I ~r i. 3 The State of Tezaa, D County of Kerr. Q HE IT BEMEdHEBED that on this, the 12th day of Maroh, 1923, there rea begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commiesioaere' Court of Kerr County, Texas, at the Court Bouse thereof in the town of Kerrville, Tezaa, OFFIC ERB PBESENT: Hon. Zee Wallace . ................... County Judge, J. F. Leiearing . .................... Commiaeioner, Preainot Mo. 1, 8. G. Slane . ........................ Commissioner, Preo Snot No. 2, Hugo Wied enfold . .................... Commis stoner, Pr eoinat fto. 3, r M J. ~. Peril . ........................ Commleelone r, Preci not No. 4, J. T. Moors, Sheriff and Jno, R. Leaven, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened. the folloring proo sad inga rare had, to-r1t: OBDEH No. 910, SETTL7iivRt~'T lS' BALAtiCS 08 1921 DIP -CC OUMT. DU% WILDIAM COOPER & NEPHEWS. Ino. Oe thia;~.iha ~.l8th?day of Maroh, 1923, oame on io ba oo~idered the prop oe ition far uttlemeat.of Karr County's 1921 Dip aooount proposed Dy Mr. MoElroy, representative of sold Willdam Cooper & Nephews, Ino., and St appearing to the Conn that it could De to the advantage of Kerr County to aooept the pr op oeition, it Se ordered by the Court that the Clerk of thie,Court isa ne a vouohsr in favor of said William Cooper & Wephera, Ino., against Tiak gradioatlon (Adv} Bund for the amount o3 $b41.60 •e partial payment of sell balanoe, leaving a balanoe of $1b 00 unpaid; and it Se further ordered that the Clerk of thla Court issue a voucher Sn favor of said William Cooper L Merphewe, Ino., ggalnat Tiok Brad ioation (Adv) Bund for the sum of 31b80. 00, payable Bsb. lb, 1924, rhloh covers the balanoe of =1b00 and one year's Sntereat at 6~(, thereon from 8eb, 16, 1923. O-Or0-O-O-O OBDSa Io, 911. PARTIAL PAYMBMT OP BALANCE OP 1922 DIP ACCOUNT TO 888 RWIN WILLIAMS CO. 08 TSYAB. On this 12th day of Maroh. 1923, bame on to be oonaldered the payment of the balances due The She rrin-Williams Co. of Texas on Its 1922 Dip •ooount ageimt Kerr County, and St ie ordered by the Court that the Clerk issue a voua her in favor of ae id Sherrin- WSlliame Co. of Tezaa for 600.00 agai rt~t Tiok Erad Soation (Adv) goad ae partial peymont of said balance, leaving the balanoe of $13b0.00 unpaid. o-o-o-o-o-o OBDSB Wo, 93E. APPLIC ATIOft OB C8A8. SCHMIDT. ET AL BO8 BE-OPE NIBG 08 BOAR FROM JOY BLUSMSL'a W. LIME TO CENT EB POINT & SAMDERA RO-D, ~ thle 12th day of Maroh, 1923, acme on to be heard the appl Soetioa in person oY Chas, Schmidt •nd Chae, preaeler for the re-opening of 3rd ola se road from W. line of Joe Bluemel'^ lead Satare voting C. P. & Bandora Boad at W. 8, $Sa hrorth plaoe~, dieooutinued by order of this Court at its Speo. pot. Term. 1922. And it appearing Lo the Court that 1t would ba advisable to tort her inveatlga to the matter, it is ordered by the Court that game Se passed for further aotion at n tut ore term of this Court. o-o-o-o-o CBDSB So. 913. PETITION OY ALBERT LSEDSB AND19 OT88HB FOH THIRD CI,-SS BOAD 8C8G1'i5 BBITZ BCHUETZE'8 LAND. am thls 12th day of Maroh, 1923, came oa to bo oonsiderad th• Petition of Alb, Le odor and 19 of hero for 3rd oLea. road aoroaa Brits Sohu etaa's land, end it is ordered that •aaml be paeaed until the nest term of this Court for aotion. o-o-o-o-o-o