~gS From precinct Na,2, $ovemb or Sth,1920. On this day A.J,Gibbene, who wr.s duly and legally elected to the office o£ County and Roed bommi:,sioner of c'ommissioner's Preofnet Pio,2 oY F.err County,Texra, presented hie Bond wi'Eh two or more sureties es re ~~uired by law, £or Con r.i:y Commi sioncr end Roed Com- misaTOner, and the court a£tcr having examined the same, ~~e°erred them to the County Judge Por epnroval, and upon Ssamination oY;.same~Ponnd said bonds to be .good, and th•~t acid A. J: Gibb ®ns, had to o]c tre oath oP oP£ice re^uired by law Yor such o££ices, apuroved said Bonds, nf.J~_c,cs_rn ~rxr~^r.c n.ngg4.s_n_;~.c~r.~ern ;r rr .. v;: r, ',r„ r, :.-;rrr„ ,.rrr„ r-a' The St'to o£ Te_zas, ) In Cor¢Zi.sioners' Court,~err Coimty,'ie:cas. j No. 553. County o£ Kerr. ) Regulcr November Term, November lOth,1920, On this day o~es;e on to be con::idered the sale oP Road Pistrict No, 3 Bonds NtLabered Yrom 14 to 20 inclusive arch £or the principcl sum oP :',:600.00, £or £^.ce value and scorned inte-re st to-date, to Otto F.o inen, Henry Snenrath, F.G.Holokr.mn and Gottfried 3ehellhr.so, :nd nYter due consideration thereof., said bonds were sold to the above nc.mod parties ^.s Yollowa: To Otto Heinen one Bond $0.14 Por .'~y600,00 with accrued interest; To Henry Spenrath, one Bond 210,15 £o~ ±`,,600,OO,with accrued interest; To F.G,Holekamp, twa Bonds Nos,16 and 17 Por^x600.00 each and accrued interest thereon and Three Benda, 2dos,18, 1 and 20 to Gottfried Sohellha se, £or 600,00 each axid acarued interest to-dote thereon, Total salt oP said Beads including acoumulated interest to-date amounting to :4200,00, which amoun wr.s paid to the Oounty Treasurer oY Kerr County,Texas, to be nlsaed to credit oP acid P.oad District Fund No.3, oY Road Dietriet T7o,3, r_u :J:.un ^le s.JUw r.c .a .r, .rr rr,r~„~',nr~~iv-nrsrf~~~rr r No, 554. F'err Cou;~t,9. ~narterl,- P.e orts oP Co,O££icere. ~ P 11-9-20 i'he qua ri:orly reports oP, G.P.'?illi amson, Co.Treasurer, Jn o,I?.Le.^.yell, Co,Clerk e.nd E,H.Turnor, as Justice o£ Pence Prec P7o.1, mere examined and approved, and the report oY County Treasurer, orde°ed spread on minutes oP this Court. n~..~r~s~~rr.aJ~.r;c;,.^.u-~.J;.;-.._g,,,^..., is Tu ~~ u + rf~-irn ~rrrirrz'rru r„i':'r~ ,. 'i ~rr T~~e ,;t~~te oP Texas, ) In Oo~rmissioners~' Court ,Kerr Connty,Texas. Ao.555. Co:uity oP Kerr. ) November :9th, 1920. It is ordered by the Oourt th^t ~.,B.17illiameon County Treasurer oP :.err Cow;ty be and he is hereby authorized to pap upon proper warrant, the interest due on October 10th, 192.0, on the 36,800.00 worth oP Ro^d Bonds oP Roed Pistrict PSO,l P,err County,- ;'a 2000.00 oP which mere sold to L.A,i;chreiher and x`4500,00 oP which were sold to the Kerr Co~::nty Permanent dohool Fund, ,`lso to p~~.y upon proper "!arrant ,';4200.00 to :^, E, Simpson, County 15ngineer,Por Road ,istrict No.l, Por services rendered. These rmcun,.s to ire Arid oat oP the Yunds now to t'r.e Credit oP i~o nd '-3strict No.l, Tho 91 ark oP this Court is authorized to issued warrr.nts Yor the n^;;ment oP interest on bonds and also issued :;arrant Yor said $4200,00 when sworn account Por same sh.11 hr.ve been property filed. ~'1'ila; ,nJ:_~,~: ~~, r Jt rt.a.H ~f "~~ f".sly" 1 ;r r;, , ~r~r ~, ',r.fr, ;r,rv r No. 556. Y.orr Oouuty, pauper nllors.nce Yor ^uarter. 11-9-20 Each oY the following m•med person., to-wit; ':?rs. ". fti§s Gilman,- 1~:Srs.John John Story,-and J.P,.Clement, were allowed the sum oY ,4.00 ee.ch i'or months oY $oVember, Decomb-~r,1920~and Pyr January 1921, payable on or about .:h r, first of e,^.ch mcnth to said pr.rtles by dlo rl: ~.-~f the Court out o£ t.heyy,,rr~~Adv~al,o~grJe~m Frugn/.~d.~.o£ F:o rr Couxrty,Texc s. ~I ii "i, it l:1:.JL.:ffY,'fi '17~~T!'if'ti ~!~ff'.T?'fRi