7Q Io. 1083. 40TIOH OF'Q11pI~8FiI,Y &FPO$T$ ~ Ji7STIC8 CF aH6 8Tal0R, Preolnote 1 end 4. ' Th1e 12th day of February, 1924, Dams on to De esamdna6 the quarterly reports 02 8. H. Turner, Ju.atioe of the Psaoe of Preoinot So. 1 oP Serr pounty axd J. W. Orr, Juatloe oP the Peaoe oY Preoinot $o. 4 oP Kerr Oounty. end the report oY acid Turner, J. of P.. oY 8r sot, ~1 ha ving Deen sound oorraot w+s duly approved by the Court. pnd the report of to id Orr, ae J. of P., Yr sot. ~4 was p•~eed until the Wert term oY thde Count Yor further Snvestigetion. o-o-o-o-o-o lio. 1084. EWDJ1iSE.0oDTT QF PHOPOSFII CCS1D80TIOH OF HIGHWiYS Sloe. 81 & 27. On this 12th day of February, 1824. Dams be Pone the Court a oommittse Prom Bend era County. ~onaiating of Measra. D. S. Palmer. Sd. Caton and 8. H. Sewall, eooompanded by Jud ga Julius $ea 1, asking the Commiesionere' Court oY Kerr County to endorse or ragas at the State Highway Department to oontlnue State HSghwey Ho. 81 from Bend ore to ipadina City, Blufi to Kerrville oonneating same with 81d Speaieh ire it deaign<+ted ea Highway f29. e pnd it appearing to the Court shat euoh~aonn ea tl on would~parteot.eoenio loop and ba of untold benefit end advantage to Kerrville azg the oountry whioh this oonneotlon trevsi•aea.. pnd the Court nnanlmou,0ly signed the Poll~owdng end oreewant wtt14~t1}r-sllqusiE~t.h4t.ihe~Clsrt raod~a the 99me and„tlyen dsl7,ver eagr to Judge_$eal:' "Kerrville, razes. Fabrwry 12, 1824. io the State Highway Commiselon, puatin, Terse. Gentleman: Je would raspeotiully ask your Hon. body to oontanus State Highway IIo. B1~Yrom 8c nders to 1edl ne C1ty, Bluff cn8 to oonneot with dtate Highway No. 29 (1'he Old Spandah it+11" at derrv111e, Yaaas. For the Yollowing reasons, to-wit: 1st, that from Ba nders to Bluff is a mail Touts. 2nd: Thie route wi 11 benefit and rsaoh at least 26yu of the odt Saene of Ba nders County. 3rd. It will make a oomplete eoenie loop Yrom .San pntonlo over this route to Karrvi lla and thenoe book to San Antonio vie The Cld Spanleh hall. kaspesttully aubmittod, Lea iFllaa e, County Judge, Ally Be itsi, can'r Prs. 1, H. B. ~dene. Com'r Pra. 2, Hugo Iliedanfeld, Com'r Pre. 3. J. p. Peril, Com'r Pre. 4. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o $o. 109b. cOLLEOriCll of DsBT$ Dus colB:`TY U11DEH DRJCTH HE7.IhF ACT. This 12th day oP February, 1924, the Court out horsasd and direoted Judge 1l. G. Gar- rett, County ptt or nay oP Kerr County io iumed i+tely prooasd to oolleot the debts due Kerr County under Dr ouch Heliei pot by cult or otherwise. o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 1096. SBTTLpi.tE$T OP 1823 Dip •aoount due V'iilliam Cooper & Tlephewe for ~12,~1.26. ahie 12th day of February, 1924, the Court author Seed end dir voted Shs Clerk oY this Court to issue a voucher in favor oY acid igilliam Cooper &~ Yephewe, for the sum oP ago inet Adv. Fund, ~123i.2¢+ln toll aettle:nent oY Kerr Couniy'e 1923 dip aaoount of 197-b gal. Dane, pur- ohaeed through Chaen.tlohreiner Company.