~gS ~USlirioation oY commie rr^rom precinct No.2. November 8th,1920. On this day 6.J,Gibbene, who wes duly and legally elected to the ofYice oi' County Reed bo~issioner of ~'ommissianer's Preoinet No.2 oY Kerr County,4exas, presented hie Bond with two or more sureties as re ~'uired by law, for County ^uommi sioncr cud io ad Com- mi;caioncr, ..^.nd the Court a£tcr having examined the same, referred them to the ..^,ounty Judge for approval, and upon 8aamination oY; same ~Ponnd said bonds to be .good, and th~t said 1t, J: Gib'6 ens', :had to o:c t1;e oc.th oY office re^uired hy- larr for such offices, approved said Donds, 11.ftAJ..Y_ Q.L'n I;. n l ~" J'.n.ltd~¢~(.J•.Jt;:.rr!(..2,ed 1, t ~~ :r ;, ,, r. ,r „ ..:, ,::. ;nr ~, „ ,~ ~. ;: „'i~ -, 1I~.; rr The State of Teses, ) In Commi. aioners' Court ,?!e rr County,Te:cas. 140.553. County of Kerr. ) Regul=r November Teivt, November lOth,1920, On this day c^''le on to be considered the sale oY Road District No. 3 Benda Nthvbeyed Prom 14 to 20 inclusive e^.eh for the prinoipcl sum oP :'.600.00, £or £^ce velue and acorned interest to-date, to Otto Heinen, Henr;a Spenreth, F.C.Rolek~~mp and GottYried 3chellh'~.so, .nd after due consideration thereof, said bonds were sold to the above n::med parties rs Yoll ows: To Otto Heinen one Dond Iio.14 for ,Q&600.00 with accrued interest; To Henry Spenrath, one Bond I1o,15 fo_~~`600,OO,rrdth accrued interest; To F,G,Holekamp, twc Bonds.Nos,l6 and 17 Por x600.00 each end accrued interest thereon and Three Bonds, I1os,18, 1' and 20 to Gott Pried Sohellha se, Por 600,00 each add rc orued interest to-date thereon, Total sei8 oP said Bonds including acoumulatod interest to-date amounting to :~4200,00~ which amoun w^.s p:.id to the Oounty rlree.surer oP Kerr County,Texas, to be placed to credit of s^id Road District Fund No,3, oY Road District IIO,3, e'..uluy:lrnl:~~,xa.n~ltsunn.n.er.~~y f#n~, r -„-in,~., v-aV a r n-r,nr., -a r r No. 554. Yerr Co u:~~t;r. 'uarterly Reports oP Co. O££ieers• 11-9-20 i'he quari:erly reports oP, P.,P_."!illiamson, Co,Treasurer, Jno,T;,Le~^.cell, Go,Clerk and E.B.Turnor, es Justice o£ Pence Prec ISO.l, mere examined and approved, snd the report oY County Tresaurer, ordered spread on minutes oP this Court. 1. y~AJ~ tlJ tJL.'~y %: JL°}.ICJ: .'!f_ lf. vrN'1''lri~~~ ~V:. L jflr`]t~l'!I'll n'ii-;rrrr in;~!"L ~I ii~~f The .;tr to oY Texas, ) In Co~~ttnissioners~' Court ,Kerr Connt,y,Texea. No,565. Co:mty of Kerr. ) November 19$h, 1920, It is ordered by the Oourt th^t ?.,B.tl7illiameon County Treasurer oP :.err Oour,ty be and he is ho reby authorized to pay upon proper warrant, the interest due 'on October 10th, 1920, on the ?36,800.00 worth oP Ro'~d Bonds of Roe.d Mstriet ISO,l Kerr Qounty,- :jsE000.00 oY which ..^s re sold to L.A.CChreiner and X4500.00 oP which ware sold to 'the Korr Cov.nty Permanent uahool Fund. daso to pr~.y u?,on proper '~7arrant ,'~'~4200.00 to i', E, Simpson, County igi'igineer,Por Road "istrict No,l, Yor services rendered, These ~m olmts to 'i1o p:~id o=t oP the Yunds now to the Credit oY i;end istrict No.l, The ~31eri o£ this Court is authoricod to issued warrants for the pryrlont of interest on bonds and also issued :;arrant for said 34200,00 rrhon sworn account Por sane sh:.ll h^.ve been property filed, iF1,~'G ~'~, ~'11!il~lll~tl.n ~.~.~t~f~~'f'I~'T ffT'T, ;f-~I~V I4o.556. Korr County. Pauper xlloxr.nce £or '~uarter. 11-9-20 Raoh oP the Poll owin:* named person, to-wit: :rs. figs Gilman,- Iars.John Joan Story,-and J.D.Clement, were allowed the sum oY ,4.00 each i'or months o£ HoVember, Deeembor,1920~'and Ppr January 1921, payable on or about the first of. e^.ch month to ^,r.id p °.rt ies by ®lorr. oP the Court out oP "~,he Advslorom Fund oP ?:err Couutg,i'exas, ;i-nr ; ;, ~, r„