Sheriff, and Jno.R.Leavell, Co¢~ty Clerk, and the Court having been regularlg ~~:_ open d,, the following procaedini;s wars had,. to_lrit; .. . No.1140, Accounts allowed. Claims and accounts against Eerr County, as will be shown by reference to the Sdinutes eP Accounts Allowed by Commis ionero' Court in Book_5 page 512, were allowed, to which minute book, referenco is hereby made. No,114~, - 8esignation of H.1doNutt. pn this clay game on to ba heard the resignation made by R.PdoNutt, Justice of ti.e Peace in ~:nd for Justice Frocinet PIO.2 of Derr Courxty,3dsas, and the Court afi:er due consideration of the same, accepted said resignation. ~o.1142 I.'.oxrt hly r'q. timate oP Colglaz ier ,a Hoff. ?:mthly 3,xtimate lio.2 for Colglaz ier and Hoff, of 'can Antonio, 'i exas, for period fro;.+ i.:a;,- 2bt1?, 1924 to Jwxe 25th,19~4 inclneive, on Eighteay i?o.41, in Lerr Ccmrty, d'ezou, being' Job IIo.1L5-8, State Aid Fru ject SSO,491, i~ederal Aid 8ro ject No.405, °or the amount of 'y3624.23, was examined and ¢llcrred ant ordered paid as well as a eontiixreney accomxt =or .„24.25. ~~L1-------'- :.'0. 1143• J.f/A1'.., .~iiUd.a..lJli iiiiWJui ,fit a(nlilii:.intdJl; .ad i•:Lt.C'iIJii ':J 1.1C..::n:il 'i n.. Iti JJ..i.[J3 :;JiiJJ.. .l1JL.~IU T1iE 3~«il'. Ji' iLOa J, 0 I.i fits CJ..LlIJJ1Ji: '.:.:.J' C~Utt JP` CJJuiY JF l~:.ui, I ..TYitii CJJiTY: Jn thia, the 14 day of July, p. li. 1'?~4, cans an to de consi dsrec} the returns of an election held on the 12 day of July, n. il. 1'r54, in Ingram, Co;n.non Jcnool xllstriat 170.:,, of t:):Ss County, for the purposa of determinin< crhethsr or not a majority oY tha legally quali.Yied rssident property taxpaying votcrS of said 1xiStrict desire to further tax themselve by in cseasirE the l~r es ant aaintenanca Yax rats of said .~l strict, as h•sr einafter set out, for the pur,~oae oi' Turther Supplementing the dtata Jchoot P'und apportioned to said L1strlet, =.nd to determine r&tet}tar the Co+n;pi9slonarS' Court of said County shall be authorised to levy, assess and colt sot annually :,; a+xJli}Ji3aL 'f'ad oY and at t~ne rate of 2li cants, Ii+ any Ii lJll 1'J the present tax.of 5J cents heretofore vot ad, eg,'reg~+t in€ a iJi ai. ntiu Un.. :nd Ji a.,~ aa' ~.ii: iu;ln J$' 7G cants sn the Jne hundred Lollars valuatfun of all taxable property in said D1s- trict Yor said purp:ae; and I, ac'Pan,iliiC that said sleoti on ~vsa in all respects lava lly i:u ld ~,r;d th~:t said retus ~:~are duly end legally made and that tharo crsrs c^.st nt said slant ic:. ~6 votes, of which m:mb er there -'ere oast: "i`Jti 1U CtS:1a3G Ji dCdJJL 'i nd"------------°----------G4 Vot a9 " «Jr1likJ': IIICliisa~i: Jl',aCdJJL nd" --------------°-- 2 votes. - rf2 6JD I'i a1P::e1tI11G 1J 'iii: CJ1Lt'i from said returns that a majority of the legally qualified resident property taxpaying: voters,oY said Bistriot, voting at said election, voted for said incr eas.~ of school tax, t}xs Court ,goes hereby deal ar.. the pr oy oa i.ti on to levy the sa d tax to }ia~~e bean adopted, and that this Court Ss authorised to levy, and 'navy assessed and collected said ,yax ae incrsasad from 5J cents to 75 cents. ,