ORDER Bo. 962. ORDE$ FOR J. 2. MOORE 2A% COiSEOT~. ~ `8 On this 16th day of Sday, 1923, it is ordered by the Court that Mr. J.. T. ldoore, Taz Collector deposit end turn into Road & Bridge Fund hereafter, the whole ~b Dent R. & B. Taz, whiok~inolndea the R. d: B. Funding Warraat.,~ Taz, and not turn in any tes money into ea id R. & B. Funding Warran4;,FUnd whatever, the purpose of this order being that the Court , desires to prp-rata and divido the R. & B. 16 Dent tas itself. e-o-o-o-•-e ORDER No. 963. APPOATIONMENT OF R. & B. FIIND AND TRABSFER. On this, the 16th day of ?day, 1923, it ie ordered by the Court that the sum of $7700.00 goad and Bsidga Funds b• and the same are hereby apportioned as follows; Te Road District $o. 1 being Commieaionera' Praoinota Nos. 1 & 4 combined, the evm of $b8b2.p0; t• Commieeionore' Preoinot Ne. 2, the sum of #1078.00 and t• Commissioners' Preoinot No, 3, the sum oS $970,00; and the Clerk of this Court ie.prderad t• orodit said funds with said respaotive amounts. ,_ •nd 1t appearing to the Court that $3956.91 •i said $b8b2.00 apportioned to Road Diatriot No, 1 hoe already been placed to the orodit of R, & B. Funding Barrant Fund, it ie hereby ordered that the balanoe of $189b.09 be and the some ie hereby transferred to said R. & R. Funding Warrant Fund, and the Co. Treasurer Sa authorized end directed to make said transfer. o-o-o-e-o-e , QRDBR No. 964, IPPORTIONLO;WT OF j3200.00 S1'AT8 RiGRWAY FUDDS. Oal this, the 16th day of Slay. 1923, it is ordered by the Court that the sum of $3200.00 State Highway Funds ba and the same ors hereby apportioned as follows: Te Preoinot 1 the sum of $1472.00, is Preoinot 2 the sum of $448.00, to Preoinot 3, the enm of $320,00, and to Preoinot No, 4 the.aum of 860.00, and the Clark of this Court is ordered to place said apportioned amounts to the orodit of their res peotive Sunda. o-a-o-o-o-o-o-• CiRDB$ Ho. 966. .APPLICATION F03 DEED OF pR'1'HUR I4USEL. Oa thla 16th day of -doy, 1923, acme on to ba oonaidered tho applioatioa of Arthur Sdoael for Deed from ((err County to old abandoned Road aoroea his premises, deeded by him L• 8err Oonnty, and it la ordered by She CourS that Judge Wallace investigate the matter anfl rap ort to the nest term of thin Court. a-•-a-o-o-• ORDER No, 966. PA$TIAL P4Y-QBRT OF SRgRWIN-WILLIALIS Cu. DIP ACCOUNT. ~ Shia, the 16th day of 11ay, 1823, Dame on to be oonaldered the settlement of the bAlanos owing by Karr County to gharwln-Williams Co., of Tessa for dip furniahad Karr County during 1922, amounting to $13SO,OQ, and it appearing to the Court that Karr County ie in • position to mako ^ partLl paymoat thereon, it de ordered by the Court that the Clerk ieaue a voucher againaS Tiok Eradication (Adv) Fund for the amount of $700.00 in Yavor oY said Sharwln-Williams Co., leaving a balanoe unpaid of $6b 0.00, and the Clark ie dirented to forward •aid vouo her to Sherwla-W1111ama Co, by mail with the further explanation that the County will either pay ,t he6140.00 balanoe at its August Tarm, or execute • note with interest covering same. e-o-o-o-•-•-• ORDER iio, 967. $ALD PETITION iaF OT TO BASS. et. al. . On this, 16th day et Pay. 1923,. Dame pn to ba oonsidared the Petition of Otto Baea and 18 others, for a neighborhood road to Stower^ Ranch •ore9a Roy Tplls property, tiled Apr