Phe State of Tesae, 1 s.2 1 County of Yerr. I BS IT BEi~MBEBED. That on th[q, the 10th day of September. A. D. 1923, there was begun and holden a Begular Term of the Cammleaioners' Oourt of Yerr County, Tezas, at the Court House thesaot in the town of Kerrville, Tszae. OpBICEBB PBESEET. ion. Lse Aallaoe. ••• .......................Oounty Judge. 8. G. Bdens. • ..............................Commiaeioner, Prsoinot Io. E, Hugo ^iedenfsld. ••• ........................OOmmieaioner, Prsoinot Eo. 3, d. •. Peril. ••••• ..........................Oammleedoner, Prw im t Eo. 4, J. T. Moots. Sheriff and Jao. $. ;.savsll, County Olsrk, end the Court having bean regularly opened, the following prooesdiage were he d, to-wit: Eo. 1023. PET;TIOI 0? Y. B, L88 N 16 otherr, 11 808 ABAEDOLOZET 0-' OLD SO3BBYILLE 6 JUNCTION BOAD BBQf[ KERBYILLE, TO KI1187d'ODIIETY LIEF. On this 10th day of September. 1923, it Sa ordered by She Court that notion upon the potation of 'd. B. Les end 16 others for Lhe abandonment of the old Kerrville k Junotdoa Bond from Kerrville to the Klmbla County line ie hereby postponed until the ne=t term oP this Court. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Eo. 1024. ALLOWANCE Op CL1IM9 AND ACCOUNTS AGAINST KEBB OOUNTY. It 1e erdered by the Court, this Sept. 10, 1923. that the misoellaneoua alaime and aooonnte ailed ^gairat Kerr County ainoe the last term of this Court, b• and the same are hereby approved end ordered aho~ฎ Sn Yol. b, page 184, of the Yiautee of Aooounts Allowed of IGrr County. 0-0-0-0-0-0 Eo. 102b. PAYMENT ~' EgT. 7D, Highway Eo. ~}1, due Gordon it Alvie from July 26 to Ang. 2b, 1923 Yor 83833.b1. i~ On Shit, the 10th day of September, 1923, oame on to be ooneidered by the Court the payment of Monthly Eetitw to 7-D on Highway X41 of Gordon •lvis from July 2b to August 26, 1923, for amount of work to date, 826,701.Bb, leas lOJti $2670.19 sad yrevioue payments ~ I 820,198.16, leaving amount due on this estimate, 83.833.61. And it appearing to the Court I that same ie duly aertifisd Lo the Court ae oorreot by the Chairman of the Board of gpaoial Bond Coomiseionere of Boad Dietriot ข1 of IUrr County and W. E. gimp so a. County Engineer, ~I it 1s t hsrefore the Court that ea id estimate ie hereby apprond for the sum of 83833.b1, and the Clerk is hereby ordered to Saaue a voucher in favor oY said Gordon Alois iii I~ P a ga Snat Highway r27 pond Yor said sum of X3833 .b1 Sa full Po ymeat thereof. ', 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Eo. 1026. PABTIAL PAYiSF,NT OP HIGHWAY L~LE OP 8Li.000.00 OWIEG CHAg. gCHBEINEB BANK BY BBB COUNTY. On this 10th day of September, 1923. oeme on to be aonaidsred by the Court Qhe settlement of loan of 813,000 due Chee. Sohreiner Bank by IGrr County, and it ie ordered by the Court that the Clerk issue • trouoher in favor of said Bank for the sum of 89,112.01 oovsring principal sum of 8901b.84 of said loam with 696 interest then wn from Jnly 9, 1923 to date, w1d voucher to be drawn agalnat Highway X27 pond. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0