Eo. 1029. PAYMEHT OF BALAECE DIIS OH YOETHLY SST IYA TS C-10 on Highway Eo. 27, due SSaGll-Moore Sng. Company. Oa this 10th day of Sept amber. 1923. 1t is ordered by the Court Lhe balance of ~^ X2483.03 dne YoG ll-Moors Engineering Company on their monthly estimate X10 on Sao Sion C of Highway Eo. E7, Se hereby approved far paymenS, ^nd the Clerk of this Court is ordered to issue • •ouo her in favor of said YOCall-iLOar• Eng. Co. •galnet Highway fL7 Fund Yor ea id sum of X2483.03 covering the balance Sa fall due oa said Estimate €10-C, but She Clerk Sa directed to deliver aaid voucher to aaid Engineering Oo. npoa the eatiafaotory arrangement for the eettlament oY blacksmith •ooouat bald by Frank Kruages •gaiaeS one Aa11q for of aaid YoGll-Boors Sng. Co., for which •ooount the court bell eves aaid Eng. Co. liable o-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo. 1028. PAY:dBHT OF CLAIMS AGAI11iT HIGHEAYS EOS. 27 b 41. On Shia 10th day of September, 1923. it appearing to the Court that the claim of 11. S. Simpson for monthly do. 8ngineer'e Salary of 1600 and Baztar Harwood'e ^ocount Yor ~4b.00 for okuoking gravel oa Highway X41, •r• properly aware and certified to tta Court for payment, •nd aaid ola Lm •re hereby allowed by the Court and the Clerk ordered to Seeue vouohera ggaiaat Highway ~E7 fund in favar oY aaid ola imante for their reapeotive amounts. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ho. 1029. TBAHSFE$ F$0!i HIGHWAY Ho. 29 Fuad to ADVOLJ$EI( FUHD. This 10th day of September, 1923, it 1e ordered by the Court that the sum oY $3800 Yormerly tranaferrsd to Highway Eo. 27 Fund Yrom the Advalorsm Bead. be and the same ie hereby transferred book to the Adw lorem Fund, and the County Treasurer Sa directed to oomyists ea id tranaier immediately. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 $o. 1030. AISOiA$C8 CF H. $EiASC$EL $OAD ACOOUHT FOH AUGCST, '23. Thi• L7th day of 9aptembsr, 1923. came on to be considered by the Court the itemised •nd sworn •coouat for the month si Ingnet, 1923, of H. $emeohel, Chairman of Ba rd of Syeoial $Oad Commieeionere of $. D. #1 of Kerr Gouty for the amount of ffi130.60 •nd it appearing to the Court •iter careful audit thereof, that the same Se aorreot ^nd aaid account is hereby •ppraved,~and the olesk ordered to Saaue a scrip in Yavor oY H. $smeohel,. Foreman & 9uyervisor of Beads of 8. D. yl IGrr County for material sad lobos done on a per diem basic, •gainet $. & B. Fund, for aaid sum of =130.60, wbioh •orly shall ba funded among other scrip by the last installment of the 8. & B. Funding YA rrante, End aeries o-o-o-o-o-o-o n ~ So. 1031. V BETTLEIIEHT OF COUNTY'S OBLIGATION TO TAKE 0A$E OF Iit$IGATSON FLUafE ALONG i.ND AC$~S HIGHWAY N0. 27 oa Ds. Fowler'e Farm. On this 10th day of September, 1923. it appe^r ing tv the Court that Kerr County is obligated to Saks oars of irrigation proposition along and •oroee Highway #29 oa Dr. J.. L. Fowler'e farm, ae agreed by the Hard of Speo. Comra• of $. D. pl for Ysrr County, sad aaid Dr. Fowler yropoaiag to take • cash •stt lamarm of 360.00 in lieu of nay sad •11 dame gee or obllgatlone due him by reason thereof or of hsrwiae, it ie ordered by the Court that She Clerk issue • voucher for the sum of 360.00 in favar of J. L. Fowl sr ^gaiat 5. H. /4 Fnnd and scours aaid Fowlar's receipt ^oknowledging • full end finwl sett lament oS hie claim age inet Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o