/'G D K8R$ COUNTY .1212. APPOffiTId6NT d8 COIiSTaBLE OF COi,4dLSSI0IIERS' YRECINCT ~2. On this 9th. day oP February, 1925, upon motion of Com'r Sdene duly seoonded, it is ordarad'by the Court that Guy Burney be and he is hereby appointed Constable oP Pre- oint ~2 to serve ae suah until his auoaeaaor is appointed ,'and said Guy Burney is direoted to make bond oovering said office as required by law. o-o-o-o-o-o-o K8$R COUD[TY X1213. APPROYaL CF BOND OF BYRUN F. HUOLSEY. ae JU~TICS Ob' PEAOS, Praot. ~$• Tina 9th day of Yebruary, 1926, it ie ordered by the Court that the OPPioial Bond for ~1000~,00 of Byron F. Wooleay, Justine of the Peaoe of Preoinot ˘2 of Karr County, be and the same ie approve4.in gpeu Court and ordered duly reoorded by the Olerk in the Offioisl Bond Reoord of Karr County. o-o-o-o-o-o KERR COUNTY X1214. REPORT OF JURY OF REYIEp IN LION-NUERNBFI?GER OOTI'lROVSRSY. This 9th day of February 1925, it 1s ordered by the Court that the Court's notion on the report of the Jury oP $eview in the Lioh-Uuernberger matter in Commissioners' Pre- oinat ie3 be and the same is hereby postponed until Saturday, Feb. 14, 1926, but, it is ii~r- ther or dared that the per diem ie hereby allowed said jurors. Riohard Boarner, J. D. Fly, ,lrthur Real, An. g. dlbreoht and d. J. Gibbena Por X3.00 eaoh, to be paid by the Clerk by reepeotive vouohers drain on $. & F. ~ Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o KERN COUNTY X1215. PdUPER .1LLONdNCE FOR CURRENT QUAfiTER S1IDING qpr. 30, 192b. ' On this, the 9th day of b'ebruary, 1925, it oa ordered by the 'Court that Idra. Jno. Story. Idisa Frankie Gilman, J. B. Clamant, Chas. Blezia, Jose Ramos, Jim Tuttle, G. W. 8ennsdy and 91ary Kennedy, be eaoh al lc wed the sum oY ^,4..00 per month for quarter ending qpr. 30, 1926, and the Clerk• of this Court is authorised and direoted to issue a vouoher on or after the Pirat of eaoh month against the .Ld Yaloram Fund to eaoh oP said paupers Por $4.00. It is Yurther ordered 'that tdra. Jaoob Reinhard and Jesse Reinhard are eaoh allowed X6.00 per month for the currant quarter, same however to be paid thorn 1n grooeriea by the Chas. Sohreinar Company, xor which shall Company Sa direoted to Pile their account with the Court at their oonven3rnoe. o-o-o-o-o KSRR COUNTY #1216. tlPPROVdL OF QUa$'LERLY R&P ORT3 OF COUNTY TRE23U RER .iND JUSTICE OF THE PEAOE OF PRECINCT }1. This 9th day of February, 192b, name on to be considered the quarterly reports of d. B. pi111amaon, County,Treasuret and S. H. Tnraer, Justine oP the Peace of Precinct ~l for quarter ending ,January 31st, 192b, and after auditing said reports as required by law, and $inding said reepeotive reports true and correct, the same were duly approved by the Court and the Clerk direoted to 'record acid Treasurer's Report and file both reports i'or safe-keeping. o-o-o-o-o-o KSR$ ODUNTY #1217. B'IXIAG CY CUUN'TY YRE9SUHE$'3 OOYp(ISSION FO$ NEXT TNO YSoRS. This 9th day of February, 1926, it Se ordered that the County Treuaur er shall rocelvs a oommieaion of ~ on all reaeipta and diaburaementp of County funds, however, not to ezoeed the sum of X1700.00 per year for either of nezt two years, said years running Pr an Eov. 11t „to pot. 31st• All ~soeae oommiseion over and above said ~17~0.00 per year shall be plaoe8 by him in an ^Szaeea Commission Aooount and eh all draw for the County same rate of interest as other moneys on dally balam es and shall be returned pro-ratably to reepeotive Panda entitled to reoeiva same at and of eaoh year. ,,