go. 1V31. OHDBR TO CLE>~ TO RSC08D ALL HI6HIfAY DEED9. ~ 'S~ .On this 1?th dey of Sspt•. 1923, it is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk shall immediately record ell Daede and other instruments rsletivs to $ighwaya Boa. 27 to 41, in ihs Dead Heaords of Parr County, end shall submit hi^ statement covering hie fern in tba matter to this Court for approval and allowance at its nest term. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 30. 1032. APPLICATIOI ~ 1. 8• FESSEBDS$ FOH DEED F801t COU6TY, COBYEYIDIG BACK TO HLY PABT CB OLD KEHBVILL$ i JUHCTI09 801D. YOH"BRLY DEEDED TO Kt:88 pOUETY BY YHS. LIHDLEY. This 10th day of Beyteoibar, 1823. the Court passed the eppliaetion of L. 8. yeeeendsa for 6aad from Yerr County conveying book to him part of old K. & J. 8oad conveyed NI to County by rlre. Lindley:, until final eotlon is taken by this court on petition of V. B. Lssl' and others to clone acid old Kerrville & sanction 8oad,. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~~ The foregoing minutes on pages b2, 53 A b4 hereof, ware read 1n open Court end found correct end ere hereby is ell respects approved, this the 10th day as September, 1923. Attest: ty Clark. County J ga, Kerr County, e~wa. ' 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The Stets of Tezaa. 1 1 County of Yerr. 1 BE IT Hfitd6WB88ED, That oa Shia, the 9th day of Octgtsr, A. D. 1923. there wee begun sad holden • 8egular Texg of the Commieeione a' Court pi Kerr County, Tezee, et the Court House thereof is the town of Kerrville, Tezas. OP`FICYBS PBESBBT. Hoa. Lea Wellaoe. ........... County Judgo, Ally Bsitel . ................ Commissioner, Preo1 m t Ho. 1. H. G. 8dene . ................ Commissioner. Precinct 90. 2, Hugo Niedenfeld. •••••••••••• Commieaionar, Preolnot Ho. 3, J. A. Peril . ................ Commissioner, Preoiaat Ho. 4. J. T• i(oore, Skuriff and Jno. B. Leevell, County Clerk, and the Court De ving been regularly opened the following proceedings were had, to-wit: State of Tezea.. 1 In Commiesioaere' Court, Kers County, Tezap. 1 Ito. 1038 County of Kers. 1 October Term, A. D. 1823. On thin the 9th day of October, A. A• 1~E3, came oa is Its regular order to be heard Dsfara the Commieeionere Oourt of Kosr County, Tezas, at its regular October Term, the pet itlon of v. B• Lse and others for the ,ahapging end alteration of the old public ra d from the City of Kerrville in Kerr County, Tezee, to the County line of Ksrr and Kimb le Counties sad ooansoting up at that point with the yubllo road to tho City oP Junatlon in Kimble County Teses, known es the Kerrville-Junction 8oad, end ell members of the Court being present at the hseriag, the Court finds that ea id petition is in proper Yosm end signed by more then eight isesholdsra is the prealnota in which the road is eitua tsd ae required by law end .that due notice thereof has been given is manner and form ae required by law, and Chet it 1a to the beet interests ei She public tlwt the alteration of ea id r a d preyed for in said potitio'~ De made and that therefore the same should be in ell things granted: IT IS THE8EP08E 08DEhED. ADJUDGED dHD DECBEED BY TH8 CUUBT that the new r a d, known ae She "Eew Highway", sztending from the City of Kerrville to the County line of Kimble and Yerr Couatiae and oonneotiag et said point wlth the public coed to the City of Junction, be