~~ ^t largo within the bawds of ea id Toting Preoinbts 1Poe. 1 oad 14 bombinsd of gerr County, .. same being •enbd ivle ion of Commission era' Proa Snot. Ho. 1 of Eerr County, Tezas: sad 9lilliam limits, Robt. 3aenger, Sr., sad Chas. Mason, are hereby appointed managers of said Eleotl on, Sn and for Voting Preoinot lo. 1 oad ass. W. aalthor, $oger T. Self end Oeo. M. Doyle, are hereby appointed managers of said Eleotlan in and tot Voting Pr OOinot lo. 14y who shall oonduat sold eleoti on and make=retnra thereof as is required by law. o-e-o-ego-e-o-o OSDHR Ho. 965. OFFICER'S QDA$TERLY RHpORTB. May 14, 1923. Came 0n to be ooneid erect the quarterly reports for quarter sad lug Apr11 30, 1923, of A. B. qi lliame on, Cowty Treasurer, Jno. R. Leaven, Cowty oad Distrlot Clerk end ffi. H. Turner.. JUatiae of the Pesos, Preot. 1 of &err County, and said reports were fowd norrwt by the Court, and same were in all reapeats approved, and it 16 ord Brad by the Court that the report of the County Treasurer be spread upon the minutes oP this Court by the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o Order lo. 9b6. May 14th, 1923. Tha Court deeming it neoeesary ^nd odvie aD le to reoesa and adJourn this Court until lsdneadey. May 16, 1923, it is osdered.that this Court adjourn and reoeea wtil 10 O'olook p. M. ledneeday, May 16th, 1923. . o-0-0-0-0 ORDE$ lo. 967. May 16, 1923. In pursuanoe of reoasa taken Monday, May 14, 1923, thi• Court reoonvened at 10 p. this 16th day of May, 1923, for the pure one of transaotiag end finis hang the buslneea e3 Sts Hegnlar May Term. o-o-o-o-o r ORDFJi 190. 9b8. TRAM9FEH• May 16, 1923. It is Ord er od by the Court that the sum of Thirty One Cents be and the earoe ie hereby transferred from R. & B. ~2 to H. D. f2 pvailab le Fund, and the Treasurer and Clerk are hereby authorlaed and dir sated t• oarry ant Shia transfer upon their reap eat ive books. ~9DEH He. 968. TRPM3FF~A. flay 16th, 1923. It ie ordered by the Court that the Dalanw ei ;b61.32 remaining to the aradit of Jail Repair 8und be and the same 1s hereby transferred to pdvalorem Fund, affi the Treasures •nd C1erk are horeby authorised and direoted t• oarry out this transfer upon their rasp eotive boots. o-o-o-o-o r OHD&$ lo, 960. TRARBFER. May 16th, 1923. It Ss ordered by the Court that the balanoe of X554.83 remaining to the ored it of Courthouse & Jail Fund be and the same Se hereby transferred to pdvalorem Fund, and the Treasurer and C1 ask •re hereby authorlaed and dir sated to oarry out this transfer upon their reepaotiva boots. 0-0-oo-•-re-0 ORDEH lo. 861. TIYO THpM6YSH9. May 16th, 1923. It is erder ed by the Couzt that She enm of $12£38.7b be and the same 1a hereby tra neferr ad from pd valorem Fund to Tiok grgdioatlon Aval Sable Puna, sad the further sum of $111.21 is horeby transferred from pdvelorem Fund to T1ok Brad fustian Sinking Fund; and the Treasurer •nd Clerk are hereby authorised end ddreoted to make said tranebra upon thelr reepeotivs Dooks.