~3•~ gERR CDU:,°,C't. 270.1198. gep ort oY public ]lurse• The mutter, oP employment oP publ io Nurse for Kerr County ~,r:s t9 ken up end .- oonsid ered 9nd passed until ti:e nest Corm oP tnia Court, Por Further Dons ideal tion. t"~ffifrPC3fffvif>~if$d-l~ IO;itR COU.t'T'i. No .1199. ]donthly EstL:n tea. , The aunt my Esti.a~:ta i7o.7 Por Col gle Bier end HoFP, of Sen .;ntonio,'iexe a, Łor period Prom Oot .25,1924 to Nov.25, 1924 inc lu ;Svc, on High:wy i7o.41, in Derr Court y, being Job No.1,13-B, Steto aid Protect No.491 Feder~~l .;id Yrofect 170.40&, rr~s era.miasdla ad found found -unount due on s^i id Eat i::n to to be 11050,24, Which wes ell owed end ordered to be pe id out oY Highw~;y No.41 Esoro~s L`unda. 1~˘ff$~iff'IfIFIf~9`T ~ KEHii COUil'iY, No.1200. 91 .E ,gimps on, L'o.I;nglneer. T,.e nos oust of W.E.9lmpa on, Cou:,ty iSngineer for Ynginser ing Labor Por Period of ti_;a Yr om Nov.l, to ileo •1 ,1924 eggregeting sum of 696.00; and aooou:,t for Engineering Expenses in sttm of X748.40, being Eatiante No.7, were eaamined end allowed end ordered peid out of iiigiiuWy No.41 Esorow sand. ~~r~ KEHR CGU17iY. No .1201. pauper dllowsnoe. The sum oP x.00 Por months of November a nd ~Daoember wqe ell owed, Ohe s. Diexiv, es pepper flllovwnoe, pe yable by the G1 erk oY this Court to said Che a.BEta19, by vouoher on dd Vel orem Fund of Kerr County, eaea, end the sum oP $4.00 Yor iionth oY Je sue ry 1926,to be pe id se id Tdeaie on or shout 1st d•ty oP Jn nuv ry 1925, by acid Clerk out oP the dd Velorem Lund ve of her Panp era ere peid under orders of this Court. 3ffiFiF~E~fFiFi~$` KEHR COUNTY• No .1282 He uling Grovel In Gourt Yard. It is ordered by the Oourt th~:t the Clerk of this Court pey to IJr.J.H. Went, ~1 .OJ per lord Yor Greval being healed on the cw lks end drive a~ya of the Coart House _ Ye rd, upon sworn itimiaed ecoount mode by acid J.lt .Went, 9a to the number oP lovie ao haul®d . on acid vniks. To be peid by acid Clerk by vouoher drown on ed Yaloram 3'vnd of Kerr Court y. The Foregoing minutes From pe ge 134 to 135 horeof inclusive hewing been reed in open Gourt end found correct is hereby epproved, this Deoemb er 3th, 1924. r at~eat; Dun er 4`d`~i'8'$~'#ifi'fi~i~~i`~'1`~