~3, COUI7TY OF KERR. ) BB IT HESC:LiBERED, That on this the 12th day oŁ January, a.U.192b,there as begun and holden a Regular term oY the Oommission era' Court oŁ Kerr County,Texae, at the Court House there oŁ in the tarn oY Karr villa, Texas, OFF ICEHfi Pf2E8EIiT: ~ Hon. Lea Wall ao6, ------------------ Oounty Judge, filly Beitel, ------------------- Gommisaloner,Preoinof 2do.1, H .G .Edens, -------------------- Commisaioael',Preclnot Ido.2, Hugo WiedenŁeld, --------------- Commieaioner, Preoinot Ido .3, Roy LittlaŁied, ---------------- Commissioner, Precinct ldo .4, J .T .J,toore, 3heril'i and Jno.R J.e eve ll, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly openod the Following pr ooeedinga ware had ,t o-wit: fCcRR CJUiJTY: Ij1206. Claims. January 1`L ,1925. aoc ounta and Olaiae ware allowed by the Court as will be shown by re Yer once to Llinut oa of