tasea levied and aolleoted by the County, upon said Road District Tor that purpose. ~ ~ ~4 SZV-------- ~It is ordered that Lai 2Pn.l]sea, Caanty Judge oP Kerr County "bs authorized to take hnva charge oT all neoesaary records pending investigation by the 6ttorney General, ahd a take and have charge and oontaol oP the boHda herein pending their approval by the At General and registration by the Comptroller oY Public Ac::ounty~a. o sa oner oi'~ec no o. #I G ao o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o THE STA'_i OF TEXAS, ~ Zn 6ammiasioners' Oourt oP %err County,Texas. COU.+TY OF %ERR. ) (TA% LEVY) Regnl~ ingest Term, A,D. 1920. Aug.10,1920. On this the 10th day of August, A, D. 1920, at a regular term oP this Court a Pull board being present and partioipatin;r, the Court proceeded to levy Connty Taxes Tor the yeer 1920. It is ordered by:the Oourt that the Following County Tsxea be leviod upon all the taxable property situated in 1:err Oounty, Tesas, on the 1st day oY January, A.D, 1920, 41s:- Ad 4alorea Tas oY 2b cants on eaoh X100.00 valuation; Road and Bridge, 15 Dents on each $"100.p0 valuation; Road District No,2, 20 Dents on eaoh $100.00 Valuation; . I Road Distriot No,3, b Dente on each 100.00 valuation; Jury Tas, 1 Dent on each 7.00.00 valuation; Oourt Honat and Jail Tea, oY 3 Dents on eeah X100,00 valuation; Jail Repair Tas oY 1 Dent on each X100.00 valuation; Distriot Sohool No.2 tan oP 25 dente on each X00.00 valuation, Maintenance, IDistriat School Na.2, tan oP 2b Dents on eeeh 0100.00 valuation, Bond Building Fund. Distriot Sahool No. 3, tea of 25 Dents on each X100,00 Valuation, Maintenance. Distriot ~ch~~~ol No.q, tan o4 10 ce~ts on each X100,00 Valuation, Maintenffice, Distriot Sohool No, 5, tan oY 26 oe~.ts on eeeh 100,00 4sluation, Mainte;~anoe, District Sahool No.5, tan oY 25 Dents on each }~100.00(Naluation, Bond inane. ) District Sohool 210.8, tax of 16 Dents on eeeh $100.00 -aluation, Maintenance. Distriot Sahool No~B, tan oY 20 acute on each #100.00 Valuation, Maintenance, Dlstriot Sohool No.10, tan of 16 Dents on each X100,00 veluation, Maintenance, Distrlot Sohool No.l2, tax oP lb Dents on eaoh $100.00 wluation, Maintenance. M strict Sohool No.l4, tea oY lb Dents on eeah y~100.00 Valuation, Maintenance. . ~triot Sohool No.16, taz oY 20 scuts on each ~y100,00 valuation, t~aintaa~mes. ptrl@t Sahool Ho.17, tai[ oY $8 scuts on eaoh X100,00 valuation, Bond IeauA. !!6r1gt Sahool No.18, ta~,,9~ 7A scuts on eaoh X100.00 valuation, Mslntanance, .Y r7. .. ,'. i .. . _ 1 JY' .w ~n _ .. _ ~ -- /J ~~I9~/ !"~'/A l///fiS-//~f/ Comm Soner oP Precin No. 3. 4~s bietaiat School No.20, taz.ot.BO tleata on'each X100.00 valuation„~atatenaaae~ District School No.21, tax oP 20 Dents on aaoh 100.00 valuation, Raintenance. Con4ederate Pension b cents on aaoh 100.00 valuation. Ooonpation Taz, One-ha1Y oY thr_t Charges '~y the State oP Texas. ~ounty Poll tas 25 Dente on each male and Yemale. ~~~~~~~ The State oY Tezas, ) In Co.^.m~isaionere~ Court, P•err County,Texea, No.b33. County oY %err, ) Regular Atignst Term, A,n, 1920. August 10th, 19201 It is ordered by the Court that P..A.Holekamp and Hy.SpenraEh, each be allowed the sum oP ^4.00 each as returning oYPicers and Por holding Road Bond Election in Commissioners Precinct No.3, on Feby.24,1920, and that Ernest Schallhase,_ Geo,rJiedenfeld,_ Oscar Lich, Gus.Ehlera, Aad.Rerbst and Andrew Biermann, each be allowed the sum OS $2.00 each Por ho13- ing Bond Election on Feby 24,1920, 7cnnd+brs to be drnwn on Ad valorem Fnnd by Clerk oP this Court. The State ,oY Tesas, ) In Cormnisaioners~ Court oY Kerr County,Texea. No,534. County oP Kerr. ) Regular August Term, August 10, 1920. It is ordered by the Court that E''hae. Schmidt, set his Yence back oYP oY the land set apart Yaa'the Cherry Creek Road and it is also ordered that Chn_s.Preealer set his Yence bank oPY oP the land set apart for the Cherry Creek Road, and lkey and aaoh oY them shall not in any way interfere with the natural surface Plow oP the water on and along ea id road. The t4].erk oP this Court shall at once mail the said parties each a oerti' copy oY this order and the same shall become operative Prom and aYter its passage. The State oY Tezea,) No.53b. In Commissioners Court, Yerr Coun ty,Texas. County oY Kerr. ) Regular August Term, 1920. August 10th, 1920. It ie ordered by the_Oourt that each oP the Yollowing named persona be sl.onred the enm oY X4.00 each sa pauper allowance Por the months oY August, September and October, 1920,payable on Pirat oY each month by the Clark by youohers drawn on Ad Valorem Pend ~Y this County. FR71'9Tf~r#~1M1ITfitffTM''~YIYrYnI-1fV)I''flrfiA Tha State oY Te=a e,) In Commissionere* Court oP Kerr Connty,Tezas. No.b36. Regular August Tarm, A.P. 1920. 8onnty oY Kerr. ) August 10th, 1920. It Ss ordered by this Court that an exchange oY x.50,000.00 wotbh-~AY°the New Road District Bonds No.l, of the X200,000,00 inane or aeries, be and the same are hereby ordered exchanged for the Old Rosd District No.b Bonds oP thePYirst and original iesne, and L.A.SChreiner is to deliver the $36,000.00 note ezecntad by Kerr County, Yor borrowed money to this Court; and it is further ordered 'khat ~C';00 north Qt`'$''hh Naw Rbad District Bonds oP the ~200,000.OU iesne be and the game are hereby exdered exchanged Yor the same amonat oP the Old Road District No.l, Bonds which were pnrohasad and held by the Permanent School ~__ Yunda oP Kerr Connty,Tezas. Ard the County Trecanrer is instructed to pay the interest out oP Road Matriot No,l Ynnd, now on hand to L.A,Sohreiner Yor interest due him on money bor- rowed on aocount oY said Bond Parohase. ~~ ~i