'tg3 The State o1 Texas, ) In Commissioners' Court %err Courty,Tesn_s, ) County oP Kelr. ) Spec iel September Term, G.D, 1920, Sept.20,1920. On this day the Gonrt met'in special session and passed rnd ellaied claims as shown by reYasence to Minutes oP dooonnta allowed in Aook fto.5 on payee 61 end 62, vrhiah made a part oY these minutes. #'~a3 b4rs n~~,~.~tn~cnacn~.nn.n In Commissioners' Court, !;err County,Texas. The State oP Texas, ) ) Speci^1 September term, G.n, 1920, Oounty oP Kerr. ) September 20th,1920. On this day the Court met in Special session and took up the mettur oP the Employment oP another Farm Demonstrator to Pill the nnexpirod torm oY Clifford ^uintnl; who recently resigned and moved from'%err County, and the Court rfter diseussin~ tho matter, decidod to employ some one, iP the proper party could be found, to Pill the un-eepired term ..s F,~~.rm Demonstrator oP %err County, Texas, left vacant by former Demonstrator, Clifford ~i7'''tf7~~'lftlfi~;lT~ ~~i.~7771`1(if~Yi~ 'phere being no further business to come before the @ourt, and'the Yoregoin;± minutes Yram~~psge~4B2'td #88 hel~goP;'having boon read in open Court and Pound oorreet are hereby _ approved and this Oourt Ad~onrned, This September 20th, 1920. Attest:- _ T ~`~ / ~, _ ' , ~tznty J_udga~~~L. oun y er . # ~ a~ ELECTION C~DSR HY THE.COUNTY JUDGE DL'SSRB,COU2:TY,TE.7CA5. %NOW YE, That 1, lac wallaoe, County Judge of Karr Count;r,Texas, do by virtue oY the Authority vested in me by 1.aw, hereby order and direot that an r^.leotion be held in the County of Kerr and State of Texss, on Tuesday, the second day of November, 1920, far the eleotien of County Judge, County Attorney, County and District Clerk, Sheri#Y and Tax Collaetor, Tax Assessor, County Treasurer, County Surveyor, County Ccmmisaionar,Pr~einot No.l,' County Cemmiasioner, rreoinet p1o.2, County Commissioner, Preoinet No.3, C aunty Commissioner rrecinct No,4, Justice oY the Peace, rrecinct TJO.l, Justice of the re ace, Precinct Na.2, Justice oY the Peace Preain of No. 3, Just ice oY the Feace, sr.~cinet No.4, Constable, rrecinct No.1, Con a able, ~r~cinc$ IQO.2, Constable Precinct No.3 and Constable, Precinct No.4. WITPIE~S my hand and official seal, this October 2nd, A,D. 1920. noun y~3u ge, 2~rr~o~"y; Pe~:as. ~..