~`~~ p $ER$ COUNT7( X1218. APPLICdTION TU HIGHi6Y DEPA$TbIFSiT FOR ~~ ~40b4.69 AID ON HIGHAAY /~41. ' tap on advioe of County Engineer Simpson, the Court on this 9th day oY February, 192b made aril eaeouted an application to the State Highway Depar tenant Yor additional Aid in amount oY $40b4.69, due to over-run on oruehad rook on said Highway g41 pro$eot. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~, KEHR COUNTY X1219. PAYt1FSdT OF EST lidd i^E $9 on HIGHWIAY X41, COLGLAZIEEi & HCFF • • 6~ ~ Th Se 9th day oY February, 192b, name on to be ezamin ad by the Four t. eati:aa to ~9 ~ on High •;,ay #41, favor Colglazler & HoYY £or work done to date ^g62,210.7,p, lava lOfy 4; X6221 .07 and amount previously allowed v49 .971.67, leaving amount dun on this estiowte p. I~ ~6 J17.96~, and it appearing to the Court that said estimato is duly oerti£ied and is found oorreet by the Court, the Clerk is dir eo tad to iaau9 vouoher their Yavor Yor said sum oY $6017.96 against HighwS t41 $aorow Fund to Oover said estimate in £ull, wh ioh voucher shall be honored and token up by the County Treasurer us soon as acid riighwcy g41. 8aorow IH, khznd shall oont aln avai]able funds to Dover. - o-o-o-o-o-o KERR OOUNTY x}1220. Ld0I71HLY SALARY .s[tD EYPENSE ACCOUNT OF COUIITY BNGILIEER• '~ Thia 9th dr~v oY February, 1925, Dame on to be ooaeidared settlement by the Court oY the mo~hly salary and ezpense saoount.Yavor W. B. 9lmpeon, Co. Engineer on Highttay ¢41 ~~ and 297.00 reepeativel y, • i Yor ~~meoi $423•JO,~ and same having bean Found correct and unpaid, the Clerk is .ordered to issue vouohe ne hie favor ag:. inst Highway g41 Eaor or Fund to Dover, wh ioh you ohs m shall 4 be token oars oY by the Co. Treasurer ae soon as said Highway ¢41 Eacr ow Fund contains • 1 suf£io:ent Pu nda to do so. 0-0-0-0-0-0 ~~~ %ERH COUNTY. *12E1. REY.iRT OF HUIdE DEtit0I1S'TRaT IOld aGEIdT. i1IS3 ZETHd 1dCIN1dI3. Thia 9th dqv oY pebruary, 1925, Dame on to ba heard the quarterly report of ltisa '~4 Satha Ito Innis. oovering her Home Demonatrat ion not iv it iea wh ioh was by the Court accept ed ~j and ordered Yiled by the Clerk toga th er wlth her annual Reports o-o-o-o-o-a-o • ',; KERB OOU$TY, X1222. aDVaNCE'SENT ON 1986 A98i$Bp8i9 COLtiiISSION. • Thia, the 9th dt+y oY February, 1926, it Ss ordered by the Court thaS the Clerk ~~ draw a voucher Yavoz il. G. Peterson, Tea Aaseeaor Yor $EOO.OO.againai Ad~Yaloram Fnnd, oovering an advance on his 192b~assessor'a oommiealon. :' o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~: KERR OOUNTY, X12$3• APPOII7TNENT 0@ COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER. , ~ .. ~V On this, 9th day oY February, 192b, Dame on to be Douai dared the appointment oY ' ~~~~ s County Health UYY ioar in and Yor Kerr County, Texas, and it appearing to the Court theft Dr. E• E. Palmer Le a aompat ezlt phya io inn legally qual lYied to pr act ice under the laws oY this State and is a repot able phya ioian actively engaged in the practice oY hie proYeasion !I ~~ as euoh is Keir County. It ie ther e£ore ordered by the Court that said E. E. Palmer, il. D. be and he is I', hereby appointed County daalth OPYioer, in and Yor Kerr Couatyt Yeses, Yor a period o£ two ,~ ''~ yearn or unt11 his aucoesaor is appointed and duly qual lYied, unless sooner removed £r om ~4 office Yor anus a: and Bald E. E. Palmer, id. D• upon qual lYying as required by law shall ~'~ rsoei ve euoh nompanaatlon Yor aervi oea actual ly ran dared as th is Court may allow Yr om t ~i tLao tq tLae. o-o-o-o-o-o