3 The State of Tezaa, a County of Karr. OD BE IT $EE6EE.4)HSS2ED that on this, Sha 12th day of Marsh, 1923, there i was begun and hol3en a Regular Term of She Commiseiona re' Court of Kerr County, Tesas, at the Court Rouse thereof in the town of Kerrville, Te:ae, OFFIC EIS P$ESENT: Ron. Lee Wallaaa . ................... County Judge. J. F. Leiaering . .................... Cammieeioner, Precinct Ho, 1, R. 6. Edeae . ........................ Coฎiseioner, Preo Snot No. 2, $ugo Wiadenfeld . .................... Commie aioner, Preoinat No. 3, r J. 1. Peril, ..••..••..•••.•••••••••• Comml salons r, Preai not Ho. 4, J. T. Moors, Shsr ifi and Jno, R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, tbs following proo eed Inge ware had, to-wit: O1iDE$ Ho, 910. SETTLEhf6NT (i' BALANCE OF 1921 DIP ACCOUNT. DU8 WILLIAM COOPF$ & H8P$EWS. Inc. On thla,~iheaEth?.day of Yaroh, 1923, acme on to be ooreidered the prepoeitioa far aettlamsnt of Kerr County's 1921 Dip account proposed by Mr. McElroy, representative of sold William Cooper & Naphewe, Ino., ani it appearing to the Court that it would be to the advantage of Kerr •County to accept the pr opoeltlon, St ie orderod by the Court that the Clark of Shie Court inane • vouo her in favor of sold William Cooper & Hephewa, Ino.. against Tiok gradiontion (Adv) Fund for the amount of $641.50 as partlal paymoaL of veld bola nos, leaving a balanoe of 1600 unpaid; and it Se further orderod that Sha Clerk of this Court inane a vouo her in favor of as id William Cooper de Newphews, Ino., against Tiak $rad ice ti oa (Adv) Fund for the sum of ~1b90. 00, payable Pab, lb, 1924, which covers the balanoe of 1600 and one year's interest ^t 6,~ thereon from Feb, lb, 1923, o-o.o-o-o-o 0$D&a Wo, 911. PAST IAL PAYMEAT OF BALIHCE OF 1922 DIP ACCOUNT TO SRE $WIH WILLIAMS CO. OF REYAS. On thle 12th day of March, 1923. name on So be considered the payment of the balanoe due The Sherwin-Williams Co. of Rezaa on Sta 1922 Dip nooouni agelmt Kerr County, and it Se ordered by the Court that the Clerk Saaua a vouo her in favor of aaid Sherwla- Williame Co, of Tezaa for $600,00 agal net Tiok Erad ioation (Adv) Fund ae partial payment of aaid balance, loaving the bola m e of ~13b0.00 unpaid. o-o-o-o-o-o M 0$DSR Eo, 912. APPLICATION ~ CHAS. 3CRMLDT. ET AL F08 RE-OPE HTHG OF $OAD F$pM JOY BLUTMBL'e W. LIRE TO CENT E$ PpiHT & BANDEBA $CbD. On this 12th day of March, 1923, oe me on to be heard the applioetioa in person of Chas. Sahmldt and Chae, yraea let for the re-opening oP 3rd ola sa toed from W. line of Joe Bluemel'^ land inters eating C. P. & Bandara $oad at W. R. $Se hworth plane, discontinued by order of this Court at its Spao. pot. Term. 1922. Ind it appearing to the Court that 1t would be advisable to further investigate the matter, it ie ordered by the Court that name Se phased for further action at a future term of this Court. P-O-O-O-O CBDE$ Ho. 913. PETITION OF ALBERT LEEDE$ AND19 02REB3 Fp8 THIRD CLASS R46D ACB.CSS F$ITZ SCRUETZE'9 LARD. flu Shia 12th day of Marsh, 1923, Dame on to ba oonsldarad the Petition of Alb, Leader and 19 of here for 3rd aL aa_road nor one Frita Sohuetae'a land, and it ie ordered that Jama,ba paeaad until the nezt term of thle Court Yor notion. o-o-o-o-o-o