539 THE gTaT3 CR' Taue.O - In Commlaeionere' Court, 8ers Oonatp, Tezae. 0 Ho. 681. Speoial Deoembsr Term. 1821. COIIETY 4R SEaa.1 December EOth, 1921. ~ this day acme on to be ooneidersd the drainage proposition of Yr. R. Saar. and it Se ordered that same bs aoasptsd by the Caurt sad that the Clerk shall reoord the agrewent is oonaeotion therewith, signed by Yr. 8aur in the Yinutee of the Court, Lo-wit: Kerrville, Tezas. Hov. lb, 19E1. I hereby agree with the Commieeionere' Oonrt of Kerr Co ., TWe, that the Court may install a oemoat or ooaorete oulvert on the Cypreee Creek ~ Comfort Boad oa the hill ~! t near the old 8obsst Oohs house, to take the water at that point onto my Lnd and I hereby agree to take sore of end aooommodats said rater on my land, reaohiag it over or through said oulvert. bad I hereby agree that if I fail ar refuse to take oars of said water as provided shove, tAea in enoh ease the Commissioners' Court shall have the right to open s the ditoh oa my land for the aooo®odation of said rater. (Signed ) R. 9dUH ~ 3TaTE 0! TE7[aS.Q In Commiaeioaere' Court. Kerr County. Tezae. Eo. 68E. Speoial Deoembsr Tarm, 19E1. COUETY OB KSffi8• Deoembsr E0, 1981. Tha Court took a rsoeae until Thnredey, Deoembsr EEad, 19E1, at 8 O'olook Y..Y. STATE U8 TEL8,0 In Co~iesionerq' Court, Kerr County, Tezae. 10 Ho. 6b8} Speoial Dso~ber 1'srm, 19E1. COUITTY Ot KHRB.~ Deoembsr EEnd, 19E1. pnrsna7nt to an ^djournment taken by the Court on Deoembsr E0, 1821, She Court re-oonvened this Deoembsr 88, 1821, at 2 O'olook P. Y., end the following pFOeeedinge were had, to-wit; TH$ STATE 0? T1W1-.Q Ia Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Tezse. Eo. 66S Speoial Deoenber Term, 19E1. CCUETY W Ki19i.0 Deoenber 28ad, 19E1. It is ordered by the Court that She taz oollsoted for road building purposes is road distrlgt Ro. 8 of Korr County on last bond issue whioh bond issue was voted off in said Distrlot bs end the same is hereby restored to the taz payers neon proper taz reoelpte being filed with the Clerk of this Court, ices 10~ rhloh amount of reduction aovare.ezponses and oommlaslone. The amount of taz oolleated for the year 19E0, being 7b oents oa the =00,00 velnatioa of property. The Clerk of this Court ie authorised to issue proper vonohere for amount dns each taz payearl~bea proper taz seoeipt or dnplioate has been filed with Clerk showing amount due. THH STATE OP T~,g,O In Commieaionere' Court, Bsrr County, Tezae. O Bo. 664 Speoial Deoembsr Term, 19E1. C0117TT QO! XiRB•0 Deoembsr ESnd, 19E1. Ths Olaim of Rdllard E. Simpson, County Engineer for Baad Dietriot Eo• 1 of 8ers County, rhloh has been duly oertlfied to the Commdeeionere' Court as regyired by Lr ire the Bwrd of Commieslonere of sale Boad Distrlot Eo. 1, for the sum of #8000.00 oovering the final payment bra aompleted plans of Bpeaieh Highway from Silver Creek is Kimble County line, was duly ooneldered dad ordered paia out of the funds of Boad Dis- triot Eo, 1 by vonoher duly drawn on se id fund by the Clerk of thi/ Court.