sj5~ V7~VLT~fi!'.; ;err-,: ;r ilihrriw'i~iHhF'f The State of Texas, ) In Camnisaioners' Court,Korr Cou:ay,~e:as. Tdo.o03, C ovnty o; Kerr. ) lay 11,1921. icegular May,To rm,l921. Quarterly reports of J. T.hfooro, Jno.R.Le~vell andr',.fI.Turror, examined and approved. ":.!~.,/{_':k 'it ~ !.11.::1' !L ' ..I,'.I_!,' 'fiI' •Tflf ii'k" "k"(f 1. ifll L'u' The Stato of Texas, ) In Commissioners' Oourt,Y.err Cou:-ay,Texas. T7o,609, Oounty of Korr. ) May 11,1921. Regular Iuay,Torm,l921, thi this the 11th day of 7vicy, A,", 1920, ut a regular term oP this Court a full board being present ;;z1d participatinr~, the Court proceeded to In--, v;- County Taxes fnr the year 1921, as follows:- Ad Valorem Tax of 21 cents on etch X100,00 valuc.tion; Ad valorem Tea o~ ~ aamta on each X100,00 valuation as Tiek ]iradication Fund oY Kerr Congpy Tha State oY Texas County oY Kendall ~ I, Otto Sohweppe, County Clerk ands OYYicio Clerk of the Commissioners Court of Kendall County, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and Yoregoing is s true and oorrect copy of and order oY said Court passed on Mondey, July 12th, 1920. Ylitnese my hand end the seal of said Court this the 9th day oY May A.D. 1921 (Si:AL ) 3i3ed.May lOth,1921. Jno.R,Leavell, Olerk Oounty Court,Kerr County,Texae, Otto Sahweppe County Clerk and Ex OYYloio Clerk of County Comm~iaeionere Court, Kendall Co,Texae. ~`~~'ir nvr'~~~uva~r~i-,~-a'~~if~ The State of Taxes, ) In Commissioners' Court,Kerr Count y,Taxa s, )~To,606. County oY Karr. ) May 11,1921. Regular Mey Term,1921, The report oY Chas.Real, A.J.Gibbene and Hugo !7iedenfeld, who were appointed as a committee to inve8tigate and report to the Court as to the eotablishing and laying out a third olasa road as prayed for in petition to this court, filed by B.D.Dean, „ this day aZereined.and ordered to be::filad by the Court. And it appearing 3Dm the report of snid committee that it would not be practible to grant said petition and eutabli or open up the third aloes road as prayed Yor in said petition ailed by B.D.Dean,et.e1. said petition is refused. ~rr~'~i~~ifir'7~~";;~ ~~~r',isv~ The State of Texas,) In Commiisaionera' Court,Kerr Cou_nty,Texas. ) 1Co,601. County of Kerr. ) May lOth,1921. Regular May Term,1921. Court met as a Board of Equalization on above date and the Tas Assessor presented the Inventories of property rendered to him Yor the year 1921, and upon careYnl examination of said Inventories, it is ordered by the Court thet the following property owners be notiYied that the C hurt desires to raise their asaemen6e Yor the year,1921, and to appear on the 88th day oY >py,A.D.1421 at 10 O'clock A. M., at the Court house in town oY Kerrville, Texas, and show oausa why same should not be raised, vLZ:- C.E,& L4amie $i~Ae; Chas,presler 5r.- Andrew & Marie Biormann,- Gus & Ida Spenrath,- Henry MohrhoYf,- Fred. and Hazel Evertaon,- &,Hawea,- D,R. & L.Lewis,- H.Boll Stock Co., E.C,it Alma Fiek,- 17.H.Rawaon ~~ & Son,- Ed.& Bertha Smith,- G.C.P~ Mra.G.C,Snrber,- Bruno 1 Johann Sohwethe7m,- Jas.Spciar,.. Monty Bros.G Margret & Julie, 1Y.A.& Mary Simmons,- and w.N.SUrber. t osa a $riage,lo oen~ca on cap tuu,uu vainssicn;~. oad i~'triat No,1,4b cents an 1 0.00 valnationr $oad -D,~atriot 80,2, 20 ceista on each $100,00 valnat~mi; 8oad District No,3, 5 ots.on Old issue ~ 28 cts, on New Issue oY Bonds, on each $100 Value Jury fez, cL-oent on eaoh $100.00 valuation; ¢ou~rtHonseand Jail Taz oY 3 apnta on each X100,00 valnatLDn; Jail Repair Taz 0Y 1 Dent ~ each X100,00 valvatmbn; District Sohool No.2 tea oY 26 Bents on each $100,00 valuatoln,Maintenanoe. Diet ri et Sohool No.2,taz oY 2b cents on each $100,00 va lnatoln,B Ond Building Fvnd. Diatriot Sohool No.3, Tea oY 25 cents on each $100,00 valuation, Maintenance. District School Ro,4, Taz of 10 cents on eeeh $100,00 valuation, Maintenance, Diatriot School No,5, Tex of 25 cents on eaoh X100.00 valuation, Maintenance. District School No,6,. taz oY 25 cents on each $100.00 valuation, Bond Building Fund. Diatriot School No,B, Tax of 30 cents on each X100.00 valuatoin, Maintenance. Diatriot School No,S, Tax oY 20 cents on etch $100.00 valnatiin, Maintenance, .District School No,10, Taa of 15 Dents on each $100.00 Valuation, M^intenanoe, '~Ddstriot Sohool No,12, Tea oY 15 cents on each $100,00 valuation, Maintenance, District Sahool No,14, Tax oY 15 cents on eaoh $100,00 valuation, Maintenance, Diatriot Sohool No,~6, Tea oY 20 cents on cash $100,00 valuation, Maintenance, District School No,17, Tea oY 3b cents on oach $100,00 valuation, Bond Zsane. Diatriot Sahool No,lB, tax oY 1¢ Dante an each $100,00 valuation, Maintenance. District Sohool No,19, tax oY 2b~cents on eaoh $100.00 valuation, Maintenance, v District School No.20, Taz oY 501cente on each $100.00 valuation, Maintenance, District Sahool No,21, Tax oY 20 cents on oach $100.00 valuation, Maintenance. ConYede rate Pension 5 cents on each X100,00 valuation. Occupation Tax, One-half of that Ch.:rged by the State oY Tezea, County Poll taz 26 cents on e~:ch male and female.' 'I Y`u`Vfirfl~ll';~ifi'Tf'Tf"7fi~i!'?Z'FTi ilZ' THE STAT& OF TEXA3,0 In Com~piseioner'a Court, Kerr County, Tezae. 0 No. 603. Regnler May Term, 1921. COUNTY OF KERR.O May 11th, A. D. 1921. S1rTTLEMENT PITH TAX COLLATOR OF KERR COIINTY, T&XAS. It is ordered by the Court that J. T. Moore, Tea Collector, for Kerr County, Tezae, be oradited with the Yollowing items:--- Bxrore in Assesamonte: Delinquents, 1920, AD7: 8&B: OHBcJ: SPBC: JRF: J. F: CHR: $D(I1:RD~2:RD~3: S.H: POLLS: 6.70 3.4E .68 .23 .23 2.16 17.10 6.50 194.20 116.63 23.31 Inaolvante, 118.10 70.85 14.18 Collected by Comptroller:1b.70 9.40 1.88 Lends sold under Judgment: ~elingnente former Years: 7.77 7.77 231.69 242.17 3.07 4.00 4.72 4:72 198.30 27.36 .63 17.00 .6E .62 28.22 TOPAL9, 333.70 200.20 40.06 13.34 18.84 460.37 282.63 3.70 27.60 It is further ordered by the Court that J. T. Moore, Taz Collector for Kerr County, Tezaa, be credited with the fallowing items:-- Diatrlot Schools, ~2: #3: #4: #6: #8: ~9: X10: X12: X14: $16: X17: X18: #19: X20 Delinquents, 1920, Insolvents, Srrora in Assessments, 6.83 3.73 1.69 15.7b 42.06 .84 .54 7.Bb .29 2.40 2.38 5.44 2.b2 .94 Slb $21: 2.93 2.81 3.12 1.07 1.75 Collected by Com~trpller: 2.88 9.60 1.0E ~,,, ., .. _ . _, .M....~. , a .. r ... ... wF..~+Ma. WwMn.erv. v~K~. W~.v ~. ... n .. .. ... .. 5.~ .,n.