Barr County, $0.1189. apportionment of 1000.00 Hovemt~6r 13th,188,4,, ~ ~ g The sum of $1000.70 ie hereby apportion out of the 9t eta Highway Fund of Kerr County, 'texas, to fhe Pour Commissioners' Preoineta as Pollovrs, to-wit: The sum of $470.00 apportion to Oommiasioner Pra.$o.l, The sum oP 130.00 ^ ~ !~ n n $a .E, , 1'he sun oP $100.AC n n '! $0.3. The gum of $300.70 ~! n n $¢.4 '=~~$~ Kerr County, $0.1190a Quarterly riaporte. $ovember 13th, 1924. The Quarterly Reports oP a.B.Wi111ameon, County Dreasured, Jno.ii.beavell County Clerk, and B,H.Turnar, Justice of the Peaoa Yreoinet $0.1, of Kerr County, were examined and approved, r, nd Yreaaurea ~s rap ort ordered spread on the minutes of tla is Court. 8err County, $0.1191. 8xoese Commissions. $ov.13,1924. The County Treasurer, is hereby authortaed to restore all axoesa ootmnisaione on Eeorow money Yor Highway $0.41, to said Eeorow money Por said Highway $0.41. Kerr County, $0.1192. Paupers for Quarter. $ovember 13th,1924.~ The Pollowing gamed persons were eaoh allowed the sum of ~4.D0 eaoh for the months of $ovember, Deoember and January, to-wit: Mrs. Jno.Story,- Miaa Frankia Gilman,- J.B.Clement,- Jose Ramos,- Ji:a Tuttle,- N.T.BSoyer,- G.4Y.Kennedy,-Mary Kennedy,- payable by the Clerk oP this 'court by vouohar on advalorem Fund on cr about the 1st oi' eaoh month named above. and 1dra.Jaoob $einhard and Jessie iteinhard, are each allowed the sum of 6.00 eaoh for fire months oP $ovember, Daor®hbsr z~nd January, payable in merchandies at Charles Soh_einer Company Store, and payable to said Sohreiner Company upon presentment of quarterly bill to this Court. Kerr County, $0.1193. 8leotion oPPioera. $ov.13,19E4. qll the 8lection officers that helped hold Gen~.ral 8leotion on $ovember 4th, 1924, are eaoh allowed the sum of $3.00 per day oP 10 hours and 30 Dente per hour for any over time they might have worked, and each of the presiding Judges are allowed the sum of ~2.D0 eaoh for returning the 8leotion returns as required by law, axoept the two ~udgea DYu81@ation.BrO¢inots 8oa.l and 14, who live leas bran two miles from the Court House. Said sums to be paid by the olerk aooording to the returns oP the 8leotion and the overti::~e turned in by the Judges of 81ect1on. ~f~~~~iF~t~#~~~~