bLtS ,1,~3,J. a. Clement, ~B.oC,ru 4} aayi sateling gtei, !. E. Lsreaoe. ier 8E8 on. yli. gravel at 61~, 7} Jaya Gravel oheokiag and 4 peoaa trees at ~f0.00, YoCall-Yeer• Eng. Ce, ~34.80, peteber 19EE lera• dooen~, YoCall,Yeere Eng. Qo. ~lEE.ES, Deoeab~r 18EE lame tooonat, YoCall•Yoore Eng, Oe. 64.96: Eove~Der 7.9~ lame looount tad She Court found laid eLise eerreat eiaapt maims of J. B. Claa~etyt for #8 and ei ). E. Lawrenee ier, and •11 olaims duly oertifUd to She Conti for payment by the Board of Speo. $oad Bieosissionere et H: D.. fl of Kerr County, jai iYid;.olalms'were:daly:apprevea and allowed by the Court is Sall, lave sad exoept the olaim of J. B. Clement w>sioh sal by the Dears and oonrt rednaed and •13owed for i8.7b and the oL1m of p. E. Lawreaoe whioh was by the board •nd oenrt rednoed aad'allowad for =80.18. ani the Clsrt ie hereby ordered by the Court to issue vonobers to acid oladme for their saspeotiva amonah against Highway Eo. E7 lnad, •na She Clerk la further ordered to deliver Lwo dnplioates of •aoh olaim to the County Engineer fes ttu pnrpos• of obtaining tlu 60f, stns aaa federal •id thersen. e-e-e-o-a-e-• Ths for• ai Inolnsive, g ag minutes tram Pagel 6E6 to 8E8,-wer• rnd in epee Court and toned oerreot wad ^r• hrraby in •11 rsapsota aipproved, this the ..... day oi...... 18E3. dtteat:~w~~- ... tufty Clerk. .. ~.°`:!~:~.. . ~.... . (Q~ Coanty Judge, Kerr Coimty.~Tezai. 0-o-e-o-o-•-•-s-0 The state Of Tessa, A a Oonnty of Kerr. 0 HE IT HEYEIIBE88D that oa this the Bth day of January, ~. D. 18E3, there was began •ad holden a HegnLr Tern of the Commiseioaers' GourL of Kerr County, Terre. •t the Court Hones thsreoi in the town of Kerrville, Tesas, OFFICERS PHESEEl: Hoa. Lee iallaoe . ............OOnnty Judge, J'. !. Leiaering, .........gommiesioaer. Preoinot ffio. 1, H. q. Edens . .................COmmisiionsr, Preoiaot ffio. E, Hugo Niedeaisld ...............Comissioner, Preoinot ffio. 3. J. ~. Peril . .................COmmiasioner, Preaiaot ffio. 4, J. !. Poore, sheriff and Jno. 8. Leaven , County Clert, and the Court having been rsguLrly opened, the following proowdinga were had, to-wit; 0$DE8 ffi0. 866. ~llotranoe of ~goonnt• end Claims 4galaaL Kerr County. This 8th day of Jsnaary, 19E3, Dame on to b• eiRAildersd by the Court She aooonnta and olalme filed ^gaitut Kerr County, end same were approved, allowed and ordered W id by the Court ae shown in vol. 6, page 161, Eiantes of ~ooounte allowed. o-o-o-o-o-o 0$DE$ ffi0. 866. yppointment of Jnetio• of the Peaa• in and for Jnatioe'e Preot. #4. Oar this 8th day of January. 19ES, Dame on to b• ooneiderad by the Court the written reinsal of J. 0. Laimreber to qualify •o Justice of the Peaa• of Jtu tine's Preot. ~ 4 of Kerr County, and Dame wow aooepted by the Court. laid Leimreber in his rerneal asks the Court to appoint Yr. J. w. Ors ae Jnatios of the Peeoe of Preot. #4, and it appearing to the Court that said J. 1. Orr is • oompetent •~ suitable person for said ofiioe, it is therefore ordered by the Court that acid J. lf. Orr Ds end is hereby appointed as Jnotioe of the Peao• in wad for Jnetine's Prsoinet ffio. 4 of Kers County for the onrreni E-yoar term of offioe, whereupon said J. N. Orr presented hie oifiaial bond which was duly approved by the Court and acid J. f. Orr duly qualified by taking the required oath, all aaoording to O-O-O-a-o-O-p-O OHDE! Ee. 867. lppointmeat of Jnetia• of flu Peeoe is •ad for Jnetioe's Preot. ffio. E. Ca this 8th way q,S Jasaary, 18E8. Dame oa to be Dom idered by the Court the written y