4 ,f'y' IIo. lOb1. CFLtNCE IN TICS INSPECTCR9' S3L1RY IND VICRICING CONDi TI0193. On this 12th day of November, 1923, St fie ordered by the Court thrt J. P. Presmra `- Se hereby releread •e Iaepeotor eYfeotivs Nov. let, 1923. sad the Ole rk is dir •oted to pry i er id Preemrn only pro-rrtrbly Yor •otwl eervio ea rendered during month oY Ootober. 1923. IL is YurLhez ordered that ins pent or, C. ~. Benders on be sad is hereby released effective 8ov. let. 1923, bnL SY •greerble Lo grid Rsadeream he ahr 11 Semria sub~eat to or 11, and shall be pr id by the Clerk Yor eatu•1 da ye served on the $}00 per month breie. Ins peotor John Y•aasy to remain on rs regular Snepeotor, until otherwise ordered by this Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Str is of Tszre, ~ Ia Lhe CaemLaionere' Court oY Yerr County, Tez•e. ~ Eo. lOb2. County oY Yerr. 1 ~ Eov®Der Term, 0. L. 1923. On this the 13th dry of November, i. y. 1923. orms on to be herrd and Dona idered the •ppllortlon of Hoy Littlefield red others for the opening of r third o L ae rord from the went Doundrry line of the G. &. Lowdy Und thr ougD the hoy Little Yle ld property and Lhe yroperty of Yiss Sw Hob inn on to tDe new highery, and the same ha vi rg been fully hs•sd rnd ~onaldared by the Court it rppe•red to LDS Court rnd it Se ordered by She Court thrt Die petition for r third oL ea road be grrnted, Dnt Chet the route thereof be ohrnged ao •e to rue from the property oY Soy Littlefield •t tb.s gate on the north aide of the old Yerrvill•-Juno td on Bond in the property of R•rvey Littlefield •ad entering acid g"'to ^ad then is re direct route through the property oY Hrr vey Litt le field re prrot io•D1e to the pr aeent new derrvi lie-Junction hlghwa y; or 1Y decided by the Court to Da better. than said rord to eztand Prom the old public road ^t the property lino between the lr nda of Hoy Littlefield and Yiae Sue 8oDl na oa and the nos np tho wee torn property line of MSse Sw Hobda- aon, erme being the lrad line between her property and that of i. J. Yo8er1 rnd thrt of Rrrvsy Littlefield, to erld Kerrville-Juaoti on highway, and it Se ordered by Lhe Court thrt said petition ba is ^11 other respects denied. TDe report of Comre. Edens ; illedaaYeld oY their review oY Shs vr1 ~Ue ro utea Yor the prop Deed road under order of this Court rt its CoLObar '23 Term, da hereby rlao denied and re~eot ed by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. lOb3. DISTHIBUTIdN YiSONG OUH ~ CC-lIISSIONEiiS' PRBCINCTS ~ TN6 ;2639.00 p3tdNSpiRRBA YR01[ 0D VYLO$BY kUifD TO R06D & BRIDGE BOND LtT LST TER1[, 01' TRIS COURT. OD Lhie, the 136b day of November, 1823. Dame on to be oo~ldered the division among the Your precincts of this County of Lhe =2639.00 ir•asierrad from id Valorem to R. ; B. Pnad ^t tat term of this Court, to tike or re oY Scrip Nos. 12,9b6 & 12!87 issued against R. & B. Pund covering oommisadone and interest, held by Soht el aer Hank, •ad SL appearing to the Court that ea ld 82639.00 should bs divided re fOllowa: Preot. ¢1, 81240.33, ~2 8343.07, ~3 8263.90 sad ~! 8791.70, Yor which reap votive rmonnt noh yrao in of mry ar eh scrip Saenad.rgrinet H. & B. Pund ^t the Chre. Schreiner Beat, ^ad SL Se ordered by Lhe Court th•S each prsoin of ah•11 ts•aetor a•id reapeotive share book to the Od Valorem Fund out of its nezt R. ; B. app or tionmeat. The aoriy eo oeshed •t eafd Bank shall be funded by the last inn L•llmsnt of B. & 8. Funding Frreate, 2nd Ssriee. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Eo. 1061. ~PP$CYiL a8 CH`yICEHS' QUiBTEBLY REPORTS. Oa this 13th day of November. 1923, isW.~oa Lo be ezemiaed by Lhe Court the qurrterly reports for gwrtsr ending Oot. 30, 1923, oY !. B. illlirmeon, County Trersurer.