~'3 ~ THE STATE OF SFU(AS. 0 0 COCdTY OF KSRR.~O BE IT ith~~xnntwaxD. That on this tho 9th dcly oP Fobruar y, A. D. 1925, theis was begun and holden a regular torn oP the Commiaaconera' Court oP Karr County, Tezae, ai the Court Roues thareoP. in the town oP %errville, Tease. OP.fioera Present:-~ Ron. Lee Wallaoe, -----------------County dndge, Ally Beitel, ----------------------Commies toner, Preoinot No. 1, R. G. Ede ne. ----------------------COmmieeione r, Prso snot No. 2, Rugo Wiedenfeld, ------------------Commie stoner, Preoinot No. 3. $oy Littlefield, ------------------Commissioner, Preoinot No. 4. ~I J. T. Moore, SheriYf and Jno. R. Leaven , County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened the following pro oe ed inga ware had, to-•nii: ! %ERR COUNTY X1206• dgARD OF ]1EYOSITOHY OF SORuOL dND COUNTY FU27D5 FORL YEdRS. This 9th day oP February, A. D. 192b, the Court opened the bide for depository h. of sohool aril County funds, to-wit; Cirarl ae Sohreiaer Rank, (Uainoo rP osat ad) bidding 4-1/4'p' ~I' on daily dep oe its and First State Rant oP %errvi ll• bidding 4~ on dally depoel te. And it ~, appearing to the Court that the bid of Char lee Sehreiner Bank is the highest and beat Did, Si is ordered by the Court that said 3ohrainer Bank is hereby awarded the bid and depository of Soh ool and County Funds £or nest two years at 4-1/4f6 on daily deposits, and said Chas. 3nhre roar 1a di rented to make Dond as auoh dep oaitory an required by law, and pr eaeni acid b onde to the Court Yor approval on Saturday, FeD. 14th, 1926. 0-0-0-0-0-O-O-D-O KERR COURTY 81207. ALL0~7ANCE CF ACCOUNTS aldD CLAIifB dGaI NST KSRR COUNTY. This 9th dx~v of February, 1925, name on to be oanmined by the Court the aao Dante and olaime filed age teat Karr County ainoe last term of this Court, and same were approved and or dared paid Yn amour to and out oP Punde as ah own in Yol. 6, pages 229, et. aeq ., ;iinutes of Aoo onn to ~llowad of Kerr County, whioh ie made a Dart of th ie order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o K]68$ COUNTY X1208. PA~1T OF DIP BILL FOR X400.00 TO WILLI6M COOPER 8o NEPREWS. Ian. `Chia 9th day of February, 1925, name on to be Dona id Bred payment oP dip bill of William Cooper & Ra$havra, Inn. for X400.00 due February. 192b for 21.b gallons dip pur- ohaaed on ;.[ay 22, 1924 and 43.5 gal. dip purohaeed na Cot. 27, 1824, as per itemized statement on Pile, and it appearing to the Court that said aooount is just and unpaid. it 1a ordered that the Clerk issue and del ivor unto Bald Nilliam Ooop er A Newphewe, Ina. M ~ a voucher on Ad Yalorem Fund their Favor Yor ~p400.O0 1n Pull payma nt oP said aooount. o-o-o-o-o-o-o K$HR COUNTY X11 D9. FIYING OL` CuUNTY NDGE'S aND COUNTY SUPEHIiTiENDENT'S _ SALARY FOR NEYT' TWO YFaRS. This 9th day oY February, 1926, it appearing to the Court that the County Judge's and County Superintendent's salary should be inoreaeed for the nozt two ye are for good and su£fio lent real one, it is ordered by the Court that hie salary Por nest 2 years be filed end inorassed to the aggregate sum. of1600.00 par year, payab la in equal quarterly in- atallmenta, •YYeot ive February 1, 192b, ae Po llowa: Salary u County Judge ~1200.D0 per annum out Ad Yalarem Fund, and Salary ae Co. Buperintendant $4D0.00 per annum out of Available School Funds, and in addition ha be allowed the sum oP $2.50 per quarter for stamps to Dover both offioea. o-o-o-o-o-o-o