~i 0~$Q Ho: 977, BOLRp QF $3ULLIZLTI~T. May 16 & 17, 19E3. ' ~Oavrttset ae a Hoard of Squallzatl oa on ab ova dates and the Taa iaeeeeor prey antW the Inventories oY property rendered to him Yor the pos3'. ~19E3, and after oarePUl eaamination thereof, the Court ordered the Clerk to notify oartain parties to appear oa June 6th: 19E3, upon request of either Commiaeionas. 111 memo ere having tdret taken the oath required by law ae shown by the Minutes of thla Bogrd of $gvaliiioation. o-o-o-o-o-• Y State of Tssas, 0 In Commieaionere' Court, Kerr Oounty, Taaae. Q go. 978. MaY Term, 1923. C onnty of Kerr. 0 May 17th, 19E3. pot this iSyh day oY Lky. 1923, at a regular term of this Court, a iull board being present end partiolpating, the Court proccedad to levy County Tease Yor the Year, 1923, ae follows: Ld Yaloram Tax oY E6cents on enoh "100.00 valuation; Ld Valorem Taz eY 4;oente on enoh $100.00 valuation ae Tiok Eradioation Fund; Road and Bridge tax of lb Dante on enoh X100.00 valuation; Road pietriot go. 1, tez oY~ N, oenS• on taah~~100.00 valuation; Road Distriot go, 2, tea of 20 oonta on saoh X109.00 valuation; ` 1 Road DietrSOt go, 3,1Y dente oa old iaana and`~losntq'en new issue,totai ai ii dente tea on each a100.J0 valnatioa; ~ ~ ~ ' Jur! Taz, 6 dente on sash $100.00 valuation; Dletriet'Sohooi go. 8 tas sf 2b dente oa saoh 300 valuation, bond'building food; `Dietriot Sohooi go. 2 tsa of 25 dents on enoh X100 valuetlan, maintoaanos; ' '-10triot'Sahool go. 3 tea of 60 Dente on saoh X100 valuatlon, maintenance; ' DiOtr SOt'Sohool go. 4 tax o1~10 oeato on enoh X100 valuation, meintenanoe; Dietriot9oho el No. 6, tax of 26 Dante on saoh X100 valuation, maintenan oe; -Setriot Sohool go. 8, tax of 20 Deets on saoh X100 velnation, bond building fund: DSetrdot Sohool go. 8, tas oY '30 oapte on enoh $100 valuation, meintena nod; Distrlot Sohool go. 9, taz of EO Dente on ooh $100.00 velnation, meintenanoe; Diatriei Sohool go. 10, tea of 16 dente on eaph x,100 valuation, maintenance; ;: -iniriot Sohool go. 11, tea of a; dents on saoh $100 valuation, maintenenoap ~rlaiplet yohool go. 18, Taa of 16 Dents on saoh $100 nluetien, maintenanae: DSSSr1ot Sohool go. 14, taz of lb assts on eaoh~~100 valuation. tmintoaaaoe; Distrlot Sohool go. 16, tea aY EO dente on enoh $100 valuation, maiatenanoa; D1etr1et3aheol go. 17, tea oY 35 Dente on saoh $100 valuation, bond issue: DSetriot Sohool go. 18, taz oY 30 Deets on saoh x,100 valuatiaa, maiatenanoe; DL toot Sohool go. 19, tax of b0 wnte oa saoh X100 valuation, meintenanoe; Dietrlot 3mhcol go. E0, taz of $1.00 on each 100 valuation, meintenanoe; D1etrloS Sohool go. 21, Sax of 20 dente on oaoh $100 valuation, meintenanoe; Con3'sdszat• pension b dente on saoh X300 valuation; Ona$piatidn~taa, sae-halt ai that ohargad by the State oY Texas; County poll Tas E6 dents on oaoh male and female; o-o-o-o-o-o o-o ~, ORDER go. 979. fay 17th, 1923. On Shia day came on to be reoonaldarad by the Court the olaim of R. B. Dowdy, ' Yor 2070 Cn. yds. oY gravel ueod on Righway go. 27 at b dente par yard, totaling ty106.60, ,;~ the payment of which woe refused by this CourS nt its Spas. Marsh Term. '23. Lnd actor : ' oarsinl Snveetlgatioa. St aypearing to the Court that said oL1m Se a Just and unpaid ola;