„f'cI' 110. 1061. CHpH08 SH TICK IHSPSCT089' SiW$Y iHD WOBKIHG COHDLTIOHS. On thin 12th day of Yovamber, 1923, it Se ordered by the Court Chet J. P. Breeman ', Se hereby released •e Inapeator eYYsative Hov. let, 1923, end the Olerk Sa dir wted to pay 6e id Freemen only pro-ratably for •otual eervlo se rendered during month of Ootober, 1923. It is further ordered Chet inn paot or, C. ~. Handers on be end Se hereby released effeotlve Hov. let, 1923, bnt 1Y agreeable to said Headers ml he eha 11 remain eubjeat to oa 11, •ad she 11 be paid by the Clerk for actual days served on the $}00 per month basis. Ins peotor John ]Le easy to remain oa as regular Snap rotor, until otherwle• ordered by this Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o stets of Tezae, ~ In the Caemie edoaere' Court of Kerr Coua Ly, Tezae. ~ Ho. lOb2. County of Yerr.-~ ~ Hovember Term, 0. U. 1923. Ja this the 13th a.y of Hovamber, Y. D. 1823. Dame on to be heard end Dune idered the applioatlon of doy Littlefield and others for the opening of • third oleas road from the west boundary line oY the G. &. Lowdy land through the Boy Littlefield props rty end fns property of Yiae Sue Bob ins on Lo the new highway, sad the arms ha vi rg bean fully heard and Done idered by the Court St eppea red to the Court and it Se ordered by the Court that -" hie petition for a third oL se road be granted, bnt that the ront• thereof be ohanged eo •a to run from the pr oparty of $oy Litt lefisld •t the gate oa the nos th aide of tho old • Yerrvill•-Juno td on Bond in the property of Harvey Littlefield and entering said gate and than in •e direot route through the property of Harvey Litt is field •^ ptaotioabls to the pr event new ;Cerrvi lie-JUnoti on highway; or 1Y daoi8ed by the Court to bs batter, then eeid road to eztand from the old publio road •t the property line between the laada of Boy L it tlefleld and Yiee Sus Bobi ne on and the ace np the western property line of d11ae Sw Bobin- son, same being the land line between hor props rty and that oP i. J. YoHeal an8 that of Harvey Littlefdsld, to eeid Kerrvi ile-Juno ti on highway, and it is ordered by the Court that eeid petition be in all other reepaote denied. The report of Comrs• 8flene & diadsnfeld of their review of the various routes Yor the proyoead road under order oY this Oourt ^t Ste October '23 Term, Sa hereby oleo denied and rei sot ed by ihs Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1'Ob3. DISTBIH U'PI JY 44SOH0 JOB 4 C010[ISSIOHSdS' PRECIHC'lS ®' THS ;2638.00 TH1HBBiBBSD BBOi[ 0D VYLOBEII FU1fD TO BOID & BBiDGB F1IND t,T LiST TSBY, CB gII9 WOHT. On this, the 13th day of Hovemb er, 1823. Damn on to b• oo raider ed the di vi alon among the four precinote of this County of the ;2639.00 transferred from 0d Valorem to o H. ; B. Bond ^t last term oS this Court, to to ks oa re of Sorip Hos. 12,9b6 & 129b7 darned agai~t B. i B. Bond oovering oommieedone and interest, held by Sohr ainer Bank, and it appN ring to the Court Shat ea 10 12639.00 should Ds divided ae follows: PreoL. ¢1, $1240.33, ~2 ~343.OT, j~3 $263.90 sad ~4 791.90, for whioh rasp eotlvs amount ewh Area Snot may Dash eordp Saened against B• & B. Fund •t the Chao. Sahr edner Hank, •ad it Se ordered by the Court that snob preolnot aha11 tsanefss ea id rsepaotive eha:• book to the id Valorem Buad out of its nezt B. & B. apportionment. The early eo aaehed •t said Bank shall be funded _ by the last lnatallmant of H. 4 8. Bonding yerraate, End Series. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Yo. 1064. ~PPBO VdL GF OFBICSBS' GUiHTSBI.Y BEP OHT3. OA thle 13th day of Havember, 1923, iW:oa to b• ezamlaed by the Court the quarterly rsport• for quarter sad ing Oot. 30, 1923, of ~. 8. Idlliemeon, County Treasurer.