s3 Bo. 1029. PAYKBBT OF B6LABCE DUE OB B[OIITHLY EST LIU TE C-l0 on Highway EO. 27, dw MoCall-Moose &ng. Company. On Shia 10th day of Sept amber, 1923, it is ordered by the Court the halanoe of ~~ X2483.03 due YoCall-Moors Engineering Company on their monthly estimate X10 on Saatioa C of Highway Bo. 27, Se hereby approved far payment, •nd the Clazk of this OourL da ordered to issue • voucher in favor of a+id Yo0a11-Koar• Eag. Co. •gainet Highway #27 Fund Yor aald sum oY }2483.03 covering the ba la roe in Ynil due on said Estimate X30-C, but the Clerk is direoted to deliver said voucher to acid Engineering Do.npoa the ea tieie otory arrangement for the settlement of blacksmith •ooount held by Prank 6ruagar against one Beilwy for of acid lioCall-floors Eag. Co., Yor whioh •ooount the court believes acid Eng. Co. liable 0-0.0-0-0.0-0 Bo. 1028. PAY;~BT OW CIJINS 1GiI BST HIGHaiYB 10.9. 27 m 41. On Shia 10th day oY September, 1923, it appearing to the Court that the claim oY A. E. Slmyaon Yor monthly Oo. Bngineer'e Salary oY ab00 and Bazter Her wood's •ooount far g4b.00 Yor checking gravel on Highway X41, ar• properly sworn and certified to the Court Yor payment, •ad said claims ere hereby allowed by the Coust and the Clert ordered to issue vouch are egeSnat Highway t27 Yund in Ya vta oY a+id ola imante Yor their respective amounts. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo. 1029. TBpBSFEB F$OY HI GHWiY Bo. 27 Fund to 4D1~iL.)8E1( FUBD. This 10th day of September, 1923, it ie ordered by the Court that the sum of $3800 formerly tra as Yerr sd to Highway ~BO. E7 Fund from the Adva lorem Fund. ba sad the same ie her shy tra ns Ysrr ed bank to the pdvaloram Fund, and thr County Treasurer Se direoted to complete said transfer immediately. 0-0.0.0-0.0-0 Bo. 1030. 4LLOiiBCE ~ H. HEu/SCHEL $OiD iCCOUBT FCH IUGOS T, 'E3. Thi• 1JSh day oY 9eptembst, 1823, wme on to ba oor~e idered by the Court the itemiasd•nd sworn ^ooount for the month of ,iugnet, 1923, oY H. 8emeohel, Chairman of Board oY 8yeoial $oad Commiasdonera oY 8. D. ~1 oY IGrr Cou~y for She amount oY ~¢130.b0 tl and SS appearing to the Court niter aerstnl audit thereof, that the soma Se correct and said •ooount is hereby approved, •ad the olask ordered to ieane • sorip Sn favor of H. $smeabel, Foremen & 8npervisor oY Honda of B. D. ¢1 $err bounty Yor nsterigl and lobos dons on a per diem baela~, •gainet $. & B. Fund, Yor ea id •om oY $130.b0, whioh sorip shell be funded among other sorip by the last installment oY the 8. & B. Funding Marrants, 2nd aeries o-o-o-o-o-o-o a ~ Bo. 1031. V SETTLEKEBT OF COUBTY'S OBLIGuTIOB TO TIKE Ci$S OF I8$IG6TIUB FLUKE 6LOBG eBD FC$088 HIGHNiY B0. 27 oa Dr. Fowlsr'e Farm. On thin 10th day oY 8ept emb ar, 1923, it •ppe^r fag to the CourS ShaS Kerr County Se obllgaSSd to take oars oY irriga tioa prop ositioa along and •or oee Highway #E4 on Dr. J. L. Powler'e farm, ^e •gzeed by the Board oY Speo. Comre. of 8. D. #1 Yor Ksrr County. sad said Dr. yowler pr opoa ing to t-ke a cash sett lament of ~3b0.00 is lieu oY •ay sad •11 damages 01' obllgatdone due him by reason thereof or otherwiaa. it ie ordered by the Court Lhat the Clesk ieaua • voucher Yor the sum of X360.00 in tavar Of J. L. Fowl sr •gai n.t r- S• H• #4 Fund end secure ea id Fowler'e receipt •aknowlsdgdng • in.ll and final settlement of hie claim against Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o