t ~ ~ No,1163, %ERR CCUNT'Y. Approval oY Tax Rolla. The Tax Rolls for the year 1924 •s presented by Y„ G. Peterson, Tax Aasesa or (' for Y.err County, Texas, were e::amin ed and approved. THE STATE OF TEKAS, ~ In Commissioner's Court, Kerr County, Texas. No. 1164. OOUHTY OF KII2R, Sp eaisl August Term, 1924. On thle the 2bth day of August, A. D. 1924, acme on to be oo neidered the duplicate of the Annml Report oY the Treasurer or Dopoe it cry oY the School Funds of Kerr County, showing receipts and disbursamente for the year beginning September let, 1921 and end Sag August 31st, 1922, end after comparing said repast sa required by law, by checking the llama oY said report with the Original 4ouahers presented to the Court by the Treasurer or Depository of School Funds oY Kerr County, and finding same correct fs hereby in all things approved, and adppted and the Clerk of this Court ordered to file same. The clerk is further inatr acted to promptly Dart ify the action of this Co art on said report to the Mate Department oY itluaet ion. _ u -~_____________ No.1165, Kerr County. Aoooants •alowed. Accounts allowed age last Kerr County ee shown by reference to Min utee of accounts allowed in Book 6 on pages 215 end 216, which is made a part oY these minutes. The Yaregoing minutes Yrom pees 120 to 121 here oY inclusive, having been rend in open Coart and Yound oorraet ere hereby approved, Attest :_ Q,~,,.~ . R . 7,. _ . ~a n o o -d aan y onn~doTge: THE STATE OF T HLAS, ) OC IINTY OF KERR. ) BE IT RI4dHQBERED, That oa this the 8th day of September A,D. 1924, there sae begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commiae ion are' Court oY Kerr Count y,at the Coart House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Texas. OFFICERS PRESENT: Hon. Lae ~.~ellace, ---------------------------------- County Judge. N Ally Beitel, __________________________~______ Commissioner, Precinct No.l, H. G. Edaae, ----------------------------------- Commissioner, Precinct Ro. 2, Hago Wiedeafeld, ------------------------------ Commissioner, Preo root No.3, J.A.Peril, ------~---------------------------- Gomm leeLOner, Precinct No.4, J.T.MOOre, Sheriff and Jnoa $.L savell, County Clerk, sad the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-Wlt: STATE OF TEXA9 1 CJUNTY OF KER$ 1 On this the 8th day ~ September, 1924, the Commiselonere' Court of Kerr County, Texas, being in regular session, aS a regular term of said Court, the following prooaedinga were had, to-wit; NfiEREAS. on the 14th day of April, 192, the Commies Sonata' Court of Kerr County peas ed an order authorizing the is 9ua ~Oe of "~!Z CJUNTY $JAi) Wily BRIDGE FUNDItIG WARHAN`L S. SERIES N0. 4" for the purn ose of funding valid indebted ^ess and legally issued scrip against