THE STATE JF TE%d3. COUL'Ty OF KERR. ) ` HE IT HELL~1~iBERED. That on this the 13th day of October A.D. 1924,there was begun and holden a Regular Tarm of tine Gommiasioners' Court of Kerr Oounty, at the Court Houea theaeof, in the town of Kerrville, Tesaa: Offloars Present: Hon. lea Wallaoe, ----------------------------------- Oounty Judge, Ally Beftel, ____________________ ________________ Commissioner Precinct 80.1, H.G.Edena, _____________________ ________________ Oommisadoner Precinct Ho.2, Hugo Wiedenfeld, ---------------- ---------------- Commissioner Precinct Ho.3, J.;i.Peril, _____________________ ________________ Commissioner Yrecinot Ho.4, J.T.6[oore, Sheriff and Jno.R Seavell, County Olerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following praoaadinga war• had, to-wltt- ~oiBA~/ Kerr Oounty. Eo,.ll6, O lei ma allowed. Various accounts agninst Kerr Oounty ware allowed by the Court as will ba shown by Minutes of accounts allowed by the Oourt in Book ~b page 219, which is made a part of these Ydnutea. Kerr County, No .1167. ~~~ff~~~ Tiuk 2nepeotar'a account. The monthly aooount of H.J.Naetere, as Tiok Inspector for ldonth oi' September amocnting to sum of X100 J 0 ~qa examined and allowed, and orderedcpaid out of the Adval cram Fund of Karr County. Kerr County, Ho. 1168. ~iFffa'~iFik$i~S~$~i~ Transfer of Funds. The Sum of X2051.33 is hereby ordered transferred from the Sinking itlnd of Road and Bridge Warrant Fund aooount to Road and Bridge fund of Kerr County. ~fflF~~'~#Pifi;`~~'~ff Karr County, go.1169. Transfer of Fund e. The sum of ~2b3.0J is hereby ordered transferred Prom the ..dvalorem Fund of Kerr po unty to the Haad and Bridge Fund of said County. ( To pay interest due Schreiner Bank and J.E.JarrattA Oa. oommiasicn on sale of $$000.00 worth of Warrant of 4th issue). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ff~~~~ Kerr County, Ho.1170. pa*ing off Scrip. Tha County Yreasurar of Kerr Oounty,Tessa, is hereby authorized and insts oted to pt~p off Scrip to the amount of '2100.63, held by the Charles Schreiner Bank, of Kerrville, Tazae, to be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund of Lerr County,Tesaa.~ ~~~'~~~'~if~ff'~r~'~~~~'~fr''~~ Kerr Oounty, Ho.1171. Yeyment of Interest ato. on Scrip. Tiie Clerk of t},is Court is hereby instructed to draw Voucher on Road and Bridges'und~03 Kerr County for the sum of,~93.67 in favor of Charles Schreiner Bank for interest dna, on gprip held by said banks and another Youcher on s.,Sd Road and Bridge li'und for sum of #110.00 in favor of J.Y',.Jarratt Company cf San dntonio,Texns, to come aom;aiasions charged by Bald Com~ay on sale of the ~2000.U0 worth of Warrants of 4th issue issued by Kerr County. #fi~i~iF$iPf ff~ rr,fiflf~cfr~ lfrrrT$