X7:3 !be taegping ainatea oa yagea d48 aad iT8 ha:oet wue.swt lA opta Coart aad foam •orawt tai ar• hereby •ppsoved, thin Tth bay K Jona. 1888. o-o-o-e-e-a.o.o,o,o !ha BSat• of lgaa,0 Cenaty K Yorr.000 HE I! B>a6E8EHE1l That oa thie the 14th day K Jane, d. D. 1988, ihesa er• began an4 holden ! 8agaiR3 Tara of ib• Cooaiuienere' Ooart K Yesr Oanaty. Teat, at the Ceart Hoaa• thueK !a the toad K [errville, Pone: Oitleer• Iswsat: Ena. Le• Eallwe. Chas. Hql, ~. J. Qibbeaa, Hoge tialeotela, J. ~. lull, Cv˘aty Judge. Qomiaaioper, Prwinet Eo. One C~riaelaaos, Pseoimt Ee. !ns OR~Saaiems, Prwiaet Ea, !hi'w Cellsiaalenu, Preoinat Eo. Eoar J. !. Stooge, ShBsiii tai John H. yMVell, aenaty Clerk, and t1u Caart having beta rogaLrly openei the fellesag yreooeiinga •uo had, tq-tit: ,74 ~ ~! pedes Daalaring ENalt of Elegtiq. On thle dey owe en t• b• emeidorol the =einrn• of an olaetion hold oa the 80th day K 1u7. 1988. 3a Cagieoa Coaaty Eia• Sohoel Dlatsiot Eo. 8 03 the Msaatiea K)(ealell ^m Yus. Roar, ayea the gneotien of Sesniag ;1,a,000.00 ei 8ohoelheau benda~for acid DUSr1ot, tanning 80 ypre, eptlaaally, and Dossing 6 pr Dent iateroot, ^m levying • ta: sa all tasabla property K •a1l Diatsiet eaitioisnt to pay the entreat iatuwt ea told beads am provide ^ eiaking toad entiioient to pay ih- priaeiyal •t aatarity aad Si appeu- ing Chet acid aleetioa sae in all roepeota legally hold asi that Shoe wu• pant at acid •lwtiea 801 vetea, et ibioh amber there wets tut: las the Bom^ ldd Eetea lgaiaat the bmada. 188•V9tN {ad it abpeariag to the Coast irm nail retards slat • aa~uity of tLa gae11liod preputy to=paying voice et said iiatriet voting •t read •laotion, wting is Saute sf Caning aali Donna She Coast dMa hueby daoLre the prepwiiian to ihq Laaaae• et tall henna to have boon sieptod aad that thL Coast 1a eathaslgN f• inane aaid bands oaa to levy and Lave uNUN •m oalleotod aaid Lz. !ha Htat• at lgaa, Oesty of Yeniall. I, Otto 8ohweypa. Clerk ai the Coaaty Oorrt •m Ez-sftioio Olerk qt the Coaalaeianers' Court si Pendell Ceaaty. Sena, to hereby •utity that the •beva and ieregeiag i• ^ true •m ooaeot copy ei the Ostler deoLsieg reaalt •i eleetiea a the acne eypwra of record is ~ Ktie• in lelaae 4, en pagN b81 dal 6118, ltimntea CautLeloaorq~ Censt o1 Seaaall Ooanty, lezu. In lNtlmaay ELereei. Eitawe ay Load and seal ei uid Censt at Ottlo• is Doerae. lead, Shia the 89th 4y od tNy. ~. D. 1988. Oita gehaeDDe Clerk, Oeaaq Coact aad Es-ad!tlaie C7wrk of the ~bEtLl tovd3oeiwue~ Qoast ot.Iaolall Oenaty, lean. e Tiled Jpao Dili, 1888. Jna. 8. Leavel}fi, Cenaty Clerk ~.