T3E JT.yl'8; OF TF.X+15. ) COUiITY OF ;ARR. ) BS IT uarn.~t,rauu~D. Tnat on tnis,tna 13tH day oY epril, a.D. 19'L5, mare was oagun and Holden a regular term of the Commissioners' Court oY Karr Count y,Taxas, at the CCUrt hduee tllere0f, in tae town OT Kerrville, Tezsa, OFFICERS PRES%~YT: Ron. Lee Wallace, ----- County ludga, Alley Beitel, ------------ -------- Commissioner, Precinct Uo.l, R.CJ3dena, --------------- -------- Commissioner, Precinct Ro,2, Hugo ^1edeBYeld, ---------- -------- Commissioner, Precinct Yo.3, Roy LittleYield, ------------------ Commissioaer, Precinct Ro.4, and J.T.Moore, Sheriff and Jno.R.Leavell, County Clark, and the Court Having been regularly opened, the 2ollowi ng proaeedinga were had, to-wit: $ERR COUIiTY• Yo.1245. Canvassing Returns of School Trustee Bleatron. The return of County Trustee arse County Trustee at Tai'ge. election he15 in Kerr Oounty, on Saturday ,~pril 4th, 1y25, ware canvassed and results declared as BhOMA by minutes oY Returns of Blectiona in Boox Ito .2 on page 5S, to which reference is hereby mace. SERB CJUY'1'Y• Ya.1246. -i3~3l3~------------- Claims raid. Various bills and accounts agalnat County were allowed by the Oourt, as w111 oe ano~vn in Book Yo .b on page 233 aoa 234 ei tge ifiltutes of accounts allowed by said Court, to which reference is hereby mad a. SERB COUl7TY• Yo.1247. Pauper allowanae. T;:e sum oY ~4.OU was ail owed to Mre• R~Ona ReY8ladda Ramos, wife o2 Joae Ramos, as pauper allowance fir the month oY 1pri1.1925, to be paid by clerk or this Court out oY ddvalorem Fund. ~3----'°---------- SERB COURTY, Yo.1248. Final Estimate on Hlgnway ¥41. Final Ystimate Yor Colglazier & Goff, Jan nntonlo, Texas, Yor a period Brow May lst,1J24 to ye4.16,1Y1b, inoluslva• Highway Y0.41, in Kerr County, aeing Job Y0.133-B Btata aid Project Yo.4y1, Federal aid rrojeot Yo•4Ua. amount approved for payment cram &soro d'unde, #62470 RO;ooonnt due on contract, tnia estimate, ~,6481.u7, was orderers paid by clerx oY this Gaurt, as soon ae auYiioiant Yun.ds are reo6lvad Prom Jtate and Federal Departments to take oars oY ;;aid sum. $arr. County, Yo.1249. Paymoirt of R.D,~3 Bonds. Tkie County Treeanrer ie hereby instruotod to pay off two of Road Diatrlot Yo .3 Boada, of Yaw Inane: _________________ KERB COUNTY Yo. 1250. Claim of C. .C, Covert. Clain of C. C. Covert far X40.00 damages done by hauling gravel across fence and Sn front of h1e house on Righway Yo. 41, is hereby rejected by the Court. ;I ~- 23u minntep oa peg},152 hrreo£-having been read in open Court and found N oorraet"es~ hesipy'appioTN. i S,Z e-a-e_~-e