying that an eleetion be ordered to determine '~ what bar or not the bonds of as id Head Ddetr Sot No. 2, ofKSrr Qounty, Tg7gRa, shall be issued 1n the amounk. of Sixty,.Five Thou:~and ($65,000.00) dollars bapring Live and one half :.; per Dent (6~,) rate ot'lntareat, for the purpose ot-oonatzuating, galnLaining and operating ~- mgoadamized, graveled or, paved roads and turnpikes, or 1n aid theraof,~withinand for said ,~ , Road,'p8etrlat No. E, of JCe~r County sad the levy of a tas upgn the,yiopexty 1n aeld ~~, , # , ~Ms. ~ ~ v ~ .~~ IA y~~ yew 8oad'Dietriot, pabJBot'to tarJt4t~fafor the purpose oP paying the interest on said bons and to~provlde a sinking fnnd~Por the redomp$ion thereof at maturity; and tIH$REAS, this Court, pursuant to said petition, on said date, ordered Ilhat an eleotion 1e held throughout said Road District No. 2, of %err County, Teaas, on the 18th day of ftovemDer, A. D. 1919, as~prayad for; and WH8RF.9S, notice oP said eleotion wee given by pnbliastion in "The Kerrville Mountain Snn", a newspaper published in %err County, Texas, (there b8ing no newspaper published in said Road Dietriot Ao. 2, oP %err County, ~exasl, and which notice wee publishes for four conaeoutive weeks next prior to the date of said election, and in addition thereto, notioe thereof was posted at Pour publio planes, one at the court house door of Kerr County, Texas, and one each at three publia'plaoea in said Road Ddatriat No. Two, Por Pour ooneeontive weeks prior to the day fixed for said eleotion; and, AHEREAS, said eleotion was duly and legally held on the said 18th dayoP November, ,919, and the result oP said election was duly oertified and returned to this oourt by the u.dgas and Clerks thereof; and; WHEREAS, On the 19 day of November, A.D. 1919, this Court aonaidered the several returns and oanvassed the same, and found that there were oast at said eleotion 127 votes I' oY ~ahioh number 9E votes werenoast "!or the issuance oY $65,000.OC Bead Honda and the levy ing oP the tax in payment tgereoi", and 35 votes were oast, "Against the issuance of $66,000.00 Road Han$e and the levying oP the tae in payment thereof, " and this oourt thereupon, by order flnly ente3'ed, declared thatthe $ropositlon so submitted was sustained and adopted by a tiro-third ma•Jozity vote of the qualified resident property tax-payers vot- ing at said eleotion; and WHEREAS, this aovrt has ezamined into and investigated the regularity of the proaeed- inga Por said eleotion, and finds that the sums wee duly and legally 1+Aldi; thmt the notioe re~~uired by law to be given has been duly and legally given; and that said eleotion vas condaeted in atriatrconformity with all the requirements of lavr; THER°..E" ORE, ba it ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, Tazea. That the bonds oP said Boad District No. 2, oP Kerr County, Texea, to be known sa "Road Bonds of Road Dietriot No. 2,~of %arr County, Texas, " be issued on the faith and credit oP Bald Road DSetrioaA Ao. 2, oP Kerr County, Texea, ender and Dy virtue of Special Road Law Por Kerr County, Texas. Chapter 67, Aata of 1919,. second Called Session of t'ae 36th Legis- lature, known ae Senate Bill No. 165, passes at said 2nd Called3esaion and approved July 22nfl, 1919. ----II----- That said bonds are issued for the purpose of aonatrnating, maintaining and operating macadamised, graveled or paved roads and tiu•npikes, or in aid thereof, within andfor said $oad Diatriat No, 2,of~a%arr County, Texea. ----III-'--- That an id bonds shall!~be numbered consecutively Prom one to one hundred thirty (l,"~O) inolusive, snd shall be of the denomination of Five Hundred 0`500,00) dollars each, aggre- gating the enm of Sixty Five thousand ($65,000.00) dollars. That said bonds shall be dated the 10th day of July A.J. 1920, and~hall become dde and payable aerially sooording to the following eahednla: HOMD MOiBEftS: D@TSS OF MATUf?ITY: AMOIINT OF $ACH BOAD: YOTA,Li`{g~T; l~`6 1 to 3 inelns.ive, July 10th, 1921, $500.00 $1500.00 4 to 6 inclusive, July 10th, 1922, $500.00 $1b 00, 00 7 to 9 inclusive, July 10th, 1923, '$500.00 $1600.00 10 to 13 inclusive July 10th, 1924, $500.00 $2000.00 14 to 16 Sncluaive, July 10th, 1926 $b00.00 $1600.00 17 to 19 inolusive, July 10th; 1926, $b00.00 $1500.00 20 to 22 inclusive, July 10th, 1929, 600,00 $1b00.00 23 to E6 inolusive, July 10th, 1928, $500.00 $2000.00 27'a o 29 inolusive, July .10th, 1929, $500,00 $1500.00 30 to 32 inolusive, July 10th, 1930, $500.00 $1b00.00 33 to 35 inclusive, July 10th, 1931, 500.00 $1600.00 86 to 39 inclusive}, Jnly 10th, 1932, $500,00 $2000,00 40 to 42 inclusive, Jnly 10th, 1933, $500.00 $1500,00 43 to 45 inclusive, July 10th, 1934, $580.00 $1600.00 46 to 4d inclusive, July 10th, 19Sb, $500.00 $1500.00 49 to 52 inclusive, July 10th, 1936, $500.00 $2000.00 53 to 5b inolusive, July 10th, 1937, :~500.J0 ~p1b00.00 56 to 58 inclusive, July 10th, 1938, x"500,00 ."y~1b00.00 59 to 61 inclusive, July 10th, 1939 $b 00.00 $1500.00 62 to 65 inclusive, July 10th, 1940, $60000 $2000.00 66 to 6B inclusive, Yuly 10th, 1941, $500.00 $1500,00 69 to 71;inolusive, July 10th, 194E, $500.00 $1500.00 R2 to 74 inolusive, July 10th, 1943, $500.00 y15~00.00 76 to 7d inolusive, July 10th, 1844, $580.00 $2000,00 R9 to 81 inclusive, 3uly 10th, 1945 $500.00 $1500.00 B2 to 84 inclusive, July 10th, 1946, ~b00.00 $1500.00 85 to 87 inolusive , duly 10th, 18¢,7, $500.00 $1500.00 B8 to 91 inclusive, duly 10th, 1948, $500.00 $2000.00 92 to 94 inolusive, dn1y ,lDbg, 1849, $500.00 $1500.00 95 to 94 Snolnslve, July 10th, 1960, $500.00 $1500.00 98 to 100 inclusive, July 10th, 19b1, $500,00 $1b00,00 101 to 104 inclusive, Jnly 10th, 1952, $500.00 $2000.00 105 to 107 incluaiv~, duly 10th, 1953, $500.00 "1600,00 108 to 110 inclusive', July 10th, 1964, $500.00 ,x'1500:00 111 'to 113 inolusive, July 10th, 1956, $500.00 $1500.00 114 to 117 inclusive, duly 10th, 1956, $600.00 X02000.00 lid to 120 inclusive, July 18th, 19b7, - $500.00 $1500,00 121 to 123 inolusive, duly lObh, 1958, $500.00 $1500.00 124 to 126 inolusive, Jnly 10th, 1969, $b00.00 $1500.00 127 tq 130 inolusive, duly 10th, 1960, $5J0.00 $2000.00 ~~~~Yv.i~~~ That ea id bonds shall bear i nterest at the rate oP Yive and one ha1P (b}96) per , oen tum pez anaum, payable semi-annually on the 10th day oP April and the 10th day oP October oP eaah Sear, and principal and interest shall be payable upon presentation a nd surrender oP bonds or proper coupons, in lawful money oY the IInited States of gmeriaa at the oPPiae oP the COUnty Rreasurer of %arr County, TeYae, or at the Chem~oal National Hank oP Mew York Cit , M. Y, 6 '~ _-_pI__- That eaoh of said bonds shall be slgned by the County Judge, oountersSgned by the Coun Clerk, and registered by the County Treasurer, and the seal of the Commissioners Court shall be impressed upon eaoh of them. ---vII--- That the facsimile signatures of the County Judge and the County Clerk shall be litho- gra~hed or printed on the coupons attached to said bonds, and shall have the same effect as if they had been signed by them. ---9III--- That the form of eaoh of said bonds shall be aubstantielly as follows:---- Sao----- x`500.00 IIHITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY ..~' ::ERR $QAD BOLD OF ROAD DISTRICT N0. 2, OF KERR COUNTY, TEXAS. KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE P$ESENT9: That Road Diatriot No. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, for value reoeSved, eoknow~edgeo itself indebted to and hereby promisee to pay to bearer FIVE HONORED ($500.00) dollars, in lawfal money of the United States of America, on the --- day of---- S. D. 19---, wdth interest ther~ebn from the date hereof, at the rate oP five and one halt per oentum par anann, payable ee~6d-annually on the 10th day of April and the lOth'day of October in each year, on the presentation and surrender oP the annexe~t interest coupons as they severally matixre. Both principal and interest of this bond are hereby made payable at the office of the County Treasurer of Kerr County, Texas, or at the Chemical National Bank of New York City, N. Y., and for the prompt payment of this bond and the interest thereon at maturity, the ful faith, credit and resources of Raad Diatriot No. 2 of Kerr County, Teaea, era hereby irre- vocably pledged. This bond is one of a aeries of One Hundred and Thirty (130) bonds, numbered consecuti ly Prom one (1) to one hundred and thirty (130 ) inclusive of the denomination of Five HuO.dred (600.00) dollars eaoh, aggregating the sum of sixty five thousand 065,000.00) Dollars, is~uad for the parpoee of constructing, maintaining and operating macadamised, graveled or paved roads and turnpikes or in aid thereof, dnder and in strict conformoty wit: the Conetitntion and Laws oP the state of Texas, including Special Road Law for Kerr County, Texas, Chapter 67, Aota of 1919, Second Called Session of the Stith legislature known as Senate Bill fto. 165, paeae$ at said Second calledSeasion and approved July 22nd, 1919, and piu•suant to an order pasaeA by the Co~issionera Court of Kerr County, Texas, on the 11th of May A.D..1SS0, which order is of record in book "G", pages 444 et esq., o~'the 1[ihutea of said Court. The~date of this bond ,. in conformity with the order shove mentioned, is duly 10 And it is hereby certified and recited that the deauance of this bond, and the series of which it is a part, is duly authors^ed by law and by a two thirds majority of the qualif resident property tax paying voters of Road Diatriot fto. 2 of Karr County, Texas, voting at an election duly held for that purpose within said Road Diatriot on the 18th day of ftov- ember, A .D. 1919; that all sots, oondition~/and things required to ba ~9one ?+xocedent to and in the issuance of this series of bonds, and of this bond, have been Yatal,erly done and parfbrmed, and have happened in regular and'due time, form and manner as required by law; a diY~eot annual tax hea been levied upon all Laarnble pr opsrty in said Eoad District anffia to pay the interest on phis Dofid and the principal thereof at maturity; and that the total indebtedness oP said Rce d District, including this bond, do ea not ezoepd any constitztional ~ (bg orstatutory limitation. ~ IN T &STIYONY wRER80F, the County °Commiaeioners Court of Karr County, has caused the seal oY said court to be affixed hereto, and this bond to be signed by the County Judge, oou signed by the County Clerk, and registered by the County Treasurer of ea id County, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by t'.a Lithographed facsimile signatures of said County Judge and County Clark, as oP the date above written. Countersigned: Coun y er r onn y,_ e:ae, Registered; , oun y reaeurer, err oun y, axes. -----Ix------ Bach bond aha 11 bear the end ornament, "Ieaund :by Kerr County for Aoc ou~.t of Road District No. 2, of said County, and interest and principal of said bond are payable by the Treasurer of said County, from Speaisl Taxes levied and collected by the County upon said goad District No. 2, of Karr County, Texas, for that purpose. ---Z--- The Corm oP interest coupon attached to Bald bonds shall ba enbetantielly ea follora: No.---- ~------- On the ---- day aY -------- 19--- Bond District No. 2, oP Kerr County, in the State of Texas, will pay to bearer, at the office of the County Treasurer of Kerr County, Texan, ar at the Chemical National Bank of New York City, N. Y., the sum of ------------(~------) dollars, being the interest due that day on Road Hond No. --- of 8oad Dietr Sot No. 2, of Kerr County, Tesa s, dated Jnly 10th, 1920. County Clerlq. County Judge. ~ ---ZI--- That the following aertifioate shall De prlnted on the bank of e•~ch bond: OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER, dS~TB QF TE7CA5. I hereby certify that there is on file and of feoord in my office a oertifioate of the Attorney General of the Stato of Texas, to the afPaot that this bond has been eaaminei Dy him as required by Article 632, devised statutes 1911, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 203, Acta oY 1917, Regular Seaeion, and that he Pinda that it has bean issued in conformity with the COaatitntion and Lawa of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon ea id Road District No. 2, of Kerr County, Tpzae, and said bond has this day been registered by ma. ' 1PITNPSS my hand and seal of office, at Austin, Texas, this the -- day of ---- A.D, 19 omp ro er o u o Aooonn e o e State of Texas. ---uI--- It is further ordered that while said bonds, or any of them, are outstanding and unpaid, there shall be, and it is hereby ordered that there be, levied and assessed and col- lected, in due time, corm and manner, and at the time other County Tazea are levied, assessed Tleatad„ in each year, a tax upon all the taxable property in said RoeB District No. 2, of Kerr County, Taaes, sufficient to pay the enrrent interest thereon and to pa each inst 11- msat of the principal as the same Deoomee due, affi to pay the interest on Bald bonds an~ 4hfl Principal to bpoQmp dgfl,thq„first. year; there ia,hprey~q_lpvipd.a Lai _ , - y _, t_ _; _ and y6R of Seventy Five (76 ote) oenta on eaoh one hundred dollars val~,ation oP taxable property in said Road Diatriot Ao. 2, for the year, 1920, and `he same shall be assessed and collected and applied to the purposes named. ---X III--- The amount of bands hereby authorized to be issued to-wit: The sum oY Sixty Five-Thous and (65,000.00) dollars, Ss the amount re~;uested to be issued by the resolution o' the B hoard of Road Co®iasioners oP said Road District i1c. 2, OP $ it County, T 67~e',.a d a e is- sued by Kerr Covnty Yor account oY Road District fto. 2, of sai~ County and interea~ an~ principal are payable Dy the Treasurer of eai3 County Yrom apeeisl taxes leveed and colleo4-~ ed by the County upon said Road District for th,t purpose. ---%IY--- It is also ordered that Lee Wallace, County Judge oP Kerr County, be authorized to taY.e and have oharge oY all necessary records pendin~~ inv ectigation by the dtt or nay General and shall take and have oharge and control oY the bonds herein author i:;ed pending their ap- proval by the, lttorney General and registration by the Comptroller oy£/~pPublic Aac or:ni;;;. ~_`v`~- 0-0-0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEIAS,O No. 529, In Cormnisaioners' Court, Kerr Oounty, Texas. COUNTY OF KERR.O Regular Session, ---August Tarm, August 9th, 1920. The order oY the Commieaionera' Court made and entered on the 11th day oY May, A.D. 1920, Yor the iaeuanoe oY Twelve Thousand ($12,000.00) Dollars Bonds Yor Rasd District fto. Three of Kerr County, Texas, and which order is reoorded in Volume "G", pages 450 to 45b, of the Minutes oY said Covrt, is hereby in all things resoinded and repealed. ~3DSR AUTHORIZIItG THE ISSUANCE OF ROAD BONDS OF ROOD DISTRICT N0. 3, OF KERB COUNTY, TEZAS. TH8 STATE OF TSLB,O C~ftTY OF KERR.1 On this the 9th day oY August, A. D. 1920, the Covnty Commiseionera Court oonvened in regular session at the regular meeting place thereoY in the Courthouse at Kerrville, Texas, all members oY the Court, to-wit; Hon. Tree Wallace, County Judge, Chas. Real, Commissioner of Precinct No. 1, M. K. Hood, Commissioner of Preoinot fto..2, Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commissioner of Preoinot fto. 3, Chas. A. Rodgers, Colmoiasioner oY Precinct fto. 4, (being present, and passed the Yellowing order: ~~ IPHEREA3, on the 21st day of January, 1920, there was preseLted to this Court a petitic (signed by the requisite number of queliYled resident property tax paying voters oY Road CCOQSISSI OF PRECINCT~O. 3. ~i , ~ ~, COM9[ISSIONER CF' PREC ItlC^ 0. 4.