f~7 I THE STATE OF TEZAS.OQ COIIBTY W' KERH.O BE IT RE1[EMBEHED. That on this the 6th day of April, A. D. 192E, there wee begun and holden a Speoial Term of the Coauaiasionors' Conn of Kerr County, Tezae, et the Court $oaae thereof in the town of %errville, Tezae, UFFICSR.4 PRESEBT, Chas. Seal. --------- A . J . c:ibbsne . --------- Hugo Wiedsnfsld, --------- J. A. Peril. ---»•--. - County Judge, ------- Commissions;, Preoinot Ho. 1, Commiaeioner, Preoinot Ho. E, Commiaeioner, Preoinot Bo. 3, Commieeioner, Preoinot Ho. 4, J. T. Poore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, end the Count having Deen regularly opened end the following prooeedinge were had, to-wit: The Stets of Tszu ,0 In Commiasionere' Court oz Kerr county, Tezae. d Ho. 900 April 6th, A. D. 192E. County of Kerr .O Speoial April Tarm, 19E2. Came on to bs ezamined the olaime filed against Ker: County, and same xers allowed by the Court •e shown is Yol. b, pages lEY-lE8 end 1E9, Minutes of Aooounte Allowed - 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The Stat• of Tezae,0 In Commiaaionere' Court of %er! County, Tszas. p Ro. 701 April 5th, A. ll. 19EE. County of Kerr .O Speoial April Term, 192E, FIRST 0$DER F08 192E'CATTLE DIP. Came on to be ooneidered by the Court the order given. to C. S. Ragland. Repre- sentetive of The Sherman-Williams Company of Teaas, by County Judge Lee Wallaoe do April 1, 1922, for one oar load of Cattle Dip, same being 2350 Gal. Kil Tik Dip is b gel. awns, ^t $1.00 per gallon, freight prepaid to Chas. 9ohreinar Company, terms, Feb. 1923 nat or 2~n for oaeh in 30 days. Whereupon ea id ordas was in all respeote duly approved and oonfirmsd by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-ao-o Ths Stat• of Tezaa,0 In Commieeioners' Court of Ksrr County, Tezae. 0 Ho. 70E April bth, d. D. 19EE. County of Kerr .Q _ Speoial April Term, 192E. 8AIS8 IH SALASY OF W. 6. WA$D. AS ASST. IHBPEOT08. Oame on to be oonsidered by the Cauzt the matter of an inorease of $E0.00 per month in the Salary of W. 8. Ward, for eztra eervioes ae Assistant T1ok Inspeotor to Distriot Inepeetor Campbell for Kerr County during 192E; it is ordered by the Court that W..G. Ward~e Salary ae last. Tiok Inepeotor bs iaoreaeed Pram X80.00 to X100.00 per month oommeneing on the first day of Harah, 19EE. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The State of Te~cea,0 In Commissioners' Court of %err County, Tezae. 0 Ho. 703. Ipril fish, 192E. Oou~y of Kerr.Q Speoial April Term. 19E2. The Court having ezaminsd the Claim of W. E. Simpson for $600.00 oovaring hie monthly payment on Coatraot ae County Soed Engineer, from Mar. 8 to Apr. d, 19E2, Youad ea id oLim duly sworn to by Mr. Simpson and properly oartified to the Court by the Board of Speoial Soad Cammiseioaere of Boad Dietriot Ho. 1 of Kerr County, and same wee approved ^nd allowed by the Court. It le therefore ordered by the Court that the Clerk draw • vonohar on the Highray Ho. EY Fund for =fi00.00 to the order of W. E. Simpson in fall payment thereof. o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o ., :. 5: : ~.. ~,...