aaDaR as. 96E. ORDEB FOR T. T. MOORE TIB COI.LECT08. I ` $ On this 16th day of May, 1923, it is ordered Dy the Court that Mr. J.. T. Poore. Taz Collector dapoait and turn into Road k Hridga Fend hareaitex, the whole ~b Dent R:. & B. Taz, wh107n~inolndea the R. & B. Fending Warrent.,~ Taz, andnot turn is any tea money int• ea id R. k B. Funding Warraat:FSnd whatever, the purpose of this erdar being that the Court deairae to pro-rate and divide the R. & H. 16 Dent taz itself. e-o-o-s-o-e ORDER &o. 963. APPORTIONMENT OF R. & B. FDDTD IRD 2RAESFER. On this, the 16th day of May, 1923, it ie ordered by the Court that the sum of $7700.00 Road and Bridge Funds b• and tho same arc hereby apportioned aB follows: Te Road D le triot No. 1 being Cemmiaeipnera'~Praoinota Npa. 1 & 4 oombin ed, the evm of $6862.00; t• Commissioners' Precinct Ne. 2, the pnm of $1078.00 and t• Commissioners' Praoinot No, 3, the sum o; $770.00; and the Clark at this Court is ordered to oredit said Lunde xith said respective amounts. ,_ Ind it appearing to the Court that $3956.91 e2 said $58$2.00 apportioned to Road Diatriat No, 1 has already been placed to the oredit of R. i B. Funding Warrant Fund, it ie hereby ordered that the balance of ~4189b.09 be and the same is hereby tranaferrod to said R. & B. Funding Warrant Fund, and the Co. Treasurer is authorized end directed to make said trenefer. e-e-•-o-o-a OF1D&8 No. 964. IYPO}3TIODiG~CipiT OF $3200.00 S'1'IT8 liIGHWIY FUDDS. On this, the loth day of May, 1923, it 1e ordered by the Court that the enm at $3200.00 State Righway Funds Da and the soma are hsreby apportioned na 4ollows: To Preodnat 1 the sum of $1472.00, to Praoinot 2 the sum oP $448.00, to Precinct 3, the sum o3 $3E 0, 00, and to Praoinot No. 4 the.eu~q of $960.00, and the Clerk of thin Court Sa order ad to place said apportioned amounts to the oredit of their raepeotive funds. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e C8D8R Ho. 96b. Ipi'DIOITIOM 1'03 DLED QF ~R1'HUii MuSRL. ~ this 16th day of May. 19'13, Dame on to ba oonsid Brad the appllostioa of Brt hur Moeol for Daod from Karr County to old abandoned Road aorosa his premises, deeded by him to Kart Oonaty, and it is ordered by the Court that Judge Wallace investigate the matter •nd report to the nett term of thi^ CourS. a-e-a-o-o-• 0$DER Ho. 966. PIRTIIL PIYM&31T OF SHBRWZN-NILLIAIL4 CO. DIP 1000URT. On this, the 16th day of Pay, 1923,. oaaw on to be oonsidered tho settlement of the balanoe owing by Kerr County to Sherwin-Williams Co., of Tezas for dip furnished Karr County during 1922, amounting to $13$0.00, and it appearing to the Court that Karr County is in o position tp make a partial payment thereon, St le ordered by the Court that the Clark ieaue a vonphor •geinat Tiak &radioation (Idv) 8und for the amount of $700.00 in favor of said Sherwin-Williams Co., leaving a balanoe Unpaid of $6$0.00, and rho Clerk is directed to forward said voupher to Sherwin-W1111ams Co. by mail with the further esplanatioa that the County x111 either pay the $6$0.00 balanoe •t its Iuguat Tarm, or azaoute.a not• with interest covering same. o-o-o-o-•-•-• OiRDSB go, 967. R9MD YSTITIOH OF OTTO B45S, et. al. . On this, 16th day of May, 1923, name on to be oonsidered the Petition of Ott• Hasa and 18 others, ter a neighborhood road to Stowers Hanoh aorosa Roy To11e property, filed Ipr. ( 9 I0, 1928, of the filling of rhioh due notioe was given, and St appearing to the Court that Bald matter should be settled cute fide of this court, it is ordered that same be passed nctil a Yuture term oP this court. s-o-o-o-o-o OiRDBR Eo. 965. In Commieaionera' Court, Kerr County, Tezas. Om thin, the 16th day of May, 1923, came on to ba heard by the Court the Petition of Chas. Moseley and 7 others, ior a third clans road nor oes the land of M. T. Davie, sad it appear iag to the Court that proper notioe oP the Piling of said petition Dee bean given as required by law including notioe by registered mail to ea id M. T. Davie, all as shown by return si Chae. Moseley duly sworn to, and tDat act objeotien has been made thereto. It Se th eretore ordered by the Coutt that aeid~petitioa be and the came 1a hereby granted as pray- ed ior, sad a third class road beginning at the ant arestion of Chas. Moe eley's road and old Kerrville & Jun oti on goad; Thenoe S. E. with ea id old Kerrville-Junction Road B00 yards; Tbeaoe N. E. 600 yards along Survey lines of Surveys Noe. 410 and 412 lnterseoting Highway ~E7, net lase than 20 ieet wide along said Survey line, be end the same 1e hereby estebllshsd - provided ne olgim te'r damages will arise by reason t~areei. e-o-o-re-ro-e uRDRR No, 968. IH Commieeianere' Court, Korr County, Tezae. On this, the 16th day of May, 1923, came on Le be heard by the Court the potation of w. H. Hornell end 87 others, ~31ed April 21, 1928, ior a first elaea rood 40 feet wSde --W North aide of Yerde Creek Prom.Bobt. Lang's end Alb. React' oorner teat 4o DeYitt'a brldge, and it appearing to the Court that proper notioe of the tiling thersoi hoe been given act required by law, and according to the statement of Commiaeioner Edens no objsatien Se being made by any land owner against the establishment of said road. It fie thoreioro ordered Dy the Court that said petit Son be and the same Se hereby granted act prayed ior, sad a brat clans roafl 40 feet wide be8laning at the Northeast oorner of a tract of land owned by $obt, Lange and the S. E. oorner of A1berL React' land; Thenoe Weat with line of 8e se and Lange land to N. W. nor. oP Lange lend; TDenos South with Lange'e B. line to the prey ant road; Thenoe with prey ant road to the top of binif near L. L. $esa place; Thenoe S. W. direat~en to • point ebouS 200 yards Eorth of Ivy Reas House, follow lag the same d irsotian en aaroae the old Storms' plaoo to a concrete bridge in the pr ee eat road aaroae Yerde Creek, fie hereby eatabliahed and opened. o-o-•-e-o-o ORDER Eo.~990, May 16th, 1923. IL fie ordered by the Court that A. H. Wil liameon, County Treasurer, pay ofi and o eaS isiy x980 R. D. #8 Bond ~4 held by Otto link. o-o-•-o-o-o ORDER Eo. f71. May 16th, 1923• It is ordered by the Court that Mra. Jno. Story, Miea F. Gilman, J. B. Clement and per month Jose Ramos, be and they are hereby allowed the awn of $4.00 saoh.ae pauper allows nae ior the current quarter, covering aSay, June and July, and the Clark shall pay on demand on or niter the let day of each month,~aaid sum of $4.00 to each pauper out of the advalorem Pond by voucher thereon. And it Se Further ordered that pony era, Mre. Jacob Reinhard and Jesse Relnhard be end they are allowed the sum of $6.00 each per month ior the currant quarter, which shall be payable to them in Marohandieo inrniehad to them at the rate of $12.00 per month by the Chan, Schreiner Compar{q. o-o-o-o-o