T~ sT~; of TExd3, C OUiITY OF KQRR . 1 RE IT Ru?.m^r~xxa.ED, That on tn13, tna 13th tlu oY .ipril, a.D. 1920, tnera was begun and naldan a regular term oY the Commiaaionars' 6ourt oY Kerr Count y,Taxae, at the Court house tnareoY, In the town oY Kerrville, Texas, OFFICERS PRE.iIiN'T: Hon. Lee Wallace, ---- dlley Bsitel, ----------- H.a.aaena, -------------- Hugo wlade7lYeld, --- --- County Judge, --- Commissloner, Preo snot Uo.l, --- Oommissioner, Precinct Ro,2, --- Oommiesioner, Praoinet No.3, Roy yittleYield, ------------------ Commiaaionor, Prooinot Ro .4, cad J.T.MOOre, Sheriff and Jaa.R yaavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the Yollowing proaeedinga were hatl, to-wit: YERR COULITY, No.124b. Canvassing Rat urns oY Sohoal 1'ruatea Eledtlon. The return oY Oounty trustee and County Truatae at Barge, election held in Kerr County, on Saturday ,~pril 4th, 1925, ware oanvassed and rasulta deolaretl as shown by minutes oY Returns oY Blectlona in Book Tto .2 on page 58, to whioh reiarence ie hereby made. KERB CJUR'1'Y. Yo.1246. Claims Ysid. Various bills and cooounts against bounty were Showed by tna Oourt, as wilt oe snoivn in Book 1To.b on page 233 aotl 234 OY i$e ~Inites oY aoaounta allowed by said Court, to whioh reYereaoe is hereby mad e• K6RR COUNTY. No.1247. _i!r!llz------------- Pauper allowanoe. Ti:e sum oY $4.00 was allowed to Mrs. Ramona Revalo6aa Ramos, wiYe oY Joae Ramos, as pauper allowanoe Yor the month oY kpri1,1925, to be paid by olork ox tris Court out oY ddvalorem Bund. !3°---°---------- gERR 60U11TY, lto.1248. Final 14stimate on Highway {~41. Final Ystimate Yor Colglaziar & YOYY, San eatonio, 'Texas, Yur s period ttrom May let,1924 t0 °eb.lb ,la2b, lnalual4e, Higriway N0.41, In Kerr County, bel ng d06 H0.133-$ State aid Yrojeot No.4al, Federal aid rrojeot -Io.4Ub. amount approved Yor payment Yrwu Esoroi funds, ~62470.70;OgOtmt due on Contract, Sala es timata, 6481.07, was or Berea paid by clerx oY Sala Oaurt, as soon se auYiiciant Yunde are reoslvad Yr om State and Pad eral Departments to take oars oY said sum. Serr. County, Ho .1249. Payment oY R.D.~k3 Boada. Rhe County Treaaurer 1a hereby instruotod to pay oYf two oY Road Dietriot Ho.3 Boada, oY Bew Issue; KERB COUBTY No. 1250. Claim of C. .C, Covert. Clain oY C. C. Covert Yor X40.00 damages dons by hauling gravel sorose fenoe and in Yront oY hie house on Highway Ho. 41, is hereby rejaoted by the Court. ~~' ~ The minuteq on pagp,lb2 hergoY having been read in open Court and Pound oorrett~ire hanky aPprovN . r sz e-e-e - , . p