~s QRDEB Ho.9B0. Yay 14th, 1923. Cn this day Dame on to be Dona idered by the Court the applioati on for ^a allotment ^ of State or Fed oral pid amounting to 31,143.86 to be ua ed to Roak pephelt Highway from ~~ Kerrville~to Silver Creek a dlstanoe of 6.3 miles known •s Saa Antonio Roed, aurfeoe 16~it. ~ wide and 1 inch thick. Also Dame on to be considered by the Court the guarantee of L.'d: i Sohrel ear, Ens. F. Sohrelner and A• C. Sohrainer that Capt. Chas. Sohr sin er will furnish to Karr County the money neoeaeary to carry out and pay for the County's portion of the '~ cost of the oonetruotian ^ocording to the terms of said applioetion, whioh written guaranta shall bi,; reoozded by the Clerk in the Yiaut ee •i Shia Court. i in quadruplicate Said applioetiea.was therefore •pprovad by the Court and duly signed by all of the members present. ' The proJeof statement prepared by A'. E. Simpson Ca. Engr., gives the estimated cost of oonatruation of this pro~eot ae X62.287.73, whioh is attached to said applioetion. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e (#963) "CAY'L. SCWiE IIJER'3 6UAdAHT EE" Kerrville, Tezae. Yay 14,1 We hereby authorise the Cotmty Commieelonero' Court of Karr County to sxsoute pre- jeot pgreemeM for building hard eariaoed road iron Kersvilla Ls Silver Creek with the ' and eratanding that Copt. Chas. 9o hrelner will inrnleh the money to Ksrr County for aarryiag out ea id pgreemeat, approximately :35,000.00, L'. p. Schreiner Gaq. F. Sohrainer ` p.`C. Sohr6lner. ' Filed Yay 14. 1923. Jno. R, Leavell, Co. Clerk. By W. p. LoohLO, Deputy. ' 0-0-0-0-0 He, 961. CdH'JASS OF RETURRS CF STOCK LAW ELHCTIOH IH COY. sCH UOL DIST. #2. Tha returns of the Stock Law Eleotioa held at Ingram, Texas, ea dPril E8, 1923 'for Common Sohool Distr3ot 'Ho. 2 of Kerr County, were oanvaeeed and tebnlat ad by the Court as shorn in Vol. E, page 43, Record of Hleotion Heturne. r TH& S"TdTB OH' TEYAS, 0 COOHTY OF KHRR. 0 88 IT BEYEYBEBED, ttwt sn Shia the 14th day ei Ysy, 1923, acme on Lo be Labulat ed cad count ed the returns of a apeoial election held in Common Sohool DistrlaS Ho. R of Ksrr County, Tezae, deaoribed by metes and bonade in as order made and entered in the minutes oT the Commieeionere~ Coact of said County, in Book g, pages b & 6, to determias what hoc or not hogs, .sheep ei goats should be permitted to run at large in said Common Sohoel Dieiriat Ho. 2. Se id tabnlatlon and returns of said election having Dsen made by the County Judge of Kern County Sn the preeeaae of J. R. Leavell, Clerk of the County Court of Kerr County, Tazaa, •nd E. H. Turnet, Juetdoe of the Peace of preoinot Ho. 1, Kerr County, Tezae, and alai having Deen made by the Commiseionere' Court of Karr County, Tezas, ehoring a total vet• et isrty-font (44 ); 19 of whioh were "pgeiaet the Stook Law", R7 of whioh wars "For the Stook ~ + I,aw• . It ie therefore the ardor and preolamatlea ei me is my oif1o1a1 oepaoity as Conniy Judge ei Kars County, that aster the •zpiratiea •f thirty days item Shia •rder and proolama- tiea, it shall be unlawinl to permit to run at Lrp •ny hogs, sheep eas+ gegts w32h1n Sly limits ei said Common Sohool Diatriot Ho. Twe ei Kerr County, Tezae, being a s>Zbdivleisu of