629 refusal of Jamae Crotty So qualify as Juatie• of the Pua• of preelnot Eo, E of Yerr Cmmty, and same ne aooeptsd by the Court. Ind it appearing from. the Hetitloa ei goad by f. E. Hood sad E4 othesa asking that R. YOEntt b• appointed ee dnstioe of the Penns for said Preot. }E, that sold R. YnEatt Sa • oompetent •nd suitable person for sold oifios: It ie therefore ordered by the Court that said R. YoBntS bs and hs Se hereby appointed as JneSioe oY the Peaas in and for Jnetl oe~e Preoinot Eo.-Two of%en CnnnSy for the anrrent 2-year term of oifios, and veld R. YoBUtt is ordered to mob hie bond and take the oath required Dy lair. o-o-o-o-o-o-o O$DS8 dfo. 868. dppointmeat of Guy Barney ae Constable PrealnoL Ho. E. %err County, Jaa. Sth, 1923.. 1t request of hie people, Commissioner Edens mad• a motion which was duly seoonded that the Court appoint Guy Burney ae Constable Sa •nd for Preoinot Eo. E of Yerr County for the onrrsnt E-year term of ofiiae, it Sa therefore ordered by the oonrt that said Guy Burney Da and h~ Se hereby appointed Constable of preot. E of Kerr County for She present term of oifios. and he is ordered to make hie oifiolal bond •nd take the oath, ae required by law. o-o-o-o-o-o pRDE$ 1(0, 869. state Bond and path of J. T. Poore, as Collsotor of Taae. On this 8th dqy of 7aanary, 1923, name on to be eaamiaed the Stets Bond ^nd path of J. T. Poore, ee Collsotor of Tazea, ^nd it apyearing to the Court that said Donfl ie a good ^nd anffioient Dond, iS Sa ordered by the Court that the same be sad Je hateby approved, •nd the Clerk of this Connie ordered to reoord said bond together with its eohedule sad oath in the ofiioial bond reoords of [err OounSy, o-o-o-o-o-o ognsH so, eTO. W this the 8th day of January, 1923, oame oa t0 D• heard the report of the Jury of view appointed to lay oat and survey a obaage in the Yerrville sad JunetSoa pnblio road known as Stets Highway Xo. ET, beginning at •taSion 60, 1409 plea 74 iee1 and terminating ^t station 1413 plea 84 feet, ell on • eabdlvieioa of Sus. io. lEb, is name of Braaoieoo ~- I lgrtlaes now owned by Yrs. Georgia Peters, it L ordered that She same, acid report be approved sad iDat aei¢ ohenge is said pnblio road a reported by uid Jnry of view is iuretysrd• sad eatabliahed and the field not se of said aureay sad deegription of acid ohang in said road Ds rsoorded is LDe Yinutea of thin Coast. It is farther ordered Shat there b• allowed and paid to Yss, peorgia Patera, the owner of the land oa sad ayes rhiph Nit oheage in said road i• ands as damages Snaldeatal to the making of said ohange in said soot and as eompensatiea toe the Lai tabs therefor, She sum of Seventy piq Do1Lrs sad Shat sold sum be lrid to said Yra. Georgia Peters or be depoeitsd to has essdlt with the ConnLy Treaanrar of Yerr Connty~ It is further ordered that the moriag sad ;ebuildiag of the feaoing of said Yrs. Morgia Peters, made neoeseary Dy said ohaage in said pnblio road shall by dons by or at the espens• of Ysrs County. It Ss further ordered that said ohange in se ii road as so mods shall ooaetitnt• and bs ^ part of said Stat• Highway 10. E7 whioh is olaeaitied as • road of the first olaea. The Clerk will hers reoord the report of said Jury of view whioh oontains the field notes and aesoriptioa of said ohange in said road. REPORT Op JURY CT TItCt. To LDe Honorable Coemiseioaere' Court of Lers County, 'Dezaa: 63U She undersigned J'arora noting Hadar the order of thin Coact made on the 6th day of Deosmber, 1822, •ad after being duly sworn din en the 26th day of Deoembor, 1922., prooeed to lay out and anrvey ^ ohaage Sn the Yerrvills and Janet ion Publio $oad, Snow known •s State Highway $o. 27, aizty feat wlda, beginning at atatioa Ho. 14051 plea 74 test on said Highway Yo. 27 and terminating at station Io, 141b plus 84 feet oa eala Highway Ro. E7, said ohaage in said road being loeated oa • snbdivisioa of Harvey !o. 12b, la name of ). 1(nrtine:, now owned by Yrs. Georgia Peters, and. •t the same Sims prooaedea to assess the damages inoidsnta to the making and opening of said ohaage in said pnbldo road .. after having given notion in writing to said lSre. Georgia Pat ere, the land owner through whose land said road as olungad •a aforesaid runs. The field notes of said enrvey and 8seoriptioa ox said ohaage 1n said road are •e follows: Beginning ^t atatioa po, 1409 plus 74 feet on the neater line of sold Stets Highw[ Bo. E7; Theaoe Sn a direotion IIorth 44• S8' 'net fora distanoe of 610 feet to atatioa Ho. 141b plan 84 feet oa the above mentioned highway $o. 27 qnd eztanding 30 feet oa sash aids of said neater line of said Highway sad paralleling same. 4~ the said ISrs. Georgia Pstsrs, owner of said land on whioh ea id ohaage is said road was made, Lid oat sad surveyed as atoresiid having presented to ua • statement of her dwagse olaimed by her by reason of said ohaage in said road whioh 10 returned with this report, we assessed her said damages as follows: Oo •ooount .of said ohaage in said road, as above laid oat sad surveyed, ws sasses the said damages at the sum of, X76.00 ail of whioh is respsottally submitted for the further orders o1 this Court. Henry BenYe piled Ja rniary 2, 1923. Jao. H. Loavell, C1srk CosBty Court, Yerr County, Tezae. Hy ~. ~. Loohte, Deputy. II. 6. Carpenter Hobert Saeagar, Sr. filly Beitel. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o C~DEfl Io. 871. ddvartieement for County Depository Hids. Jan, @, 1923. County Judge, Lea Mllaoe, ie hereby authorised by the Court to ^dvertdss for bide on County Depository for nezS 2 years, ae required by lac. o-o-o-o-o-o C$DE$ Io. @72. Transfer of ~3@00.00 from 4dv. to Highway wo. 27 pond. On this the 8th day of January, 1923, iS is ordered by the Court that the sum of X3800.00 be and the same ie hereby transferred from the ldvaloram pond to Highway So. 27 pond, and the County Treasurer and County Clerk are hereby authorised and ordered to make said transfer npoa their books. Said ems of ~3pG0.00 herein traneferzsd shall be restored by She Court to said ~dvnlorw pond within • reasonable time. o-o-o-o-o-o osvsa Io. o+a. ~tLCUxc= op a55Baa ,-ccowlT a~ $. as55bcBaL. ~ jIG#BS Op~168.Z3 Off X11,000 SCRIP ISSU88 T/10/2E. On this 8th day of Jaaasry. 1923, oaw on to b• oonsidespd by the Court the ezoeas of ~1bS.ES en the X11,000 scrip isened to H. $weehsi oa July 10, 1922, and the itealsed sad ewosn anoonnt for the aoath of Deowber, '22 of said 8. Beasohel, wonating to X8$81.33, sad after ezaaination of same, said aoooant is rednogd by the Court to =2362.33 4ad St is ordered Dy the Court that sold #1b2,23 a~ ;ES4£.33 b• and the ewe are hereby approved sad alloyed, and the Olerk of this Coast i• ordered to issae • vouobor in Savor of H. Ysmsohel, poremaa ~ 9npsrvlsor Boad• H. D. #1. Ysrr County, for aatesial and labor done oa a par d1w basis, a~ainet Boaa sad Hriage pond in the sum o; ;P$T2.3a, whioh wonnt oo-srs the balaao~ atWar the ;EO,Q00 B. k 1. ?sailing ^arrgnts for whioh ao scrip hoe issued;