Novembor lOth,1920. The Court set oatur32y November 20th, 1920, for the date Por all New Oovnty au.~ Prucinot Officers to give new Bonds :rid quality aceordiug to Lnw for their respective offices. ~I11'A"]~~l~fTlf'tfxxiE~ ~fu No,658. Kcrr County. TRA2dSFdR. Nova°aber 10th, 1920. It is ordered by the Court that the sum oP ijb02.24 ba and ire sane is hereby transferred Prom the Available Road District No.l Fund to the Sinking B'vnd oP said Rond District Sdo.l, r~~'~`ir7l~iriri>``; i~if~i ~~m No,b59, Kerr County. Transfer, Nove3tbar 10th, 1920, It is ordered by the Oourt that the Following sums be and the same are hereby transferred .~s Follows, to-wit:-- The swn oP y~7:45 ordered transferred Prom B6h0oi-•District No,14 to Advalorem Fund. The swn oP 108,31 ifrdered transferred from School District 2do.18 to Advalorem Fund, The scan o£ x,05 ordered transferred Prom School District No.l6 to Advalorem Fund, The sum of .x,35 ordered transferred Prom School District No.12 to Advalorem Fund, The sum oP:~31.71 ordered transferred Prom School District P7o.10 to Advalorem Fund, The sure of a 9.81 ordered $ransPerred Prom 5ohool District Sdo,4 to Advalorem Fund. 4$b `F~fv~fi~°~f #~f2~r~`rr~~r•irr7-~r'~~~~`r~r~i~'~F 5 The State of Texas, ) In Commissioners' Court,Kerr Co. ,Texas No.5u0, November 10th, 1920. County o£ Ko rr. j , It is ordered~b~ the Court that tine Official Court Reporter oP the 88th Judicial District oP Texas, be allowed the cum oP .x;.578.96 per armum as 8al~.ry as Court Reporter or the swn oP 5331.58 per month, beginning with the Month oP October, A,D. 1920, as his pro-rata .salary due as per the statement to (this Court hereinbolow recorded, payable by the Glerk of thAs Court by touchers Drawn on the Advalorem Fund on the 1st day oP each month beginning with October 1st ,1920, until Further orders Prom this Court. TO THN HONOn}; I,>; CO:.RSr..:SI0Nr125 COURT, OF i0!;R~: CO uid^lY, TF,YA J. - Ki:RRVILli:, T:r~;Av, The Oenercl L,avs of the State oP Texna passesd by the 36th Legisl:~ture, at a called session, 1920, in Ohap,47, H.B.Bo.69, provide that the Salary oP the oi~ic~al shortharul reporter oP each judici,A district court in the State oP i'exas,shall be .",,1800.00 per annum, to be paid monthly by the counties c~aaposing the district, in pro- portion to the number oP weeY.s provided by lava for holding court in the respective counties. Thin amounC should thereYore ba apportioned Por the 38th Judicial District ns Follows, to-.•~it:- 13andera Oounty 3 weeks teen, Spring and Fall, Kendall County 3 Y6bks terra Kerr County, 3 weeks , term, " ldedina County 4 weafis terra, " Real Oounty 2 ^lee2,s term ^ " , Zavala County, 3 weeks , term, Per Annum, Per Month. Bandera County, 284.20 23.68 Kondall County, 284.20 23.68 Kerx Oounty, 378.96 31.58 Medina Oounty, 378.96 31,58 Real County, 169,48 15.80 :.avala Oounty, 284.20 23.68 ~_ The County oP Kerr should thereYore issue to the official Court Stenographer, &.S. Taylor,~5an dntonio,Tex., Oourt-~imuse, 3d Floor), a monthly warrant, beginning v~itr. the Month of Oetobey, d.D. 1920, Por the amount oP X31.58. Approved this 30 day oP September,l:.D.1920. R,H.Burney, Judge 38th Judici~.l Distri t. • ~ ~ „. ~ ',ax.:+ ,.-~. x;~:: 6s ..,a..+~'~koi®tlrsw .__~i..,d...-,. 1, .vw~txues.:..„„~._. -,.,.wa'..,,et,,;.:.;,.,....:., v..,.,. ., .:..... •. ,w, .... .::..~