~~,G ..The gtate of Tease, ) ~~ ' // 0otm ty oY %err. ) B6 IT ux :-M:^.ra¢Ux n, That on this. the 2lst day oY Feb rusty K.D.I925,ihere was begun a:d holden a regulyr term oY the Commissi On er s' Court oi' Kerr County,. Texas, at the Gourt house thoreof, in t;,e torm oS aerrvilie,l~exaa. CFr'ICidiid PR1iJ8NT: Hon. Leo Wal; ace, ------------------°----- County Judge, rlley Beitel, -------------------------- Conuai csi over, Precinct No.l, H.G done, ----------------------------- Commie si ove r, Yrecinet No.2, Hut;o piedonfeld, ------------------------ Oo::unission ~~r, Preoiuct No.3, doy LittleYield, ------------------------ Cotnmissioncr, Preoi~t Bo .4, J.T. Poore, ~sriYY and Jno.H.Leavell, County Clerk, ax;d the Court haviVng been regularly opened the Yollo:ving proceodlnes wero had, t9-w1t: Kiucli COUIdY Y, $1233. nixing Pride Yor Board oY Yrisionors. Zt is ordered by tho Court that eheriPP be allo,vad the sum oY ~.7bb y~r day - Yor board oY Prls oners Yrom Deoember 1st ,1924. payable to thf Shar 1YY quarterly. ~ib~g fi~~g#iii$i~Fi~1H~ Snktit OOUW'TY #1234. Flaing Janitor's Salary. It is ordered by the Court that the Jsa,1#pr'a $al cry hd and the same 1a hereby raised Yrom "50.00 Fo.~60.OD per month, begi0nning on liaroh let,1926, payable on the 1st qqd l th oY each month by the Clark oi' this Court by vouoher drawn on adTalorem yhtnd. d~IF~f'fi`xFt1 A~iFrE¢Ft$ YEiiri CCUiP.Y ('1235. Fining Nbaxi PP's oalary. 1t is ordered by the Court that the ~her11'Y salary oP Karr County be and asme 1~ hereby Yixad ut X550.00 per annum and the stmt oY ~yp,00.00 be all ovred ss Jail Guard, per annum, payable quarterly. The a9l cry being Yixed Yor period of tuvo years. , fi`Pfi ETSiFt COUNTY #1886. PgVment Yor Land. The sum oY X276.00 ie hereby ordered paid to Lire. Louts Heurnber get out oY H.D.~3 Fund Yor Land purahused Yor road purposes in Commiseloners' Preoinet No.3, of Kerr Connty,Teaas. KSFiR CDUIlTY ~k1237. T1~pN9FEI2ING. It is ordered by the Court that the baleaoe in the iftate Highway i'und of ) Kerr County, be and the some is trap aferred to the iio ad and Bridge P`und ..nd that the ass Coll eat or be instr uo ted to turn in all Tax as to said Bighway Yund, hereafter, to the $oad and Bridge i`und. x~yiF$iF~ifS~P3iF t~d @3$ KHH:t COUNTY, X1238. .tpp ortionme nt of ~13,5JU.DU. The sum oY p].3,5D0.00 is hereby ordered upp ortioned to respective Cormtisa ion. precinote ae Yollo~.rs, to-~ait: Swn of X6345.00 apportion to Commissioners' Breoinet No.l; The sum of X1765 apportioned to