614 State of Tezu. 8 Ia ComalBeioxrr®' Court, Kerr County. Tezas. 0 Bo. 82B gegala3 lov. Tsm, 1922. County o!'I(err. / Bov. 14th, 19 E2. ROAD ACCOUBT Oy II. ;.8ZIL9CHBL, GHAIRLGB SP$C. BO&RD aB' COu18[ISSIOBEHS. R• D. KOBE. Came on to be ooneidered the balance of $3664.96, on Aug. 4 Sept „ Anoannts of H. Remeohel, whioh n s audited and allowed by tks Court ^t its Special October Term, but for whioh no eorip was ordered leaned; also the duly sworn and certified account of H. Remsohel for October, amoaating to ;1451.16, aggregating the sum of =5116.1E. And said OotoDer Aooouat far ;l*61.16 was duly audited and approvod by tDa Court for its toll amount. It 1o therefore ordered by the Court that the Clerk of this Court leeue eorip or vouohera, payable to H. Bemeohsl,YOreman and Supervisor 8a de, R. D. ~1, Kerr Couaty, a. the Road sad Sridge Fund in a total sum of =6000.00, said ;5000.00 to be divided into 5 vouchers for the amount of X1000 each. lnd the balance of =116.12 not oovorsd by eorip shall be included In the neat eorip to be laeusd to Yr. 8emsohel. 0-0-0-O-a-a State of Tesas, 0 In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Ts:as. /B0. 829 RaguL r Bov, Tarm, 1922. County oY Karr. 0 Bov. 14, 1922. ALLOl~BCE CB CLAI16 4BD ACCOUBTS ACII89T YERR COUBTY. The Accounts and Claims Yiled against Kers County wars ezamit»d and approved by She Court ae shown in Yol. 6, pages 151, et. seq.. Yinutea oY Aoooante Allowed. o-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Tszas, 0 In Coomtieaionere' Court, Ksrr Couaty, Tezae. 0 Bo. 830. Begulsr Bop. Term. 1988. County of Kerr. 0 Bov. 14, 1982. QUA$'PERLY REPORTS., Cams oa to be ,ezamined by She Court the Quarterly Reports for quarter eaiiag Oct. 31, 1822 of ~. R. lillirmeon, Couaty Treasurer, Jao. R. Laevell, Couaty and D1atrlot Clark and E• 8. Turner, Justice of the Paeoe, Proot. 1, and said reports were iouad correct by the Gourt and wars is all reapeots apprrned by the Court, and St is ordered by the Court that the repowt of the Couaty Treaeurar be epreed upon the minutse of this Court by the Cla o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o State o1 Tesas, 0 Ia Commissioners' Court. Kerr Couaty, Tezas. 1 Bo. 831 Regular Bov. Term, 1922. Couaty of Kerr. 1 Bov.l4th, 1922. TRABSPER FROI[ JAIL 9SPAIR BUBD TO TIOL EBADICATIOB YUBD (AvalLblsl. It is ordered by the Court that the balance of X1399.85 remaining in the Jail Re- pair Bond as Kerr Couaty be and the same is hereby transferred to tkr Ave flab le Tiok Esadioa lion )nnd of Ksrr Couaty, ^nd the Traaenrer a~ Clert of the Couaty ^re hereby antborissd and ordered to make this transfer upon their boots. o-a-o-o-o-o-o-a State of Tesas. 0 ~Zn Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Tezas. 1 Bo. BS2 Regular Bov. Term, 1922. County of Yerr. / Bov.l4th, 1922. ADYERTtSEIUDRT y(8 BIDS OB COBSTRUCTIOB OP SECTIO! "D" HIGHUY 80. 27. It >a a~sdsred.by the Court that the Cony Engineer, E. E. Simpson advertise as provided by law for bide on the ooaatruotlon of 9aotion "D" oa Highvny Bo. 27 of Kerr County, the bide to be opened oa Deo. 9th, 1922, eaa the contract to be 1st to She lowest bidder. sub3aot to the Court's privilege to re~eot any and all bids. O-O-O-MOra-O State of Tezas. 0 In Commiaeioae re' Court, Kerr Couaty. Tesas. 0 Bo. 833. Regalar Bov. Term, 1922. County of Kerr. 0 IIov. 14th, 192$. 1rR01[ ADVALOREY TO DROU6RT BET~IEW pUBD.