5F `'~ first ewopn monthly report of stook dipped by him, end the Clerk is ordered only to ieane voucher to each of said inepeotora upon the Piling oP'~e~sworn monthly report. ,~,~ The State of Tezae,0' In Oo~iasionere' Court, Kerr Conntw, Taxae. OYiQ. 727 May 9th,`1922. County of err .0 ~ May' T'srm, 1922. It is ordered by the Court that 327 coupons 90.3 Por 13.76 eeoh,:deteohad Prom ~163,b00,00 worth of Road District 9a. 1 Bonds oP Kerr County be atroyed by burning them in the presence oP this Court, and said ooupone were accordingly burned before tkria Court on this the 9th day oP May, 1922. The State oP Tezaa,0 In Commieslonera' Court, Kerr County, Tezes. 0 90. 728 May Term, 1922. County oP Kerr .Q May 10, 1922. It is ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer take up an3 discharge seven (7) Jail Repair Bonds, out oP monies Prom the Jeil Repair Fund oP Kexr County. The State oP Teaas,0 In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Tessa. Q 90. 7i1• May Term, 192E. County oP Kerr .O May 10, 1922. It is ordered by the Court that the Clark oP this Court issue vouchers, to-wit; x$60.00 on the Advalorum Fund and ,150,00 on the Roed & Hr idge Fund, both payable to yP, G. Paterson, ae an edvenoe peymeni on hie salary as County gaseaeor Por the year, 1922. The State oP Tezae.Q In Commiealonera' Coutt, Karr County, Tessa. OHO. 732• May Term, 1922. County of Kerr .Q Hay 10, 1922. On this the lOtYy day oP May, A• D. 19E$, at a regular term oP this Court a Pull board being present end partiodpating, the Court prooaedad to levy Oounty Tessa for the year, 1922, ae Pollowe: .d Valorem Tax oP E1 Dente on each X100.00 valuation; Ad Valorem Tax oP 4 Dents on eaoh X100,00 valuation as Tick Eraddoation Fund; Road & Bridge, taz oP 16 cent's on eaoh :100.00 valuation; Road Dietriot 90. 1, tea oP 45 Dents on X100.00 valuation; Hoed Distrlot 90. 2, tae oP 20 saute on eaah X100.00 valuation; Hoed Dietriot 90. 3, 5 Dente on old issue and 28 Dente on new iaeue, total of 33 Dente taz on eaoh,~100.00 valuation; Jury Taz, 2 oenta•on eaah tp100,00 valuation; Court House & Jai} Taz oP 2 Dente on eaoh X100.00 valuation; Jail Repair Taz aP 1 Dent on eaoh X100.00 valuation. District Sohool go. 2 tea OP 26 Dents on eaoh ,100.00 valuation, bond building Pund; Dletriat Sohool go. 4 teX pP 10 Dents on eaoh X100,00 valuation, maintenance; Dietriot Sohool .90, 6, t4z oP ~5 Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation, bond building Pund; Dietriot Sohool 90. b, tea oP E6 acute on eaoh j~100.00 valuation, maintenanoo; Dietrlat Sohool 90. 8, Taz oP 30 Dente on eaah X100.00 valuation, me intena nne; Dietriot 9phool 90, 9, Taz';oP 20 Dente on eaah j~100.00 valuation, maintenance; pietriot School $o. 10, Toz oP lb Dents on eaah ~R100.00 valuation, maintenance; Dietriot Soho of ;jio. 11, ta~ Oi 18 Dante on eaoh $100.00 valuation, maint ens nos; 81atr1at School $o. lE,.Tv~ oY 15 Dente on each ~100.J0 valuation, maintenanoe; Diet;.lot Sohool $q, 14, Tex oP,},6 Dents on eenh $100.00 valuatlon, maintene~e; D14tRiat Sohool bP. 16, Taz oP 20 Dente on.eagh.$100.00 valuation, maintenanoo; Diett~ot Sohool,~to, 14 ,.;Ta~Z oY 36 saute on eaoh X100.00 valuation, iaLd:isene; A~kq~,ai,~.~~„Qe7,.F4ex~~~,~~r.glrllR bpnte On baell $lOO.OQ valuation. maintenance: