with W line of Bo. 2 to ft W oor. Mo. 1, Z O Patillo, to.aosaer Sn.3 line a4 Wo. 2, B. 3., b !'; 'O Theno• Weat to S W oor. fto. 2; Thenoe ft with its W line to lino of Kerr sad O111aep1e,COUn- t1aa; Thenoe Weat with said Co, line to oor. is W line of Sur. 1629, D & Y; Theno• South to the 3 E oor. of Sur. 1b66; Thenoe W to the M S oor. of Sur. 1533: Theno• 3. to S E oor. 04 same Sur: Thenoe 8 to the W E oor. Sur. Sbb6, G C & S F $ H. Theaae S to the S W oor. 04 ~ - I Sur. fto, 1534; Thenoe W to ft W oor. of Sur. fto. 408, Joseph Brindle; Shanoe S to the ft E I oor. of gur, Wo, 132, B. Garraway; Thanes W to B W oor. of acme survey; Thenoe Southwest toh I S oor. 04 fto. 410, B 8 B & C; Tbenae M W to the H W oor. of aems gur; Theaos in a ft W direol tlon to the E oor. of gur. Mo, 1416; Thenoe 3 W to the M oor of Sur. 1678; Thenoe S S to ,~ I oor. 04 same Sur; Theno• S W to ft W oor. of gur. 1326, G C & S P Ry; Thenoe B to R E oor. ;i of same Sur; Theaos S to S E oor. of same gur; Theno• S to M S oor. of 678, Df• 3. Yaeaenden2 Thsnae S 8 to the Cor. 04 678, dames Watson; Thsnos np the river and aoroee same to the upper oor. of Sur. 1681, G C & 3 1; Thenoe S tog W oor. of aems; Thenoe E to ft W oor. of I u Sur. 1917, T C $y: Thenoe g to oor. of aems Survey; Theaos W• to oor. of same Survey; Theno• S. to S W oorner o4 same Survey; Thenoe Scat to oorner of soma Survey: Thenoe g to .j S W oor. of gur, Mo, 1614, W. T. Ora her; Theaae g. to 9 N oor. of same Survey; Thenoe S• to~' i ft • oor. of Mo. 1198, W. T. Oro her; Thnnoa S. to oor. in M line of fto. 1, Kendall County II gohool lands; Thenc• E• to ft 8 oar. oP the same; Thenoe 9. to M W oor. of Sur. 4, E. W. I'~1~ Haulkner; Theno• direotly East, oorner of gur. fto. 1b 08, D 0 7 Garoia; Thenoe ft E to oor. ~,I in W line o4 gur. Mo. 1473, H E & W T &7; Thenoe ft W to W oor. soma survey; Thsnas E ~ to NI ft oorner of Sur. 1474; Thenoe ft B to the M Darner o4 Mo, 1472, Ylnerva Wileoa; Thenoe S W I to the S W oorner of fto, 140, Y. Primrose; Thenoe M W to the W oor. of same Survey; Thenoe ~I M E with lizse of Mo. 140, to its upper oorner on S bank of Guadalupe River; Thenoe up the ~~~ bank of the river to Lhe S. and nppar oorner of Suz. 139, H B Partin; Tbenae aoroee the I river to the pLoe of beginning. The above field not ea eabraoiag all the land aitugted in Common Sohool Diatriot fto. 2 of Kerr County, Tease. u Ond it appearing to the Court that said petition is signed by the requisite number II of legally qualified votary and free-hoidens of said Coamon Sohool Diatriot fto. 2, it la N tharefor• ordered and deoraed that an eleotion b• held at Ingram Sohool House in-Common Ip Sohool Diatriot So, 2, on the 28th day o4 Opr11, 1923, to datarmino whether or not Hoge, Sheep and Goats shall be permitted to run at large within the bouaie of said Common Sohool Diatriot Mo, Txo, being a aubdivielon oY Commissioners' Preainat Mo, Facer of Kerr County; ~!II and O. 3. Yoftail, d, Y. Howell and Orthur Yoael, are hereby appointed managers of said Elsa- ~ ties, who shell oonduot said eleotion and make return thereof as is required by law. II a-o-o-a-o-o-o 0$D~ Mo. 923. OLLJP;a11CE OF FEBRUO$Y, 1923 ~CCUUMT OF H. RSY5CHISL, Chairman o! Board o4 Speo. Comra. 04 goad Diet. {'l. Cn this, the 12th day of Yaroh, 1923, name on to be ooneidsred by the Court the itemised and sworn aooount for the month.oi February, 1923, 04 H. $emaohal, Chairman of Hoard of Spao. Comra. of $. D. ~1 of garr County for the sum of =600.22, and it appearing to the Court otter Oaraful examination and ohecking thereof by the Court, that the soma le oorraot and said aooount ie hereby approved, and the Clerk of this Court ie ordered to issue • vanohsr in favor of H. $emechel, Foreman & Supervisor of $oada $, D. ~l, Karr County, for material and labor dons on a per diem basis, against Road and Hridge Fund far sold e~.oi X800.22. o-o-o-o-o-o-o _. ......... ._ ,.. _.. ..Y. .~......